This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, register by clicking the RSVP button above or by emailing

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Chef Cathryn Pethick

Ayurveda Cooking Class

The Wellspring of Kapha

Ayurveda-Inspired Cooking Class


Spring: The season of renewal and growth, awakens latent earth to all its potential. Spring is a time for a fresh start, cleansing and rejuvenating the body after Winter’s cold dormancy. It’s also a season when the awakening body may be beset by seasonal allergies, a sense of heaviness, lethargy.


It’s time to balance the Kapha dosha in this moist, fertile, warmer season with the appropriate diet to support lightness, dryness and the heat our metabolism requires, by emphasizing the proper tastes and cooking methods. Join us to explore the nourishment this beautiful season has to offer!


Recipes from the class will be emailed to you as a part of this program.

And, check out more of Chef Cathryn’s programs on our YouTube channel, under “Nutrition & Cooking.”

Suggested Donation: $10

About Cathryn Pethick

Cathryn Pethick

Cathryn Pethick, AA, AYS, C-IAYT is a certified yoga therapist and teacher, Ayurveda specialist, and professional chef- whole foods cooking and nutrition instructor. She shares those skills with private clients through her own Well-Being, founded in 2012, and is on staff with Maryland University of Integrative Health’s Masters in Nutrition degree program. At Smith Center, Cathryn teaches cooking and nutrition classes, gentle yoga, and contributes to Smith Center’s wonderful integrative cancer support retreats as chef and yoga therapist. She has decades of experience in diverse culinary settings, practicing/teaching yoga from a therapeutic perspective, meditation, and the study of Ayurveda, diverse spiritual and philosophical traditions, and Oriental healing/martial arts. Cathryn shares the intention of nourishing well-being for us individually and as a collective with yoga, meditation and food-as-medicine, by cultivating the healing power of balance, optimal nutrition that supports our vitality, and compassionate presence that nurtures us all.

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, you must register or by emailing

with Chef Cathryn Pethick

Ayurveda Cooking Class

Calming the Autumn Winds: Pacifiying Vata

Ayurveda-Inspired Cooking Class


As we leave behind the heat and humidity of summer and the drier, cooler winds of autumn begin to blow, the airy Vata dosha takes precedence as we transition to the Fall season: cool, light, dry, mobile, rough, unpredictably mobile. We soothe Vata with a diet that emphasizes the sweet, sour and salty tastes and foods that are more “grounding” : higher in proteins and fats, liquid, with warm, stimulating spices, served warm or hot; more soups and stews, and less raw food. Our menu will feature the best fruits and veggies that our farmers’ markets offer in the late harvest season, grains and legumes, to carry you well into winter!


Recipes from the class will be emailed to you as a part of this program.

And, check out more of Chef Cathryn’s programs on our YouTube channel, under “Nutrition & Cooking.”

Suggested Donation: $10

About Cathryn Pethick

Cathryn Pethick

Cathryn Pethick, AA, AYS, C-IAYT is a certified yoga therapist and teacher, Ayurveda specialist, and professional chef- whole foods cooking and nutrition instructor. She shares those skills with private clients through her own Well-Being, founded in 2012, and is on staff with Maryland University of Integrative Health’s Masters in Nutrition degree program. At Smith Center, Cathryn teaches cooking and nutrition classes, gentle yoga, and contributes to Smith Center’s wonderful  integrative cancer support retreats as chef and yoga therapist. She has decades of experience in diverse culinary settings, practicing/teaching yoga from a therapeutic perspective, meditation, and the study of Ayurveda, diverse spiritual  and philosophical traditions, and Oriental healing/martial arts. Cathryn shares the intention of nourishing well-being for us individually and as a collective with yoga, meditation and food-as-medicine, by cultivating the healing power of balance, optimal nutrition that supports our vitality, and compassionate presence that nurtures us all.

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, you must register or by emailing

with Chef Cathryn Pethick

Our choice of diet is one of the best ways we can care for ourselves. In the science of Ayurveda, our well-being is best supported with a diet of fresh, whole, seasonal foods, that includes all six tastes, with emphasis on those that will help balance us best.

Here in the mid-Atlantic, our Spring season transitions can be cold and windy, then warm and humid, as we move into our growing season. In Ayurvedic terms, our Spring climate season is cool to warm, liquid and soft, and corresponds to the Kapha dosha. We may have a tendency to experience colds, sinus congestion and allergies, a sense of heaviness, all signs of Kapha imbalance.

In this class, the food tastes we will focus on that “pacify,” or nurture and support Kapha best, are pungent, bitter and astringent, such as spring greens, lentils, millet, asparagus, strawberries, pears, warming spices and herbs. We will include a simple dish called kitchari that is a traditional cleansing and nourishing food that can support the Spring seasonal transition. Recipes and additional Ayurveda resources will be provided.

Suggested Donation: $10

About Cathryn Pethick

Cathryn Pethick, AA, AYS, C-IAYT is a certified yoga therapist and teacher, Ayurveda specialist, and professional chef- whole foods cooking and nutrition instructor. She shares those skills with private clients through her own Well-Being, founded in 2012, and is on staff with Maryland University of Integrative Health’s Masters in Nutrition degree program. At Smith Center, Cathryn teaches cooking and nutrition classes, gentle yoga, and contributes to Smith Center’s wonderful  integrative cancer support retreats as chef and yoga therapist. She has decades of experience in diverse culinary settings, practicing/teaching yoga from a therapeutic perspective, meditation, and the study of Ayurveda, diverse spiritual  and philosophical traditions, and Oriental healing/martial arts. Cathryn shares the intention of nourishing well-being for us individually and as a collective with yoga, meditation and food-as-medicine, by cultivating the healing power of balance, optimal nutrition that supports our vitality, and compassionate presence that nurtures us all.

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, you must register or by emailing

with Chef Cathryn Pethick

Nourishing Ourselves in Harmony with Summer, the Season of Pitta: An Aryuveda-inspired Cooking Class with Chef Cathryn Pethick

The fundamental principle of Ayurveda is that our habits, lifestyle routines and dietary choices should ebb and flow with the seasons, in harmony with the cycles of Nature. Our bright, hot and humid summer climate is the time to stay cool and hydrated with appropriate food and preparation choices, and support our energy in being relaxed and grounded. The tastes Ayurveda recommends for summer are those foods that are naturally sweet, bitter and astringent, using fresh, local produce, and just lightly seasoning to allow their wonderful natural flavors to shine through.

Join us in creating a summer menu that features all the farmers’ markets best offerings at the height of the season! We will talk about Ayurveda, provide a dosha quiz for you, and demo some beautiful food and cooking technique for you to put to good use at home!

Suggested Donation: $25

About Cathryn Pethick

Cathryn Pethick, AYS, teaches yoga and Ayurveda in the Washington, DC metro area, and is a long-time professional chef. She is an Ayurveda Yoga Specialist through the Himalayan Institute, teaching the self-care basics of the traditional Indian science of Ayurveda and Ayurvedic cooking to groups and private clients. Since 1997, she has taught both traditional and gentle hatha yoga classes for adults and children, therapeutic classes for seniors and special-needs students, and restorative yoga. It is her deepest desire to offer tools that bring balance and well-being into the lives of those she touches.

with Chef Cathryn Pethick

Abundance, bounty, new growth: With the rise of Spring, our fresh food choices expand as the Spring markets fill with the season’s best offerings. It is worth the time it takes to nourish our bodies well, and the simple pleasure of freshly-made food, vibrant, beautiful and a joy to see and taste, gives healing to body and soul. From an Ayurvedic perspective, we will emphasize the specific food tastes and preparation methods that serve to balance us best as we move from the Spring season toward Summer.


Alaina Sadick, Smith Center Yoga for Cancer teacher

Cathryn Pethick, AYS, teaches yoga and Ayurveda in the Washington, DC metro area, and is a long-time professional chef. She is an Ayurveda Yoga Specialist through the Himalayan Institute, teaching the self-care basics of the traditional Indian science of Ayurveda and Ayurvedic cooking to groups and private clients. Since 1997, she has taught both traditional and gentle hatha yoga classes for adults and children, therapeutic classes for seniors and special-needs students, and restorative yoga. It is her deepest desire to offer tools that bring balance and well-being into the lives of those she touches.