This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, register by clicking the RSVP button above or by emailing

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Kiersten Gallagher

Outside the Lines

Creative expression has often been used in the healing process and it is at the core of Smith Center’s philosophy, but fear of judgment and “not being an artist” can often prevent us from tapping into its healing power. Join us for Outside the Lines, where a facilitator will help you reclaim art-making as a healing tool through guided creative projects. Participants who feel comfortable working on their own projects are also welcome to do so.

Outside the Lines is held Bi-Monthly on Wednesdays from 10:30am – 12:00pm. The Social Hour sessions will only run from 10:30-11:30am. 

Suggested donation: $10 per class

Our programs are open to the community, and tailored to meet the needs of people affected by cancer. Classes and workshops are free or low cost on a pay-as-you-can basis, ensuring that our programs are accessible to everyone.

About Kiersten Gallagher

Kiersten Gallagher

As the Cancer Support Program Director, Kiersten fully believes that through the arts we can expand our perspectives and explore new fulfilling ways of being. She invites you to make our space your own refuge, to circumvent your daily routine to spark creativity, to take time for introspection, and draw outside the lines.

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, register by clicking the RSVP button above or by emailing

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Ruth Milante

Do you have a grand art plan with little time or skill to execute it?

A memory yearning to be expressed in both words and pictures?

Tiny Stories are a quick way to jumpstart your ideas without a big commitment.

All you need are 4-6 panels and your favorite drawing tools. We’ve attached a printable page but index cards, or any Comic Strip Template will do. You don’t need to be a professional writer or artist to tell a Tiny Story!


Writing & Drawing Materials of Your Choice

Comic Strip Template (Click Here for Ours)


June 2021 Tiny Stories

Suggested donation: $10

Our programs are open to the community, and tailored to meet the needs of people affected by cancer. Classes and workshops are free or low cost on a pay-as-you-can basis, ensuring that our programs are accessible to everyone.

This program has been cancelled and will be rescheduled for another time. Please feel free to check in about the new date by emailing

with Tina Scott Lassiter

*collage art cannot be reproduced without permission from Tina Scott Lassiter
Our body is the one thing we know better than anyone else does. We’ve been intimately engaged with it for our entire life after all, so who else can make that claim! As we mature, outside influences, health issues, and even our family lineage play a role in shaping the narratives we construct about our bodies and lives. The problem with that is, we sometimes allow those influences to negatively affect the love we should have for our total body — physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, and social.
This workshop is designed to get in touch with the body narratives that have influenced our life progression, consider the story we wish to tell moving forward, and appreciate the body we have. After establishing a safe space for enlightenment and sharing, you will gain an understanding of how the physical, mental, spiritual, emotional and social bodies can be separate yet make up the whole. Using the senses, live conversation about sensuality, along with a fun sensual experience, guided and art imagery, creative and written exercises, and some easy movement, you will uncover and reflect on your personal body narratives. You will also be guided through an uplifting exercise on loving the body you’re gifted with, with all it’s flaws and OMG moments, as well as receive tips for body love self-care. While story sharing is encouraged during group discussions, our stories are our own; you are free to make choices about what and how much is comfortable for you to share.
No matter our age, it’s time to really wonder about who we are, have been; who we wish to be, where we see ourselves going or maybe even discover something we never even thought of. To celebrate our years of life, the wisdom we’ve acquired along the way, the body we have right now. To uncover the stories our bodies have to tell us, the ones we know and perhaps ones unknown. To honor our beautifully exquisite body existence as together we explore how the senses, sensuality, and total body love can bring forth our body narrative so we can begin to write a new or continued story for the path ahead.
Previous artistic training or specific writing skills are not necessary for this session. This program is open to people who identify as women only.
Suggested Donation: $15

About Tina Scott Lassiter

Tina Scott Lassiter, M.B.A., is a holistic health professional, collagist, photographer, author/writer, speaker/moderator, and co-host of The Body Love Construct podcast. Certified in several mind-body disciplines and the healing arts, she facilitates workshops for groups and individuals that focus on emotional, social, and spiritual development and health. Her collage images originally addressed self-esteem and personal body awareness; they later materialized as statement art, dictated by current events and social issues. Both her essays and art have appeared in anthologies and on/in a number of online and printed national publications.

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, register by clicking the RSVP button above or by emailing

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

Art Lab: Playing with Watercolor

with artist & sculptor Liz Lescault

Playing with Watercolor

This fall we will play with watercolor using “wet on wet” techniques to create washes and spontaneous abstract effects. We will explore the varied effects of the watercolor medium. There is just nothing like the magic of watercolor. Techniques will be introduced in an easeful way and we will discover how to let paintings emerge from our experiments.

These sessions will provide inspiration for both representational and abstract painting.

Sessions will start at 5:30pm and end at 7pm with extra sharing and critique time until 7:30 pm for those who wish to stay.

Art Lab will be about making art as well as the different ways we experience art and how it affects us. We will explore both the process and the product of the art we create. We will integrate movement and playful sharing into our art making experience sharing insights, joys and concerns.

These hands-on workshops are for both novices and experienced artists.  You are invited to come to one, some or all of the workshops as the spirit moves you. All are welcome.

Suggested Materials*:

*your favorite watercolor supplies may work just as well for this project. Below are some tips and suggested supplies from Cheap Joes (my favorite place to purchase – prices are generally 40% off retail store prices and are of high quality). High quality watercolor supplies are needed to achieve many watercolor effects.

Art Lab will be offered monthly on Thursdays from 5:30 – 7:00pm ET. Those who wish to stay until 7:30 for extra sharing and critique time are welcome to.

Participants are encouraged to drop-in for any session – new themes and projects will be introduced each month.

Upcoming Dates: 

  • October 26
  • November 16
  • December 21

Suggested Donation: $15

About Liz Lescault

Liz Lescault

Liz Lescault, a visual artist and sculptor, has practiced and taught art for over 40 years. Liz is also a Coordinator of the DC InterPlay Metro Region, a certified InterPlay leader and a member of the DC InterPlay Board. She leads Open Gathering days for InterPlay DC and organizes and leads workshops regionally and nationally online and in person. Liz has been leading Art Lab both for Smith Center for the Healing Arts, for the Phillips Collection and for InterPlay internationally.

Formerly, Liz, was a hotline crisis counselor, for various suicide prevention lifelines and The Trevor Project providing help for LGBTQ youth in crisis and the Prince Georges County Homeless Hotline.

Liz has also led InterPlay for elders with chronic illness and cognitive disabilities at Iona Senior Center in Washington DC.

Liz melds her art, teaching, guidance and personal philosophy with InterPlay wisdom, tools and forms.

B.S., Psychology, Drew University, Madison, NJ

M.Ed., University of Massachusetts at Amherst, British Techniques of Open Education

Studied watercolor at WICE, an international educational and cultural association in Paris, France

This program has been cancelled. In order to participate in the regularly scheduled  Outside the Lines session taking place instead, please email

with Renee Sandell, PhD

Join us in-person for Outside the Lines with a guest artist.

Develop your innate creative skills in this hands-on workshop that uses Marking & Mapping® to discover your “visual voice” as you engage in visual meditation and warm-up exercises. Have fun making playful marks using art tools that help you create a “spiritual” life map of your virtues and intentions. You will be encouraged to use meaningful words, images, and events that hold significance to you. The act of mapping out your thoughts visually can be a transformative experience, allowing you to see patterns, connections, and themes in your life that might have gone unnoticed. The process can be both eye-opening and cathartic, leading to new insights and a deeper understanding of your inner self. No previous art experience needed. Join us and surprise yourself!

Outside the Lines is held Bi-Monthly on Wednesdays from 10:30am – 12:00pm. The Social Hour sessions will only run from 10:30-11:30am. 

Suggested Donation: $15

Our programs are open to the community, and tailored to meet the needs of people affected by cancer. Classes and workshops are free or low cost on a pay-as-you-can basis, ensuring that our programs are accessible to everyone.


Smith Center for Healing and the Arts

1632 U Street NW

Washington, DC 20009

For those who haven’t been to Smith Center before, Smith Center is a 15-minute walk from both the Metro Red Line (Dupont Circle) or Green Line (U Street Cardozo). For those driving, there is On-street, two-hour metered parking on U St and two-hour, non-metered parking in the surrounding neighborhood.

About Renee Sandell

Renee Sandell

Renee Sandell’s art, teaching, and research focus on Visual Fitness 4 All: Engaging Creativity and Insight® for EVERYONE. Renee is founder/director of the expeditionary, museum-based SummerVision DC Program, which she designed and has delivered for the National Art Education Association (NAEA) for 10 years since 2010. Previously Professor of Art Education at George Mason University (2004-2014) and at Maryland Institute College of Art (1990-2003), she is co-author of two books on gender issues and has published numerous articles, book chapters and art curricula. Winner of the 2019 Lowenfeld Award, Sandell was recognized as 2015-2016 Distinguished Lecturer in Art Education at Miami University and 2013 NAEA National Art Educator. Renee has received numerous awards for her leadership and scholarship on her Form+Theme+Context (FTC)® and her Marking & Mapping®, an accessible form of visual meaning-making. Sandell’s Visual Fitness 4 All® for Engaging Creativity and Insight® workshops are designed to nurture envisioning skills for individuals within professional development programs, organizations, health spas, businesses, and other venues. She has been offering Art & Virtues workshops since early in the Pandemic. Renee’s Smithsonian Associates studio courses include: “Curating a Life: Art as Memoir,” Seeing More: Art, Virtues, and Our Lives, and Visual Journaling: Creativity Workshop.

Learn more about Renee’s teaching at Renee’s artwork includes artistic installations of multi-media markings on paper, board, and silk, to explore the human condition in time, space, and place. To learn more about Renee’s artwork, visit her website

Visual Fitness 4 ALL

This program is currently full. If you would like to be added to a waitlist, please email

with Lauren DeMarco

“What I dream of is an art of balance, of purity and serenity…a soothing, calming influence on the mind, rather like a good armchair which provides relaxation from physical fatigue.” – Henri Matisse

For artist Henri Matisse, making art was a way to decompress and spark joy. Take advantage of the restorative effects of creating art at an in-person Paint & Sip at Smith Center. An instructor will guide you through easy-to-follow steps to create your own interpretation of an abstract painting inspired by Matisse. No artistic skill or experience is required for this fun evening of painting and socializing. Supplies, snacks, and drinks will be provided. Come meet someone new, use your creativity, and leave more refreshed than you arrived.

This event is open to the community and free of charge to ensure that it is accessible to everyone. 

Suggested Donation: $20


Smith Center for Healing and the Arts

1632 U Street NW

Washington, DC 20009

For those who haven’t been to Smith Center before, Smith Center is a 15-minute walk from both the Metro Red Line (Dupont Circle) or Green Line (U Street Cardozo). For those driving, there is On-street, two-hour metered parking on U St and two-hour, non-metered parking in the surrounding neighborhood.

About Lauren DeMarco

Lauren is a graduate student in Georgetown University’s Master’s Program in Engaged and Public Humanities and a current intern at Smith Center. Prior to this, she graduated from Wake Forest University with degrees in studio art and English. Lauren is an avid reader, passionate artist, and mediocre runner. Creative pursuits have always been a source of healing and joy for her, so she is excited to connect with the Smith Center community through the arts.

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, register by clicking the RSVP button above or by emailing

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Kiersten Gallagher

Outside the Lines

Creative expression has often been used in the healing process and it is at the core of Smith Center’s philosophy, but fear of judgment and “not being an artist” can often prevent us from tapping into its healing power. Join us for Outside the Lines, where a facilitator will help you reclaim art-making as a healing tool through guided creative projects. Participants who feel comfortable working on their own projects are also welcome to do so.

Outside the Lines is held Bi-Monthly on Wednesdays from 10:30am – 12:00pm. The Social Hour sessions will only run from 10:30-11:30am. 

Suggested donation: $10 per class

Our programs are open to the community, and tailored to meet the needs of people affected by cancer. Classes and workshops are free or low cost on a pay-as-you-can basis, ensuring that our programs are accessible to everyone.

About Kiersten Gallagher

Kiersten Gallagher

As the Cancer Support Program Director, Kiersten fully believes that through the arts we can expand our perspectives and explore new fulfilling ways of being. She invites you to make our space your own refuge, to circumvent your daily routine to spark creativity, to take time for introspection, and draw outside the lines.

This program is being offered in-person. In order to participate, please register by clicking the RSVP button above or by emailing

Substance of Venom New single channel video work, 2022 (video still) by artist Cherie Sampson

The Smith Center for Healing and the Arts will be hosting an in-person art workshop in collaboration with the current exhibition, art, cancer, and transformation, on display at the gallery! “” became the title for a body of creative works developed since 2017 by Cherie Sampson that document and depict personal, familial and community experiences with hereditary breast cancer. Works from the project include video art and short
films, soundscapes, photographs, montages and an additional live performance that will be performed in the beginning of August. We invite you to experience the exhibition in its entirety during our Gallery Art Workshop. Following the exhibition viewing, participants will engage in a reflective art exercise. In this art
space, you will be able to utilize different mediums to create your own work of art inspired by the show. Participants are free to create in their own way.

If you have been touched by cancer in some way, we invite you to join us for this workshop.


Smith Center for Healing and the Arts

1632 U Street NW

Washington, DC 20009

Smith Center is a 15-minute walk from both the Metro Red Line (Dupont Circle) or Green Line (U Street Cardozo). For those driving, there is On-street, two-hour metered parking on U St and two-hour, non-metered parking in the surrounding neighborhood.

About Cherie Sampson

Cherie Sampson has worked for over 25 years as an interdisciplinary artist in environmental performance, sculpture and video art. She has exhibited internationally in live performances, art-in-nature symposia, video/film screenings and installations in the US, Finland, Norway, Holland, Cuba, France, Greece, Italy, India, Spain, Argentina, South Korea, Hong Kong and other countries. Sampson is the recipient of a number of fellowships & grants including two Fulbright Fellowships to Finland (1998 & 2011), a Finnish Cultural Foundation Grant (North Karelia Fund), three Finlandia Foundation Grants and multiple internal research grants for artistic projects from the University of Missouri. She divides her time between the University of Missouri where she is an Associate Professor of Art and her organic farm in Northeast Missouri where she creates some of her art works in the cultivated and wooded environments. She is the current President of Artists in Nature International Network (AiNIN). Sampson received her Master of Fine Art Degree in Intermedia & Video Art from the University of Iowa in 1997 with a minor in Sculpture.

For more information, please visit:

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, register by clicking the RSVP button above or by emailing

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Kiersten Gallagher

Outside the Lines

Creative expression has often been used in the healing process and it is at the core of Smith Center’s philosophy, but fear of judgment and “not being an artist” can often prevent us from tapping into its healing power. Join us for Outside the Lines, where a facilitator will help you reclaim art-making as a healing tool through guided creative projects. Participants who feel comfortable working on their own projects are also welcome to do so.

Outside the Lines is held Bi-Monthly on Wednesdays from 10:30am – 12:00pm. The Social Hour sessions will only run from 10:30-11:30am. 

Suggested donation: $10 per class

Our programs are open to the community, and tailored to meet the needs of people affected by cancer. Classes and workshops are free or low cost on a pay-as-you-can basis, ensuring that our programs are accessible to everyone.

About Kiersten Gallagher

Kiersten Gallagher

As the Cancer Support Program Director, Kiersten fully believes that through the arts we can expand our perspectives and explore new fulfilling ways of being. She invites you to make our space your own refuge, to circumvent your daily routine to spark creativity, to take time for introspection, and draw outside the lines.

This session has been cancelled and this class is taking a break for the summer. 

Art Lab: Celebrating the Creative Spirit will return in September.

with artist & sculptor Liz Lescault

In future Art Lab sessions, we will play with a variety of media and genres including: doodling, drawing, collage, assemblage, and water color.

Art Lab will be about making art as well as the different ways we experience art and how it affects us. We will explore both the process and the product of the art we create. We will integrate movement and playful sharing into our art making experience sharing insights, joys and concerns.

These hands-on workshops are for both novices and experienced artists.  You are invited to come to one, some or all of the workshops as the spirit moves you. All are welcome.

About Liz Lescault

Liz Lescault

Liz Lescault, a visual artist and sculptor, has practiced and taught art for over 40 years. Liz is also a Coordinator of the DC InterPlay Metro Region, a certified InterPlay leader and a member of the DC InterPlay Board. She leads Open Gathering days for InterPlay DC and organizes and leads workshops regionally and nationally online and in person. Liz has been leading Art Lab both for Smith Center for the Healing Arts, for the Phillips Collection and for InterPlay internationally.

Formerly, Liz, was a hotline crisis counselor, for various suicide prevention lifelines and The Trevor Project providing help for LGBTQ youth in crisis and the Prince Georges County Homeless Hotline.

Liz has also led InterPlay for elders with chronic illness and cognitive disabilities at Iona Senior Center in Washington DC.

Liz melds her art, teaching, guidance and personal philosophy with InterPlay wisdom, tools and forms.

B.S., Psychology, Drew University, Madison, NJ

M.Ed., University of Massachusetts at Amherst, British Techniques of Open Education

Studied watercolor at WICE, an international educational and cultural association in Paris, France