“Cultivating Hope” as an offering looks to bring more joy and optimism into our lives. During the session we will share some of our hopes and dreams and explore some ways of capturing moments of pleasure and enjoyment in our lives.
We will engage meditation, movement, visualization and sharing our stories as ways to help us embrace hope and optimism.
Liz Lescault is a visual artist who has practiced and taught art for over 40 years. Liz is also Coordinator of the DC InterPlay Open Gathering, a group she founded, which serves the Metro Region. She is a certified InterPlay leader and a member of the DC InterPlay Board. She leads Open Gathering days for InterPlay DC and organizes and leads workshops regionally and nationally online and in person. Liz has been leading Art Lab both for Smith Center for Healing Arts for the past three years and led a program for the Phillips Collection.
Formerly, Liz, was a hotline crisis counselor, for various suicide prevention lifelines and the Trevor Project providing assistance for LGBTQ youth in crisis as well as the Prince Georges County Homeless Hotline.
Liz has also led InterPlay for elders with chronic illness and cognitive disabilities at Iona Senior Center in Washington DC.
Liz melds her art, teaching, guidance and personal philosophy with InterPlay wisdom, tools and forms.
B.S., Psychology, Drew University, Madison, NJ
M.Ed., University of Massachusetts at Amherst, British Techniques of Open Education
Studied watercolor at WICE, an international educational and cultural association in Paris, France