To apply for this 1-day retreat, please click this link or contact Olivia at

Reimagining Life: Exploring What’s Meaningful Now

Friday, April 4th from 9:30am to 4pm

with Kiersten Gallagher, Erin Price, Kara Garrett, and Olivia Gonyea

Registration fee: $50

(If cost is a barrier to your participation, please email to discuss reduced fee options).

Reimagining Life: Exploring What’s Meaningful Now is a one-day retreat designed to help cancer patients & survivors reconnect with themselves after cancer and tap into what’s meaningful now. Through mindfulness practices, meditation, radical writing, and connection to other survivors, this retreat offers an opportunity to reflect on your personal experiences, tap into inner strength, and redefine priorities in a supportive and inspiring community.

Join us for this transformative experience, and leave with clarity, renewed hope, and empowering strategies to embrace a future filled with meaning and purpose. A healthy, nourishing lunch is included as part of your registration fee.

 Space is limited!

Retreat Details:
When: Friday, April 4 | 9:30am – 4:00pm (9:30am arrival, retreat begins at 10:00am)
Where: In-person at Smith Center (1632 U Street NW, Washington, DC 20009)

Additional Components:

Pre-retreat Connection Circle (Virtual on Zoom):
Wednesday, April 2 | 3:00 – 5:00pm – Introductions, meditation, and storytelling to build connection.

Post-retreat Connection Circle (Virtual on Zoom):
Friday, April 11 | 3:00 – 4:15pmReflections, meditation, and moving forward with intention.

Please note that all participants that register for this One-Day Retreat are required to attend a 2-hour pre-retreat Connection Circle on Wednesday, April 2 | 3:00 – 5:00pm (on Zoom) AND a post-retreat Closing Circle on Friday, April 11 | 3:00 – 4:15pm (on Zoom). See below for agendas for each day.


Pre-retreat Connection Circle Agenda (Wednesday, April 2 | 3:00 – 5:00pm on ZOOM)

  • Welcome & Meditation
  • Agreements
  • Share Your Story
  • Closing

One Day Retreat Agenda (Friday, April 4 | 9:30am – 4:00pm IN PERSON)

  • Welcome Circle
  • Yoga Nidra & Meditation
  • Lunch and Nutrition Q&A
  • Radical Writing
  • Closing Circle

Post-retreat Connection Circle Agenda (Friday, April 11 | 3:00 – 4:15pm on ZOOM)

  • Welcome & Meditation
  • Agreements
  • Reflections & Moving Forward
  • Closing

WEEK 7/25

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. If you have any questions, please email

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Phebe Duff

On February 10th, the Mindful Cancer Journey class will begin a new series working with the book Neuro Dharma by Dr. Rick Hanson. Rick has written a powerful book that synthesizes 2,600 year old meditation practices with current neuroscience to strengthen the neural circuitry of our brains to enhance contentment and inner peace.  We will do a variety of practices, see videos of Rick explaining his work and a variety of other activities. There is no obligation to purchase the book and each class has been designed as a stand-alone program for those who have to miss a class. We hope you will join us!

This series will run from 02/10 – 08/11/25

Suggested Donation: $15/session

This program is offered for free or at a low cost on a pay-as-you-can basis. Contributions are not required to attend, ensuring accessibility for everyone. If you’re able to donate, we deeply appreciate your support—every contribution directly funds our cancer support programs.

About Phebe Duff

Phebe Duff is a long-time meditator and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) facilitator. She completed the Community Dharma Leader program at Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Woodacre, CA and the Dharmacharya program offered by the Venerable Pannavati at Heartwood Refuge in Hendersonville, NC. Phebe has facilitated MBSR courses for a wide variety of populations since 2005. Since retiring after a 30+ year career in human resources and as a professional musician, Phebe has taught meditation and MBSR for Wellness House of Annapolis and Smith Center for Healing and the Arts. Working with the cancer community and sharing the practices of meditation and mindfulness to support their healing journey has been the best experience of her teaching career.


This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. If you have any questions, please email

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Phebe Duff

A community for those who want to explore ways to be present in their lives. This group will examine a different topic each week relevant to members’ lives. We will explore meditation and mindfulness practices that can be applied to life experiences in a supportive way. The group is open to people at any level of experience with meditation and mindfulness. This is a drop-in class, so you can join at any time as topics will differ each week. This is a year-long weekly class that will meet every Wednesday beginning September 18th from 5-6pm EST.

Beginning in January 2025, this class will meet from 5-6pm EST.

Please Note: This class will began at Week 1 on September 18th.

Suggested Donation: $15/session

This program is offered for free or at a low cost on a pay-as-you-can basis. Contributions are not required to attend, ensuring accessibility for everyone. If you’re able to donate, we deeply appreciate your support—every contribution directly funds our cancer support programs.

About Phebe Duff

Phebe Duff is a long-time meditator and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) facilitator. She completed the Community Dharma Leader program at Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Woodacre, CA and the Dharmacharya program offered by the Venerable Pannavati at Heartwood Refuge in Hendersonville, NC. Phebe has facilitated MBSR courses for a wide variety of populations since 2005. Since retiring after a 30+ year career in human resources and as a professional musician, Phebe has taught meditation and MBSR for Wellness House of Annapolis and Smith Center for Healing and the Arts. Working with the cancer community and sharing the practices of meditation and mindfulness to support their healing journey has been the best experience of her teaching career.

WEEK 6/25

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. If you have any questions, please email

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Phebe Duff

On February 10th, the Mindful Cancer Journey class will begin a new series working with the book Neuro Dharma by Dr. Rick Hanson. Rick has written a powerful book that synthesizes 2,600 year old meditation practices with current neuroscience to strengthen the neural circuitry of our brains to enhance contentment and inner peace.  We will do a variety of practices, see videos of Rick explaining his work and a variety of other activities. There is no obligation to purchase the book and each class has been designed as a stand-alone program for those who have to miss a class. We hope you will join us!

This series will run from 02/10 – 08/11/25

Suggested Donation: $15/session

This program is offered for free or at a low cost on a pay-as-you-can basis. Contributions are not required to attend, ensuring accessibility for everyone. If you’re able to donate, we deeply appreciate your support—every contribution directly funds our cancer support programs.

About Phebe Duff

Phebe Duff is a long-time meditator and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) facilitator. She completed the Community Dharma Leader program at Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Woodacre, CA and the Dharmacharya program offered by the Venerable Pannavati at Heartwood Refuge in Hendersonville, NC. Phebe has facilitated MBSR courses for a wide variety of populations since 2005. Since retiring after a 30+ year career in human resources and as a professional musician, Phebe has taught meditation and MBSR for Wellness House of Annapolis and Smith Center for Healing and the Arts. Working with the cancer community and sharing the practices of meditation and mindfulness to support their healing journey has been the best experience of her teaching career.

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, register by clicking the RSVP button above or by emailing

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Kathleen O’Toole

Writing Through the Seasons

Summon the Resilience of Spring, Nature and Ourselves

Kathleen O’Toole’s work with haiku and other short poetic forms is deeply rooted in attention to the natural world. In her Writing through the Seasons workshops for Smith Center for the Healing Arts, she guides participants through poems, poetry forms and writing practices that invite us to pay attention to the ways season changes bring special opportunities for healing and creativity.

We’ll mark our own seasonal awareness, just after the spring equinox, and again near Samhain next fall, collecting images and feelings— “word paintings” as described by Yosa Buson, haiku master —to summon the energy needed to heal body & soul.

For these sessions: No previous poetry writing experience required, just an openness to playing with words. Bring an open heart, a notebook or sketchbook; whatever materials you need to respond to poetry and nature. (Previous participants have journaled, created drafts of poems or sketches to capture feelings and insights that have surfaced in our sessions.)

Kathleen O’Toole is a poet whose work with haiku and other short poetic forms is deeply rooted in attention to the natural world. These three workshops will guide participants through poetry forms and writing practices that invite us to explore the ways season changes bring special opportunities for healing and creativity. The ancient Celts celebrated cross-quarter days as moments of magic and openings to spirit and ritual; we’ll mark our own seasonal awareness.

Writing Through the Seasons: The Healing Power of Nature will be offered as a program series, spread over the seasons.

Suggested Donation: $15/session

This program is offered for free or at a low cost on a pay-as-you-can basis. Contributions are not required to attend, ensuring accessibility for everyone. If you’re able to donate, we deeply appreciate your support—every contribution directly funds our cancer support programs.

About Kathleen O’Toole

Kathleen O'Toole

Takoma Park Poet Laureate Kathleen O’Toole is the author of 4 books of poetry (find her at She has taught writing at Johns Hopkins University and the Maryland Institute College of Art. As evident in her longer work, she often seeks inspiration and consolation in nature. For more than thirty years she has been writing haiku as a spiritual practice of attention, and to deepen her experience of the natural world.


This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. If you have any questions, please email

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Phebe Duff

A community for those who want to explore ways to be present in their lives. This group will examine a different topic each week relevant to members’ lives. We will explore meditation and mindfulness practices that can be applied to life experiences in a supportive way. The group is open to people at any level of experience with meditation and mindfulness. This is a drop-in class, so you can join at any time as topics will differ each week. This is a year-long weekly class that will meet every Wednesday beginning September 18th from 5-6pm EST.

Beginning in January 2025, this class will meet from 5-6pm EST.

Please Note: This class will began at Week 1 on September 18th.

Suggested Donation: $15/session

This program is offered for free or at a low cost on a pay-as-you-can basis. Contributions are not required to attend, ensuring accessibility for everyone. If you’re able to donate, we deeply appreciate your support—every contribution directly funds our cancer support programs.

About Phebe Duff

Phebe Duff is a long-time meditator and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) facilitator. She completed the Community Dharma Leader program at Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Woodacre, CA and the Dharmacharya program offered by the Venerable Pannavati at Heartwood Refuge in Hendersonville, NC. Phebe has facilitated MBSR courses for a wide variety of populations since 2005. Since retiring after a 30+ year career in human resources and as a professional musician, Phebe has taught meditation and MBSR for Wellness House of Annapolis and Smith Center for Healing and the Arts. Working with the cancer community and sharing the practices of meditation and mindfulness to support their healing journey has been the best experience of her teaching career.

In order to participate, register by clicking the RSVP button above or by emailing

with artist & sculptor Liz Lescault

Painting in Community

Floral Creations in Watercolor

January’s session will focus on brushwork. So please bring a variety of brushes including old ones that have seen better days. We will explore creating leaves, petals, stems and flower heads with various brushstroke techniques.Let’s get together and paint.In each session an image, photograph or painting will be displayed which participants can choose as an inspiration for exploring new techniques. Or, participants may choose to bring their own inspirations such as photographs or paintings to the session.  Participants may paint whatever they wish during the session.Participants will be introduced to both basic and advanced techniques with a slide show of watercolor paintings that illustrate those techniques.

Bring yourself and your favorite painting supplies.  We will paint, listen to soothing music and share our creations. There will be opportunities to ask questions with 10 minutes left at the end of the session for sharing and talking about our experience during the session.

**Limited to 12 participants

Suggested Donation: $15/session

This program is offered for free or at a low cost on a pay-as-you-can basis. Contributions are not required to attend, ensuring accessibility for everyone. If you’re able to donate, we deeply appreciate your support—every contribution directly funds our cancer support programs.

Some Suggested Materials*:

Below are some suggested supplies from Cheap Joes (my favorite place to purchase art supplies – prices are generally 40% off store prices and are of high quality). High quality watercolor supplies are needed to achieve many watercolor effects.

Your favorite watercolor supplies may work just as well.

About Liz Lescault

Liz Lescault

Liz Lescault, a visual artist and sculptor, has practiced and taught art for over 40 years. Liz is also a Coordinator of the DC InterPlay Metro Region, a certified InterPlay leader and a member of the DC InterPlay Board. She leads Open Gathering days for InterPlay DC and organizes and leads workshops regionally and nationally online and in person. Liz has been leading Art Lab both for Smith Center for the Healing Arts, for the Phillips Collection and for InterPlay internationally.

Formerly, Liz, was a hotline crisis counselor, for various suicide prevention lifelines and The Trevor Project providing help for LGBTQ youth in crisis and the Prince Georges County Homeless Hotline.

Liz has also led InterPlay for elders with chronic illness and cognitive disabilities at Iona Senior Center in Washington DC.

Liz melds her art, teaching, guidance and personal philosophy with InterPlay wisdom, tools and forms.

B.S., Psychology, Drew University, Madison, NJ

M.Ed., University of Massachusetts at Amherst, British Techniques of Open Education

Studied watercolor at WICE, an international educational and cultural association in Paris, France

WEEK 5/25

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. If you have any questions, please email

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Phebe Duff

On February 10th, the Mindful Cancer Journey class will begin a new series working with the book Neuro Dharma by Dr. Rick Hanson. Rick has written a powerful book that synthesizes 2,600 year old meditation practices with current neuroscience to strengthen the neural circuitry of our brains to enhance contentment and inner peace.  We will do a variety of practices, see videos of Rick explaining his work and a variety of other activities. There is no obligation to purchase the book and each class has been designed as a stand-alone program for those who have to miss a class. We hope you will join us!

This series will run from 02/10 – 08/11/25

Suggested Donation: $15/session

This program is offered for free or at a low cost on a pay-as-you-can basis. Contributions are not required to attend, ensuring accessibility for everyone. If you’re able to donate, we deeply appreciate your support—every contribution directly funds our cancer support programs.

About Phebe Duff

Phebe Duff is a long-time meditator and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) facilitator. She completed the Community Dharma Leader program at Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Woodacre, CA and the Dharmacharya program offered by the Venerable Pannavati at Heartwood Refuge in Hendersonville, NC. Phebe has facilitated MBSR courses for a wide variety of populations since 2005. Since retiring after a 30+ year career in human resources and as a professional musician, Phebe has taught meditation and MBSR for Wellness House of Annapolis and Smith Center for Healing and the Arts. Working with the cancer community and sharing the practices of meditation and mindfulness to support their healing journey has been the best experience of her teaching career.


This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. If you have any questions, please email

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Phebe Duff

A community for those who want to explore ways to be present in their lives. This group will examine a different topic each week relevant to members’ lives. We will explore meditation and mindfulness practices that can be applied to life experiences in a supportive way. The group is open to people at any level of experience with meditation and mindfulness. This is a drop-in class, so you can join at any time as topics will differ each week. This is a year-long weekly class that will meet every Wednesday beginning September 18th from 5-6pm EST.

Beginning in January 2025, this class will meet from 5-6pm EST.

Please Note: This class will began at Week 1 on September 18th.

Suggested Donation: $15/session

This program is offered for free or at a low cost on a pay-as-you-can basis. Contributions are not required to attend, ensuring accessibility for everyone. If you’re able to donate, we deeply appreciate your support—every contribution directly funds our cancer support programs.

About Phebe Duff

Phebe Duff is a long-time meditator and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) facilitator. She completed the Community Dharma Leader program at Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Woodacre, CA and the Dharmacharya program offered by the Venerable Pannavati at Heartwood Refuge in Hendersonville, NC. Phebe has facilitated MBSR courses for a wide variety of populations since 2005. Since retiring after a 30+ year career in human resources and as a professional musician, Phebe has taught meditation and MBSR for Wellness House of Annapolis and Smith Center for Healing and the Arts. Working with the cancer community and sharing the practices of meditation and mindfulness to support their healing journey has been the best experience of her teaching career.

WEEK 4/25

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. If you have any questions, please email

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Phebe Duff

On February 10th, the Mindful Cancer Journey class will begin a new series working with the book Neuro Dharma by Dr. Rick Hanson. Rick has written a powerful book that synthesizes 2,600 year old meditation practices with current neuroscience to strengthen the neural circuitry of our brains to enhance contentment and inner peace.  We will do a variety of practices, see videos of Rick explaining his work and a variety of other activities. There is no obligation to purchase the book and each class has been designed as a stand-alone program for those who have to miss a class. We hope you will join us!

This series will run from 02/10 – 08/11/25

Suggested Donation: $15/session

This program is offered for free or at a low cost on a pay-as-you-can basis. Contributions are not required to attend, ensuring accessibility for everyone. If you’re able to donate, we deeply appreciate your support—every contribution directly funds our cancer support programs.

About Phebe Duff

Phebe Duff is a long-time meditator and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) facilitator. She completed the Community Dharma Leader program at Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Woodacre, CA and the Dharmacharya program offered by the Venerable Pannavati at Heartwood Refuge in Hendersonville, NC. Phebe has facilitated MBSR courses for a wide variety of populations since 2005. Since retiring after a 30+ year career in human resources and as a professional musician, Phebe has taught meditation and MBSR for Wellness House of Annapolis and Smith Center for Healing and the Arts. Working with the cancer community and sharing the practices of meditation and mindfulness to support their healing journey has been the best experience of her teaching career.