This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, register by clicking the RSVP button above or by emailing
You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.
with Elena Khazanova

Are you resisting exercise? Is it hard to eat your veggies, or stick to your mindfulness practice? Come to this play-shop, find out which habit to install first (hint: the one that will make the biggest difference), and we will install it together! We will use EFT (Tapping) to release shame, fear and/or anger that are keeping you from moving forward, then learn some brain-based hacks, to create a positive habit and keep it in place.
Suggested Donation: $10
About Elena Khazanova

Elena Khazanova is a holistic psychotherapist, an EFT practitioner and an educator. She has trained 800+ therapists and health care workers to integrate tapping into their work with patients and clients. Elena’s teaching style is accessible, light-hearted and warm and she helps her clients and students remove resistance and fear, and find greater ease and fulfillment through enjoyable, incremental practices.