Integrated Patient Navigation


Laura Pole - Patient Navigation Training in Integrative Cancer Care

We offer trainings, workshops, and seminars locally and around the country.

IION’s national Patient Navigation Training in Integrative Cancer Care is held in Washington, DC, and other locations. The Institute also offers customized trainings, workshops, and seminars for organizations and facilities located across the country.

We contribute to the national dialogue on integrative oncology care.

IION staff and faculty regularly present at national conferences and IION-hosted seminars. IION has presented at such esteemed professional organizations as the Society for Integrative Oncology, Oncology Nursing Society, Association of Oncology Social Workers, and the American Psychosocial Society.

We develop and advocate for national oncology navigation policy.

IION supports navigation policy regarding practice, core competency, training and certification standards that are based on whole-person care and integrative navigation. IION has collaborated with C-Change, the National Integrative Cancer Care NavigationPatient Navigator Consortium and other organizations taking a leadership role in defining navigation.

We offer individual navigation.

IION trained navigators at Smith Center are available to offer adults dealing with cancer individual navigation assistance and support in finding and using integrative cancer care resources.

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