This program is being offered in a hybrid format (both in-person and virtual). In order to participate, register by clicking the RSVP button above or by emailing If you plan to attend in-person, please let us know.

with Elizabeth McGowan

Welcome to “Pop-Up Book Club,” a community of book lovers diving into current and relevant book material.

We will read Outpedaling “The Big C:” My Healing Cycle Across America by Pulitzer Prize Winner Elizabeth McGowan and on April 9th, she will lead us in a lively discussion about the book. Please join us no matter how much or little of the book you have read. You are welcome to join even if you have not read the book. Please read below for a description of the book.

Pop-Up Book Club will be held from 12:00-1:00pm ET.

Elizabeth McGowan lost her father to melanoma when he was forty-four and she was fifteen. She rediscovered him during a bike ride across the US, following her battle with the same disease. Joyful, introspective, terrifying, and sobering, her memoir is about reconciling her mortality with her father’s.

In the spring of 2000, McGowan marked five years of remission. Her intensive, eleven-year battle with cancer began just after she graduated from college. Her cross-country ride was undertaken, most often, alone; she sent journal entries home from local libraries and mailed home rolls of film. While riding, she made casual, unexpected connections with other survivors; some gave her checks, a bed for the night, a new story, or a tip for the road.

Transitions between the bike trip and McGowan’s childhood are seamless. She recalls her explosive and complex father, as well as her own health challenges. She experiences hospitality and kindness via little gestures that magnify human connections. As she moves through the Grand Tetons and across Yellowstone, American authors, including William Least Heat-Moon, William Stegner, and Edward Abbey, move with her; and American history informs the way she sees and understands the landscape and its people.

McGowan digs into the past to make sense of her present, and her reflections are frank and unsentimental. She sees both herself and her father with brilliant clarity, acknowledging the traits that both impeded their progress and made progress possible. She argues against the rhetoric of war that surrounds cancer and acknowledges her own fears and reluctance to engage in further testing.

Outpedaling “The Big C“ journeys through illness and America, viewing the ability to put one foot in front of the other as a gift. McGowan makes sense of her circumstances and develops strength across her powerful, 4,250-mile bicycle trip. (“Oupedaling” review by Camille-Yvette Welsch)

Get Outpedaling “The Big C” <HERE>


Smith Center for Healing and the Arts

1632 U Street NW

Washington, DC 20009

About Elizabeth McGowan

Elizabeth H. McGowan is an award-winning energy and environment reporter based in Washington, D.C. since 2001. Now a freelancer, her main gig since 2019 has been covering Virginia’s transition to clean energy for the Energy News Network. As a staff writer for startup InsideClimate News, her groundbreaking dispatches from Kalamazoo, Michigan, “The Dilbit Disaster: Inside the Biggest Oil Spill You Never Heard Of” earned her team a Pulitzer Prize for National Reporting in 2013. An e-book version of the narrative won the Rachel Carson Book Award from the Society of Environmental Journalists. McGowan’s freelance articles have appeared in Grist, Blue Ridge Outdoors Magazine, Yale Environment 360, A.T. Journeys (Appalachian Trail magazine) and multiple other publications. For the last year, she has written reviews of nature and health books for the Washington Independent Review of Books. McGowan began her journalism career at daily newspapers in Vermont and Wisconsin.

Her adventure memoir, “Outpedaling ‘The Big C’: My Healing Cycle Across America” was just released by Bancroft Press. She takes readers on the rollicking, introspective and sobering 4,250-mile ride she organized as a hospital fundraiser after surviving an 11-year saga with melanoma. That journey helped her rediscover her father, who had died of the same type of cancer at age 44, when McGowan was 15. Learn more: @ehmcgowanNEWS and

Please email Olivia at for further information about the program.

with Carole O’Toole

A small, almost inaudible voice will say what lies ahead. By Sheila Petruccelli

Cancer often initiates an intense transformational process that can raise more questions than answers, leading us to re-examine our beliefs and approach to life. We may feel called to explore opportunities for spiritual growth, feeling a desire to connect with the sacred in a more conscious way and define more deeply life’s meaning in the face of cancer.

Regardless of your personal beliefs or faith system, working with a spiritual companion offers you an opportunity to reflect with another on what is going on for you spiritually, and explore how to integrate your cancer experience with your personal beliefs.

Spiritual Companions:

  • Provide a safe, trusting environment that invites stillness and reflection.
  • Support your spiritual growth and exploration, your unique and personal journey.
  • Listen, deeply and with compassion, honoring your sacred story. This deep listening helps you to connect with your most authentic self and illuminate your unique spiritual path.

    “Your soul already knows the way to wholeness and healing, but often speaks to us in a small, still voice. In our time together, we create a nest for your soul to rest awhile, allowing space for your sacred truth to be revealed.”

    Carole invites you to explore with her how to make meaning of your cancer experience and to look for where the holy is in your life. Currently, limited space is available for new clients. Individual appointments are available via Zoom or by telephone and are free of charge. 

    Suggested Donation: $15

About Carole O’Toole

Retreats, Integrative Navigation and Spiritual Companioning Consultant

Carole, a survivor of advanced cancer since 1994, is the author of two books on integrative cancer care: “Cancer Community Healing Network”, and “Healing Outside the Margins”. She began her work with Smith Center in 2006, creating our integrative cancer care navigation model, and introducing integrative navigation services to Howard University Cancer Center and the city’s medically underserved community. Carole went on to develop and direct the Center’s Institute for Integrative Oncology Navigation, and co-created and led our professional training program in integrative cancer care navigation, offered to navigators nationwide and now available online through our partnership with the Maryland University of Integrative Health.

Carole has been an integral part of Smith Center’s Cancer Retreat Programs throughout her tenure, staffing the weeklong residential retreats for many years and leading one day retreats at our offices. Carole assumed leadership of the retreat program in 2015, where she developed our 3 day in-person retreats and 6-week virtual retreat programs.

Carole continues her retreat work alongside her coaching individuals on integrative cancer care decision-making and complementary resources. Most recently, Carole became a certified Spiritual Director, offering spiritual companioning services to adults with cancer and their loved ones.

To learn more about Carole and her work in integrative navigation and spiritual companioning, visit her website:

Please email Olivia at for further information about the program.

with Carole O’Toole

A small, almost inaudible voice will say what lies ahead. By Sheila Petruccelli

Cancer often initiates an intense transformational process that can raise more questions than answers, leading us to re-examine our beliefs and approach to life. We may feel called to explore opportunities for spiritual growth, feeling a desire to connect with the sacred in a more conscious way and define more deeply life’s meaning in the face of cancer.

Regardless of your personal beliefs or faith system, working with a spiritual companion offers you an opportunity to reflect with another on what is going on for you spiritually, and explore how to integrate your cancer experience with your personal beliefs.

Spiritual Companions:

  • Provide a safe, trusting environment that invites stillness and reflection.
  • Support your spiritual growth and exploration, your unique and personal journey.
  • Listen, deeply and with compassion, honoring your sacred story. This deep listening helps you to connect with your most authentic self and illuminate your unique spiritual path.

    “Your soul already knows the way to wholeness and healing, but often speaks to us in a small, still voice. In our time together, we create a nest for your soul to rest awhile, allowing space for your sacred truth to be revealed.”

    Carole invites you to explore with her how to make meaning of your cancer experience and to look for where the holy is in your life. Currently, limited space is available for new clients. Individual appointments are available via Zoom or by telephone and are free of charge. 

    Suggested Donation: $15

About Carole O’Toole

Retreats, Integrative Navigation and Spiritual Companioning Consultant

Carole, a survivor of advanced cancer since 1994, is the author of two books on integrative cancer care: “Cancer Community Healing Network”, and “Healing Outside the Margins”. She began her work with Smith Center in 2006, creating our integrative cancer care navigation model, and introducing integrative navigation services to Howard University Cancer Center and the city’s medically underserved community. Carole went on to develop and direct the Center’s Institute for Integrative Oncology Navigation, and co-created and led our professional training program in integrative cancer care navigation, offered to navigators nationwide and now available online through our partnership with the Maryland University of Integrative Health.

Carole has been an integral part of Smith Center’s Cancer Retreat Programs throughout her tenure, staffing the weeklong residential retreats for many years and leading one day retreats at our offices. Carole assumed leadership of the retreat program in 2015, where she developed our 3 day in-person retreats and 6-week virtual retreat programs.

Carole continues her retreat work alongside her coaching individuals on integrative cancer care decision-making and complementary resources. Most recently, Carole became a certified Spiritual Director, offering spiritual companioning services to adults with cancer and their loved ones.

To learn more about Carole and her work in integrative navigation and spiritual companioning, visit her website:

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, register by clicking the RSVP button above or by emailing

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Kathleen O’Toole

Writing Through the Seasons

Breathe In All That Has Begun to Bloom

Kathleen O’Toole is a poet whose work with haiku and other short poetic forms is deeply rooted in attention to the natural world. In her Writing through the Seasons workshops (December 9, 2023 and March 30, 2024) she will guide participants through poetry forms and writing practices that invite us to pay attention to the ways season changes bring special opportunities for healing and creativity.

In this 90-minute session, just after the spring equinox, we’ll take stock of our own yearnings for hope and new life, as we name the hues, fragrance, and shapes of all that is blooming or coming to life in the world around us. We’ll look at some poems & poetic practices that emphasize resilience and attention to small things: the increased activity of birds, insects, and other creatures that invite our hearts to sing.

No previous poetry writing experience required, just an openness to playing with words. Bring an open heart, a notebook or sketchbook; whatever materials you need to respond to poetry and nature. (Previous participants have journaled, drafts of poems or sketches to capture what has surfaced in our sessions.)

Kathleen O’Toole is a poet whose work with haiku and other short poetic forms is deeply rooted in attention to the natural world. These three workshops will guide participants through poetry forms and writing practices that invite us to explore the ways season changes bring special opportunities for healing and creativity. The ancient Celts celebrated cross-quarter days as moments of magic and openings to spirit and ritual; we’ll mark our own seasonal awareness.

Writing Through the Seasons: The Healing Power of Nature will be offered as a program series, spread over the seasons.

Suggested Donation: $15/session

About Kathleen O’Toole

Kathleen O'Toole

Takoma Park Poet Laureate Kathleen O’Toole is the author of 4 books of poetry (find her at She has taught writing at Johns Hopkins University and the Maryland Institute College of Art. As evident in her longer work, she often seeks inspiration and consolation in nature. For more than thirty years she has been writing haiku as a spiritual practice of attention, and to deepen her experience of the natural world.

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. Please register to Claudia at 202.384.8342 to receive the Zoom link to participate.

Este programa se ofrece prácticamente a través de Zoom. Regístrese en Claudia al 202.384.8342 para recibir el enlace Zoom para participar.

Nueva Vida

Smith Center es ahora el anfitrión de los Grupos de Apoyo para la Comunidad Latina en Español

Estamos muy felices de anunciar que seremos los anfitriones de los grupos de apoyo de Nueva Vida para la comunidad latina. Nueva Vida es una organización independiente, sin fines de lucro, que proporciona servicios integrales de cáncer gratuitos, a las familias latinas en el Distrito de Columbia, Virginia del Norte (hasta el sur de Prince William County), Suburban Maryland (Condados de Montgomery y Prince George), Richmond, y Baltimore. Otros servicios incluyen educación y divulgación en la comunidad latina, asi como navegación de pacientes para exámenes de detección y tratamiento de cáncer.

En Smith Center, Nueva Vida tendrá grupos de apoyo que se enfocan en el apoyo al trauma asociado con el diagnóstico de cáncer. Estos grupos proporcionan a las latinas la oportunidad de identificar y expresar sus sentimientos, en un lugar seguro, y lleno de empatía, así como compartir sus sentimientos con otras personas que están o han pasado por similares circunstancias. Las reuniones semanales, se combinan con una actividad de reducción del estrés (Zumba o Yoga).

Para registrarse, llame a Claudia a Nueva Vida: 202.223.9100.

Smith Center Now Hosting Support Groups for the Latino Community in Spanish

Nueva Vida is an independent nonprofit that provides free, comprehensive, culturally competent cancer services to medically underserved Latino families in the District of Columbia, Northern Virginia (as far south as Prince William County), Suburban Maryland (Montgomery & Prince George’s Counties), Richmond, and Baltimore. Other services include outreach to the Latino community and Patient Navigation for cancer screenings and treatment.

At Smith Center, Nueva Vida will be providing support groups that are focused on supporting the trauma associated with a cancer diagnosis. These groups provide Latina women the opportunity to experience a catharsis of feelings, where they feel safe to identify, verbalize, empathize, and share their feelings with others who are in similar circumstances. All support group meetings are paired with a stress reduction activity (either Zumba or Yoga).

To register, call Claudia at Nueva Vida: 202.223.9100.

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, register by clicking the RSVP button above or by emailing

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Kenneth Johnson

A Healing Circle: Gay Men with Prostate Cancer

We are a group of gay men who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer or who are recovering from treatment that offer support to each other. In a peer-led community, we share our experiences and understanding to help one another best deal with our own personal situations.

The Healing Circle for Gay Men with Prostate Cancer meets Monthly on the 4th Thursday from 7:00pm – 8:30pm ET.

About Kenneth Johnson

Kenneth Johnson

Kenneth Johnson, of Owings Mills, MD, is a founding member and facilitator of the Healing Circle Supporting Gay Men with Prostate Cancer hosted at the Smith Center since October 2018. Kenneth’s prostate cancer diagnosis in 2016 at the age of 50 began, not with any symptoms of a problem, but due to a vigilant doctor who was aware of black men’s higher cancer risk and encouraged earlier screening. Blood tests showed a rising PSA that triggered the need for a biopsy. Kenneth underwent surgery and radiation later in 2016. Before volunteering with the support group, Kenneth volunteered with many LGBTQ+ organizations and community non-profits in Atlanta, GA.

Professionally, Kenneth retired in 2021 after 34 years of federal service as an information technology analyst. Now, he is often on the highways with his octogenarian parents visiting family and friends around the country. You can catch up with Kenneth at the local gym or track working up a good sweat to offset his time in the kitchen cooking for and eating with his parents. At other times, you will find him enjoying his monthly book club selection, stressing over a Ravens game (or Orioles or Alabama football), chuckling at a corny Hallmark movie, or tackling (and possibly regretting) an HGTV-inspired home project.

Despite the cloud of prostate cancer, Kenneth sees the silver lining as the community of wonderful souls that have befriended him through the Smith Center and the healing circle for gay men with prostate cancer.

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, register by clicking the RSVP button above or by emailing

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Kenneth Johnson

A Healing Circle: Gay Men with Prostate Cancer

We are a group of gay men who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer or who are recovering from treatment that offer support to each other. In a peer-led community, we share our experiences and understanding to help one another best deal with our own personal situations.

The Healing Circle for Gay Men with Prostate Cancer meets Monthly on the 4th Thursday from 7:00pm – 8:30pm ET.

About Kenneth Johnson

Kenneth Johnson

Kenneth Johnson, of Owings Mills, MD, is a founding member and facilitator of the Healing Circle Supporting Gay Men with Prostate Cancer hosted at the Smith Center since October 2018. Kenneth’s prostate cancer diagnosis in 2016 at the age of 50 began, not with any symptoms of a problem, but due to a vigilant doctor who was aware of black men’s higher cancer risk and encouraged earlier screening. Blood tests showed a rising PSA that triggered the need for a biopsy. Kenneth underwent surgery and radiation later in 2016. Before volunteering with the support group, Kenneth volunteered with many LGBTQ+ organizations and community non-profits in Atlanta, GA.

Professionally, Kenneth retired in 2021 after 34 years of federal service as an information technology analyst. Now, he is often on the highways with his octogenarian parents visiting family and friends around the country. You can catch up with Kenneth at the local gym or track working up a good sweat to offset his time in the kitchen cooking for and eating with his parents. At other times, you will find him enjoying his monthly book club selection, stressing over a Ravens game (or Orioles or Alabama football), chuckling at a corny Hallmark movie, or tackling (and possibly regretting) an HGTV-inspired home project.

Despite the cloud of prostate cancer, Kenneth sees the silver lining as the community of wonderful souls that have befriended him through the Smith Center and the healing circle for gay men with prostate cancer.

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, register by clicking <here> or email

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Ketty M Urbay

in partnership with Tigerlily Foundation

*Please note that by registering for this program, you consent to have your name and email shared with Tigerlily Foundation. Tigerlily only collects this information for data purposes and it will not be shared with any other parties.

Ketty’s desire to bring the healing and transformative power of music and dance into women’s lives has birthed her new community, Simply M The Movement. Ketty won’t stop until every woman’s heart is free to express the truest expression of who she is. Mind, body and soul. So let’s dance!

Dance and music can heal your mind, body and soul.  This is a 1 hour dance class set to a carefully curated musical playlist that will inspire and elevate.  Have fun following easy to learn dance steps and creative movement exercises that will spark your joy and creativity.  Every week is a new theme and a whole new set of moves to a variety of music.

Recommended audience:  Everyone who loves to dance and thinks they can’t do it! Everyone who loves to dance and wants to keep dancing in a fun and safe space!

Simply M the Movement is offered on weekly on Thursdays.

About Ketty M Urbay

Ketty M Urbay was born in Cuba and raised in Miami, Florida. Ketty has a double bachelors in Dance and Psychology from Florida International University. She facilitated movement and creative writing workshops for 15 years with at risk teenage girls through a program created by her Dance Professor Leslie Neal called ArtSpring.

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, register by clicking the RSVP button above or by emailing

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Patricia Diaz, MS, KYT-500, RYT-500®


Start getting ready for the weekend (or end your day …) by practicing some gentle hatha yoga to explore letting go of what no longer serves you and open up space for healthy habits of self-care that will help you achieve your goals. This practice is appropriate for all levels of practice.
Hatha is a practice of yoga that involves physical postures (asanas) and breathing techniques. It is typically practiced slowly, with more static holds than a vinyasa or ashtanga class.

Patricia’s Yoga Class Meets Weekly on Thursdays from 5:00 – 6:00pm ET.

Suggested Donation for 1 Class: $10

Suggested Donation for 1 Month of Classes: $25

In addition, our yoga classes are listed with the National MS Society and we welcome patients and caregivers of those with multiple sclerosis to our gentle yoga classes.

Our programs are also open to the community, and tailored to meet the needs of people affected by cancer. Classes and workshops are free or low cost on a pay-as-you-can basis, ensuring that our programs are accessible to everyone.

About Patricia Diaz

Certifications: MS, KYT-500 (Kripalu Yoga Teacher), RYT-500® (Registered Yoga Teacher with the Yoga Alliance), and Health Supportive Chef from The Natural Gourmet Institute

Provides: Yoga Basics, Dynamic Gentle Yoga, Intermediate Yoga and meditation instruction for group classes and private clients. Life and professional/executive coaching.

Patricia’s yoga journey began in 1989. During the most challenging time in her life, and with the help of friends, family and life mentors, she turned to yoga, plant-based diets, and other wellness techniques to manage her crisis and gently restore her health and wellness.

The lessons Patricia learned, and years of yoga practice led to an enthusiasm for well-being, and to a search for a depth of knowledge, that provided a compass for her life and career. In 2019, motivated by a desire to start sharing this knowledge with others, she completed a 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training Program at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health. It also led her to pursue training in the plant-based chef program at the Natural Gourmet Institute in New York City. She completed her 500-hour Yoga Teacher Training in 2023 also at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health.

Patricia’s teaching style reflects the influence of gurus and teachers that have come into her life. She is passionate about teaching the foundations of yoga to beginners and all … partly because she spent many years working on the basics, but also because she believes that anyone – no matter the physical challenge – can practice yoga. She loves to help others connect with their inner wisdom, and she believes that a genuine practice starts with a strong foundation honoring the principles of ‘ahimsa’ – first do no harm.

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, register by clicking the RSVP button above or by emailing

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Elizabeth Belanger

In Partnership with GW Cancer Center & Cancer Support Community

This monthly support group is designed for adults diagnosed with cancer who identify as members of the LGBTQ+ community. The group will be facilitated by culturally competent social workers, who will provide a safe space to connect with others and explore your own unique experience with cancer.

The LGBTQ+ Cancer Support Group meets monthly on the 4th Wednesday from 6:00-7:00pm ET.

About Elizabeth Belanger

Elizabeth Belanger is a Licensed Graduate Social Worker (LGSW) in Washington DC. Elizabeth received her BA in Psychology with minors in Women’s Studies and Sociology from Elon University and a Master’s in Social Work from Simmons University. Elizabeth strives to provide therapy that is client lead and trauma-informed. She is continuously seeking education on the latest techniques in culturally humble and trauma-informed therapy practices. Elizabeth currently works here in DC at Capitol Hill Consortium for Counseling and Consultation (CCCC) with young adults and adults, with issues pertaining to anxiety, depression, chronic illness, trauma, LGBTQ, and women’s issues.