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with guest artist Sara Jane Harris
Sometimes life is a balancing act, even on the inside. This workshop invites you to connect with your mind, body, and heart through music, visual art, writing, and more. You will explore what is taking up more emotional real estate than you prefer and how to restore internal harmony.
Suggested Materials:
*The list below is just a guide. We can work with whatever you have on hand. You can go as simple or wild as you feel like, but there is definitely no need to run to Michaels or place an emergency Amazon Prime order!
- Access to music
- digital/phone/computer is easiest, but cd’s, records, and tapes are just fine
- Plain paper for drawing or painting
- The larger the better if you have it
- Heavier weight paper holds watercolor and glue better if need be
- Drawing and/or painting media
- Whatever you like to use is great – from #2 pencils to the fanciest watercolors
- Circle template
- A compass or small plate works; anything round you can trance
- Glue or glue stick
- either/or or neither/nor
- Collage materials
- Magazines or catalogues
- Random pieces of interesting paper, wrapping paper, tissue paper
- Scissors
- Regular or pinking shears
- Embellishments
- Anything and everything goes! Raid your pantry for macaroni noodles or grab that stash of random spare buttons. Ribbons, sequins, and fabric oh my!
Suggested donation: $15 per class
This program is offered for free or at a low cost on a pay-as-you-can basis. Contributions are not required to attend, ensuring accessibility for everyone. If you’re able to donate, we deeply appreciate your support—every contribution directly funds our cancer support programs.
About Sara Jane Harris
Sara Jane Harris is a certified expressive arts
facilitator and is committed to promoting
mental health through creative expression.
She has worked with various clinical teams including those
at the National Center for Children and Families and The
Children’s Inn at NIH, integrating expressive arts into their
therapeutic treatment programs. Her passion for healing
through the arts led her to establish Speak from the Art
which offers expressive arts workshops designed to foster
playful self-exploration and inner peace.