Healing Circle for Metastatic Breast Cancer Thrivers 45+
This peer-led healing circle, for people who are 45+ living with Metastatic Breast Cancer, will provide a safe place to connect and share in community.
If you have a problem accessing our program calendar, please email programs@smithcenter.org. We will be happy to talk about our program offerings and assist you with registration.
This peer-led healing circle, for people who are 45+ living with Metastatic Breast Cancer, will provide a safe place to connect and share in community.
A demand-driven, patient-led support group for young women and men (diagnosed between the age of 18 - 45ish) with metastatic breast cancer in the DMV.
If you’ve lost a loved one, a healing circle for those in grief is an opportunity to share what’s on your heart and mind, to listen, and be listened to deeply and generously.
A peer-led virtual support group for parents who are newly diagnosed, in active treatment or in survivorship.
We are a group of gay men who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer or who are recovering from treatment that offer support to each other.
Este grupo en castellano va dirigido al colectivo LGBTQIA+ con cáncer de próstata con el objetivo de dar apoyo y compartir experiencias a lo largo del proceso.