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Smith Center for Healing and the Arts
1632 U Street, NW, Washington, DC, United States
with Eva & Meera The purpose of this workshop is to promote communal growth. We will experience a fusion of mystical preserved practices and a modern twist of curated poses designed to enhance togetherness. Experienced meditators and beginners alike will come away with deeper insights into the reality of “no self.” Sufi whirling is an … Continue reading Sufi Meditation and Reiki Infused Workshop
Smith Center for Healing and the Arts
1632 U Street, NW, Washington, DC, United States
Click here to apply now! Contact Julia Rowland (julia@smithcenter.org) or Carla Stillwagon (carla@smithcenter.org) for more information and to apply. An Invitation to Healing A 6-week online, small group experience in Self-Care The staff of Smith Center for Healing and the Arts invite you to participate in a new program they have designed and are … Continue reading An Invitation to Healing – 6-week group experience in Self-Care