Experience the power of Transformative Insight Imagery for coping with life’s challenges. T.I.I. is imager generated so each imagery has their own unique experience. All imaging experiences come from YOU, the imager, using all five of your senses, while awake and aware, unlike guided imagery, You will discover what is supportive to YOU and you may be surprised by what appears. You will discover a peaceful , centering place and meet a Wise Guide or Mentor and then practice accessing these supports when you are distressed and doubting yourself.
Begin integrating these T.I.I. supports immediately into your day for greater mindfulness, emotion regulation, embodied awareness, self-trust and self- empowerment. Positive ripple effects can manifest in your mood, relationships, awareness, choices, and self-confidence.
Each imager will image privately as Kelli facilitates the group. Kelli will often ask benign questions inviting those who are comfortable to share via chat, emoji, or verbally. Hearing the diversity of discovered resources enhances the group experience, but sharing is optional.
Learn more by visiting KelliUnderwood.com
Kelli Underwood is an agent for change! She integrates her effective and dynamic teaching skills into her speaking, consulting and psychotherapy practice.