To be registered for this program series, please click the RSVP button above or email

Part 1/5. This program series is being offered virtually through Zoom.

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Erin Price, LICSW, OSW-C and Sara Field, LICSW, OSW-C

This program is offered in partnership between Smith Center for Healing and the Arts & the Ourisman Breast Center at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital.

Mind Over Matter - Evidence-Based Mind-Body Program Series

This 5-session program uses evidence-based strategies to help decrease feelings of anxiety and depression and increase a sense of well-being. Each week new tools using cognitive and behavioral approaches and mind/body strategies will be introduced and practiced, therefore weekly attendance is expected.

NOTE: *Open to Cancer Patients/Survivors at any stage in their journey and Cancer Caregivers. Participants are encouraged to attend all 5 sessions to get the most out of the program. Before registering, be sure that you can commit to attending at least 4 of the 5 sessions.

Mind Over Matter* will be offered as a program series Weekly on Wednesdays from April 23 – May 21, 2025 from 2:30 – 4:00pm ET via Zoom.

Program Dates:

  • April 23 & 30
  • May 7, 14 &21

Suggested Donation: $25 for the 5- part series

This program is offered for free or at a low cost on a pay-as-you-can basis. Contributions are not required to attend, ensuring accessibility for everyone. If you’re able to donate, we deeply appreciate your support—every contribution directly funds our cancer support programs.

About Erin Price, MSW, LICSW, OSW-C

Erin Price

Erin serves as Smith Center’s Director of Young Adult and Psychosocial Support Programs. She is trained in Integrative Patient Navigation, a Project LEAD graduate, and holds a Masters in Social Work. A seven-year breast cancer survivor, Erin is passionate about providing support and community to other cancer survivors, especially young adults. She works with Smith Center’s DC Young Adult Cancer Community and is also actively involved in the cancer community through Young Survival Coalition, Critical Mass, the Georgetown Breast Cancer Advocates, National Breast Cancer Coalition, and the DC Cancer Action Partnership.

About Sara Field, LICSW, OSW-C

Sara Field

Sara is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker in DC and holds an Oncology Social Work certification. She earned her Masters Degree in Social Work at the Catholic University of America in DC and has worked in oncology for over 6 years. Sara currently serves as the Clinical Social Worker and Patient Experience Supervisor at the Ourisman Breast Center at MedStar Georgetown and previously worked  at the Lombardi Cancer Center and GW Cancer Center. Sara has a strong interest in the intersection of emotional and physical health and a particular passion for supporting parents with cancer and their kids.

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link for the course, please complete the brief questionnaire linked below. If you have any questions, please email

with Phebe Duff and Virginia Barnes Ricketts, MS, LCPC

This program is being offered virtually over 8 weeks from Thursday, January 9 through February 27 from 4:00-6:00pm ET. We ask that participants commit to attending all sessions as limited space is available.

This 8-week course is designed to help cancer patients reduce suffering from the pain and stress associated with their illness. The course integrates mindfulness, psychoeducation and cognitive-behavioral techniques. All are evidence-based strategies for improving well-being and quality of life in patients experiencing pain. The class includes online instruction and meditation practice, as well as short assignments to complete at home. Participants will learn many new strategies for enhancing a sense of peace in their lives while living with cancer.

Meeting Dates:

  • January 9, 16, 23 & 30
  • February 6, 13, 20 & 27

In order to participate and receive the Zoom link for the course, please complete the brief questionnaire linked here.

About Phebe Duff

Phebe Duff is a long-time meditator and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) facilitator. She completed the Community Dharma Leader program at Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Woodacre, CA and the Dharmacharya program offered by the Venerable Pannavati at Heartwood Refuge in Hendersonville, NC. Phebe has facilitated MBSR courses for a wide variety of populations since 2005. Since retiring after a 30+ year career in human resources and as a professional musician, Phebe has taught meditation and MBSR for Wellness House of Annapolis, a cancer support organization providing various kinds of emotional and other support services to people recently diagnosed with cancer or living
with cancer, family members and caregivers of cancer patients and people who have lost a loved one to cancer. Working with the cancer community and sharing the practices of meditation and mindfulness to support their healing journey has been the best experience of her teaching career.

About Virginia Barnes Ricketts, MS, LCPC

Virginia is a psychotherapist in private practice in Annapolis, Maryland serving adults and adult families with a broad range of mental health needs. Virginia has worked for the past five years as a counselor and group leader at Annapolis Wellness House where she has been able to combine her professional training with her personal experience as a breast cancer survivor. Virginia is committed to sharing with her patients the most current information in psychological science, and works to translate research into useful understandings of human behavior. Virginia brings insight into conscious and unconscious mental processes so that thoughts, feelings, and behaviors can be understood in the most constructive ways. Her goal is to help patients develop strategies for more effectively navigating and enjoying their lives, while continuing to grow as human beings.

This program is currently full. To be added to the waitlist, please email

Part 1/5. This program series is being offered virtually through Zoom.

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Erin Price, LICSW, OSW-C and Sara Field, LICSW, OSW-C

This program is offered in partnership between Smith Center for Healing and the Arts & the Ourisman Breast Center at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital.

Mind Over Matter - Evidence-Based Mind-Body Program Series

This 5-session program uses evidence-based strategies to help decrease feelings of anxiety and depression and increase a sense of well-being. Each week new tools using cognitive and behavioral approaches and mind/body strategies will be introduced and practiced, therefore weekly attendance is expected.

NOTE: *Open to Cancer Patients/Survivors at any stage in their journey and Cancer Caregivers. Participants are encouraged to attend all 5 sessions to get the most out of the program. Before registering, be sure that you can commit to attending at least 4 of the 5 sessions.

Mind Over Matter* will be offered as a program series Weekly on Wednesdays from January 15th – February 12th, 2025 from 2:30 – 4:00pm ET via Zoom.

Program Dates:

  • January 15, 22 & 29
  • February 5 & 12

About Erin Price, MSW, LICSW, OSW-C

Erin Price

Erin serves as Smith Center’s Director of Young Adult and Psychosocial Support Programs. She is trained in Integrative Patient Navigation, a Project LEAD graduate, and holds a Masters in Social Work. A seven-year breast cancer survivor, Erin is passionate about providing support and community to other cancer survivors, especially young adults. She works with Smith Center’s DC Young Adult Cancer Community and is also actively involved in the cancer community through Young Survival Coalition, Critical Mass, the Georgetown Breast Cancer Advocates, National Breast Cancer Coalition, and the DC Cancer Action Partnership.

About Sara Field, LICSW, OSW-C

Sara Field

Sara is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker in DC and holds an Oncology Social Work certification. She earned her Masters Degree in Social Work at the Catholic University of America in DC and has worked in oncology for over 6 years. Sara currently serves as the Clinical Social Worker and Patient Experience Supervisor at the Ourisman Breast Center at MedStar Georgetown and previously worked  at the Lombardi Cancer Center and GW Cancer Center. Sara has a strong interest in the intersection of emotional and physical health and a particular passion for supporting parents with cancer and their kids.

This program is currently full. To be added to the waitlist, please email

Part 1/5. This program series is being offered virtually through Zoom.

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Erin Price, LICSW, OSW-C and Sara Field, LICSW, OSW-C

This program is offered in partnership between Smith Center for Healing and the Arts & the Ourisman Breast Center at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital.

Mind Over Matter - Evidence-Based Mind-Body Program Series

This 5-session program uses evidence-based strategies to help decrease feelings of anxiety and depression and increase a sense of well-being. Each week new tools using cognitive and behavioral approaches and mind/body strategies will be introduced and practiced, therefore weekly attendance is expected.

NOTE: *Open to Cancer Patients/Survivors at any stage in their journey and Cancer Caregivers. Participants are encouraged to attend all 5 sessions to get the most out of the program. Before registering, be sure that you can commit to attending at least 4 of the 5 sessions.

Mind Over Matter* will be offered as a program series Weekly on Wednesdays from October, 16th – November, 13th, 2024 from 2:30 – 4:00pm ET via Zoom.

Program Dates:

  • October 16, 23, 30
  • November 6 & 13

About Erin Price, MSW, LICSW, OSW-C

Erin Price

Erin serves as Smith Center’s Director of Young Adult and Psychosocial Support Programs. She is trained in Integrative Patient Navigation, a Project LEAD graduate, and holds a Masters in Social Work. A seven-year breast cancer survivor, Erin is passionate about providing support and community to other cancer survivors, especially young adults. She works with Smith Center’s DC Young Adult Cancer Community and is also actively involved in the cancer community through Young Survival Coalition, Critical Mass, the Georgetown Breast Cancer Advocates, National Breast Cancer Coalition, and the DC Cancer Action Partnership.

About Sara Field, LICSW, OSW-C

Sara Field

Sara is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker in DC and holds an Oncology Social Work certification. She earned her Masters Degree in Social Work at the Catholic University of America in DC and has worked in oncology for over 6 years. Sara currently serves as the Clinical Social Worker and Patient Experience Supervisor at the Ourisman Breast Center at MedStar Georgetown and previously worked  at the Lombardi Cancer Center and GW Cancer Center. Sara has a strong interest in the intersection of emotional and physical health and a particular passion for supporting parents with cancer and their kids.

This program is currently full. If you would like to join the wait list, please email

Part 1/5. This program series is being offered virtually through Zoom.

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Erin Price, LICSW, OSW-C, Sara Field, LICSW, OSW-C and Kiersten Gallagher

This program is provided thanks to generous funding from The Washington Home and offered in partnership between Smith Center for Healing and the Arts & the Ourisman Breast Center at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital.

Mind Over Matter - Evidence-Based Mind-Body Program Series

This 5-session program uses evidence-based strategies to help decrease feelings of anxiety and depression and increase a sense of well-being. Each week new tools using cognitive and behavioral approaches and mind/body strategies will be introduced and practiced, therefore weekly attendance is expected.

NOTE: *Open to Cancer Patients/Survivors at any stage in their journey and Cancer Caregivers. Participants are encouraged to attend all 5 sessions to get the most out of the program. Before registering, be sure that you can commit to attending at least 4 of the 5 sessions.

Mind Over Matter* will be offered as a program series Weekly on Wednesdays from February 7th – March 6th, 2023, from 3:00 – 4:30pm ET via Zoom.

Program Dates:

  • February 7, 14, 21, 28
  • March 6

About Erin Price, MSW, LICSW, OSW-C

Erin Price

Erin serves as Smith Center’s Director of Young Adult and Psychosocial Support Programs. She is trained in Integrative Patient Navigation, a Project LEAD graduate, and holds a Masters in Social Work. A seven-year breast cancer survivor, Erin is passionate about providing support and community to other cancer survivors, especially young adults. She works with Smith Center’s DC Young Adult Cancer Community and is also actively involved in the cancer community through Young Survival Coalition, Critical Mass, the Georgetown Breast Cancer Advocates, National Breast Cancer Coalition, and the DC Cancer Action Partnership.

About Sara Field, MSW, LICSW, OSW-C

Sara Field

Sara is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker in DC and holds an Oncology Social Work certification. She earned her Masters Degree in Social Work at the Catholic University of America in DC and has worked in oncology for over 6 years. Sara currently serves as the Clinical Social Worker and Patient Experience Supervisor at the Ourisman Breast Center at MedStar Georgetown and previously worked  at the Lombardi Cancer Center and GW Cancer Center. Sara has a strong interest in the intersection of emotional and physical health and a particular passion for supporting parents with cancer and their kids.

About Kiersten Gallagher

Kiersten Gallagher

Kiersten has served as the Cancer Support Program Director for Smith Center since 2014. Before coming to Smith Center, she had the privilege to serve individuals and families living with cancer at Wellness House of Annapolis. Kiersten aims to offer programs to reduce stress and help participants to see the world we live in from different perspectives. She thoroughly enjoys teaching yoga and creativity classes at Smith Center and encourages gentle movement and creativity in the healing process. Kiersten is a certified yoga instructor through Yoga Alliance and also has her YCAT (Yoga Therapy in Cancer and Chronic Illness) Professional Certification through the Integral Yoga Academy. She has completed Patient Navigation training through Smith Center’s Institute for Integrative Oncology Navigation and has also completed the Commonweal Healing Circles: Advanced Cancer Support Training. Kiersten is also certified in CLIMB®(Children’s Lives Include Moments of Bravery) a program that aims to build upon the strengths of children and increase his/her ability to cope with stress associated with a parent’s illness. She believes in a holistic approach to healing, human relationships and is grateful for each and every day. Kiersten has also completed the Compassion Cultivation Training – CCT™ an 8-week program, developed at Stanford University, with insights and techniques from psychology, neuroscience, and contemplative practice. In her spare time, you may find Kiersten laughing with friends, cycling, taking art classes, practicing yoga and spending time with her husband Shane, son Liam, and dogs Beans and Pablo.

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link for the course, please click the RSVP button above. If you have any questions, please email

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Phebe Duff and Virginia Barnes Ricketts, MS, LCPC

offered in partnership with Wellness House of Annapolis

This program is being offered virtually over 10 weeks from Thursday, March 21 through May 23 from 4:00-6:00pm ET. We ask that participants commit to attending all sessions as limited space is available.

This 10 week course is designed to help cancer patients reduce suffering from the pain and stress associated with their illness. The course integrates mindfulness, psychoeducation and cognitive-behavioral techniques. All are evidence-based strategies for improving well-being and quality of life in patients experiencing pain. The class includes online instruction and meditation practice, as well as short assignments to complete at home. Participants will learn many new strategies for enhancing a sense of peace in their lives while living with cancer.

About Phebe Duff

Phebe Duff is a long-time meditator and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) facilitator. She completed the Community Dharma Leader program at Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Woodacre, CA and the Dharmacharya program offered by the Venerable Pannavati at Heartwood Refuge in Hendersonville, NC. Phebe has facilitated MBSR courses for a wide variety of populations since 2005. Since retiring after a 30+ year career in human resources and as a professional musician, Phebe has taught meditation and MBSR for Wellness House of Annapolis, a cancer support organization providing various kinds of emotional and other support services to people recently diagnosed with cancer or living
with cancer, family members and caregivers of cancer patients and people who have lost a loved one to cancer. Working with the cancer community and sharing the practices of meditation and mindfulness to support their healing journey has been the best experience of her teaching career.

About Virginia Barnes Ricketts, MS, LCPC

Virginia is a psychotherapist in private practice in Annapolis, Maryland serving adults and adult families with a broad range of mental health needs. Virginia has worked for the past five years as a counselor and group leader at Annapolis Wellness House where she has been able to combine her professional training with her personal experience as a breast cancer survivor. Virginia is committed to sharing with her patients the most current information in psychological science, and works to translate research into useful understandings of human behavior. Virginia brings insight into conscious and unconscious mental processes so that thoughts, feelings, and behaviors can be understood in the most constructive ways. Her goal is to help patients develop strategies for more effectively navigating and enjoying their lives, while continuing to grow as human beings.

If you would like to join this program, please click the RSVP button above or email

Part 1/5. This program series is being offered virtually through Zoom.

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Erin Price, LICSW, OSW-C, Sara Field, LICSW, OSW-C and Kiersten Gallagher

This program is provided thanks to generous funding from The Washington Home and offered in partnership between Smith Center for Healing and the Arts & the Ourisman Breast Center at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital.

Mind Over Matter - Evidence-Based Mind-Body Program Series

This 5-session program uses evidence-based strategies to help decrease feelings of anxiety and depression and increase a sense of well-being. Each week new tools using cognitive and behavioral approaches and mind/body strategies will be introduced and practiced, therefore weekly attendance is expected.

NOTE: *Open to Cancer Patients/Survivors at any stage in their journey and Cancer Caregivers. Participants are encouraged to attend all 5 sessions to get the most out of the program. Before registering, be sure that you can commit to attending at least 4 of the 5 sessions.

Mind Over Matter* will be offered as a program series Weekly on Wednesdays from October 18th – November 15th, 2023, from 3:00 – 4:30pm ET via Zoom.

Program Dates:

  • October 18 & 25
  • November 1, 8 & 15

About Erin Price, MSW, LICSW, OSW-C

Erin Price

Erin serves as Smith Center’s Director of Young Adult and Psychosocial Support Programs. She is trained in Integrative Patient Navigation, a Project LEAD graduate, and holds a Masters in Social Work. A seven-year breast cancer survivor, Erin is passionate about providing support and community to other cancer survivors, especially young adults. She works with Smith Center’s DC Young Adult Cancer Community and is also actively involved in the cancer community through Young Survival Coalition, Critical Mass, the Georgetown Breast Cancer Advocates, National Breast Cancer Coalition, and the DC Cancer Action Partnership.

About Sara Field, MSW, LICSW, OSW-C

Sara Field

Sara is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker in DC and holds an Oncology Social Work certification. She earned her Masters Degree in Social Work at the Catholic University of America in DC and has worked in oncology for over 6 years. Sara currently serves as the Clinical Social Worker and Patient Experience Supervisor at the Ourisman Breast Center at MedStar Georgetown and previously worked  at the Lombardi Cancer Center and GW Cancer Center. Sara has a strong interest in the intersection of emotional and physical health and a particular passion for supporting parents with cancer and their kids.

About Kiersten Gallagher

Kiersten Gallagher

Kiersten has served as the Cancer Support Program Director for Smith Center since 2014. Before coming to Smith Center, she had the privilege to serve individuals and families living with cancer at Wellness House of Annapolis. Kiersten aims to offer programs to reduce stress and help participants to see the world we live in from different perspectives. She thoroughly enjoys teaching yoga and creativity classes at Smith Center and encourages gentle movement and creativity in the healing process. Kiersten is a certified yoga instructor through Yoga Alliance and also has her YCAT (Yoga Therapy in Cancer and Chronic Illness) Professional Certification through the Integral Yoga Academy. She has completed Patient Navigation training through Smith Center’s Institute for Integrative Oncology Navigation and has also completed the Commonweal Healing Circles: Advanced Cancer Support Training. Kiersten is also certified in CLIMB®(Children’s Lives Include Moments of Bravery) a program that aims to build upon the strengths of children and increase his/her ability to cope with stress associated with a parent’s illness. She believes in a holistic approach to healing, human relationships and is grateful for each and every day. Kiersten has also completed the Compassion Cultivation Training – CCT™ an 8-week program, developed at Stanford University, with insights and techniques from psychology, neuroscience, and contemplative practice. In her spare time, you may find Kiersten laughing with friends, cycling, taking art classes, practicing yoga and spending time with her husband Shane, son Liam, and dogs Beans and Pablo.

If you are interested in joining this program, please click the RSVP button above or email

Part 1/5. This program series is being offered virtually through Zoom.

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Erin Price, LICSW, OSW-C, Sara Field, LICSW, OSW-C and Kiersten Gallagher

This program is offered in partnership with Smith Center for Healing and the Arts, the Ourisman Breast Center at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital, and Life With Cancer.

Mind Over Matter - Evidence-Based Mind-Body Program Series

This 5-session program uses evidence-based strategies to help decrease feelings of anxiety and depression and increase a sense of well-being.

Each week, new tools using cognitive and behavioral approaches and mind-body strategies will be introduced and practiced. Therefore, weekly attendance is expected.

Mind Over Matter* will be offered as a program series Weekly on Wednesdays from April 26th – May 24th, 2023, from 3:00 – 4:30pm ET via Zoom.

*Open to Cancer Patients/Survivors at any stage in their journey and Cancer Caregivers. Participants are encouraged to attend all 5 sessions to get the most out of the program. Before registering, be sure that you can commit to attending at least 4 of the 5 sessions. 

This program is offered in partnership with Smith Center for Healing and the Arts, the Ourisman Breast Center at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital, and Life With Cancer.

Program Dates:

  • April 26
  • May 3, 10, 17 & 24

About Erin Price, MSW, LICSW, OSW-C

Erin Price

Erin serves as Smith Center’s Director of Young Adult and Psychosocial Support Programs. She is trained in Integrative Patient Navigation, a Project LEAD graduate, and holds a Masters in Social Work. A seven-year breast cancer survivor, Erin is passionate about providing support and community to other cancer survivors, especially young adults. She works with Smith Center’s DC Young Adult Cancer Community and is also actively involved in the cancer community through Young Survival Coalition, Critical Mass, the Georgetown Breast Cancer Advocates, National Breast Cancer Coalition, and the DC Cancer Action Partnership.

About Sara Field, MSW, LICSW, OSW-C

Sara Field

Sara is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker in DC and holds an Oncology Social Work certification. She earned her Masters Degree in Social Work at the Catholic University of America in DC and has worked in oncology for over 6 years. Sara currently serves as the Clinical Social Worker and Patient Experience Supervisor at the Ourisman Breast Center at MedStar Georgetown and previously worked  at the Lombardi Cancer Center and GW Cancer Center. Sara has a strong interest in the intersection of emotional and physical health and a particular passion for supporting parents with cancer and their kids.

About Kiersten Gallagher

Kiersten Gallagher

Kiersten has served as the Cancer Support Program Director for Smith Center since 2014. Before coming to Smith Center, she had the privilege to serve individuals and families living with cancer at Wellness House of Annapolis. Kiersten aims to offer programs to reduce stress and help participants to see the world we live in from different perspectives. She thoroughly enjoys teaching yoga and creativity classes at Smith Center and encourages gentle movement and creativity in the healing process. Kiersten is a certified yoga instructor through Yoga Alliance and also has her YCAT (Yoga Therapy in Cancer and Chronic Illness) Professional Certification through the Integral Yoga Academy. She has completed Patient Navigation training through Smith Center’s Institute for Integrative Oncology Navigation and has also completed the Commonweal Healing Circles: Advanced Cancer Support Training. Kiersten is also certified in CLIMB®(Children’s Lives Include Moments of Bravery) a program that aims to build upon the strengths of children and increase his/her ability to cope with stress associated with a parent’s illness. She believes in a holistic approach to healing, human relationships and is grateful for each and every day. Kiersten has also completed the Compassion Cultivation Training – CCT™ an 8-week program, developed at Stanford University, with insights and techniques from psychology, neuroscience, and contemplative practice. In her spare time, you may find Kiersten laughing with friends, cycling, taking art classes, practicing yoga and spending time with her husband Shane, son Liam, and dogs Beans and Pablo.

If are interested in joining this program, please email

Part 1/5. This program series is being offered virtually through Zoom.

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Erin Price, LICSW, OSW-C, Sara Field, LICSW, OSW-C and Kiersten Gallagher

This program is offered in partnership with Smith Center for Healing and the Arts, the Ourisman Breast Center at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital, and Life With Cancer.

Mind Over Matter - Evidence-Based Mind-Body Program Series

This 5-session program uses evidence-based strategies to help decrease feelings of anxiety and depression and increase a sense of well-being.

Each week, new tools using cognitive and behavioral approaches and mind-body strategies will be introduced and practiced. Therefore, weekly attendance is expected.

Mind Over Matter* will be offered as a program series Weekly on Wednesdays from January 25th – February 22nd, 2023, from 3:00 – 4:30pm ET via Zoom.

*Open to Cancer Patients/Survivors at any stage in their journey and Cancer Caregivers. Participants are encouraged to attend all 5 sessions to get the most out of the program. Before registering, be sure that you can commit to attending at least 4 of the 5 sessions. 

This program is offered in partnership with Smith Center for Healing and the Arts, the Ourisman Breast Center at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital, and Life With Cancer.

Program Dates:

  • January 25
  • February 1, 8, 15 & 22

About Erin Price, MSW, LICSW, OSW-C

Erin Price

Erin serves as Smith Center’s Director of Young Adult and Psychosocial Support Programs. She is trained in Integrative Patient Navigation, a Project LEAD graduate, and holds a Masters in Social Work. A seven-year breast cancer survivor, Erin is passionate about providing support and community to other cancer survivors, especially young adults. She works with Smith Center’s DC Young Adult Cancer Community and is also actively involved in the cancer community through Young Survival Coalition, Critical Mass, the Georgetown Breast Cancer Advocates, National Breast Cancer Coalition, and the DC Cancer Action Partnership.

About Sara Field, MSW, LICSW, OSW-C

Sara Field

Sara is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker in DC and holds an Oncology Social Work certification. She earned her Masters Degree in Social Work at the Catholic University of America in DC and has worked in oncology for over 6 years. Sara currently serves as the Clinical Social Worker and Patient Experience Supervisor at the Ourisman Breast Center at MedStar Georgetown and previously worked  at the Lombardi Cancer Center and GW Cancer Center. Sara has a strong interest in the intersection of emotional and physical health and a particular passion for supporting parents with cancer and their kids.

About Kiersten Gallagher

Kiersten Gallagher

Kiersten has served as the Cancer Support Program Director for Smith Center since 2014. Before coming to Smith Center, she had the privilege to serve individuals and families living with cancer at Wellness House of Annapolis. Kiersten aims to offer programs to reduce stress and help participants to see the world we live in from different perspectives. She thoroughly enjoys teaching yoga and creativity classes at Smith Center and encourages gentle movement and creativity in the healing process. Kiersten is a certified yoga instructor through Yoga Alliance and also has her YCAT (Yoga Therapy in Cancer and Chronic Illness) Professional Certification through the Integral Yoga Academy. She has completed Patient Navigation training through Smith Center’s Institute for Integrative Oncology Navigation and has also completed the Commonweal Healing Circles: Advanced Cancer Support Training. Kiersten is also certified in CLIMB®(Children’s Lives Include Moments of Bravery) a program that aims to build upon the strengths of children and increase his/her ability to cope with stress associated with a parent’s illness. She believes in a holistic approach to healing, human relationships and is grateful for each and every day. Kiersten has also completed the Compassion Cultivation Training – CCT™ an 8-week program, developed at Stanford University, with insights and techniques from psychology, neuroscience, and contemplative practice. In her spare time, you may find Kiersten laughing with friends, cycling, taking art classes, practicing yoga and spending time with her husband Shane, son Liam, and dogs Beans and Pablo.

This program is currently full. If you would like to be added to the waitlist, please email

Part 1/5. This program series is being offered virtually through Zoom.

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Erin Price, LICSW, OSW-C, Sara Field, LICSW, OSW-C and Kiersten Gallagher

This program is offered in partnership with Smith Center for Healing and the Arts, the Ourisman Breast Center at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital, and life with cancer.

Mind Over Matter - Evidence-Based Mind-Body Program Series

This 5-session program uses evidence-based strategies to help decrease feelings of anxiety and depression and increase a sense of well-being.

Each week, new tools using cognitive and behavioral approaches and mind-body strategies will be introduced and practiced. Therefore, weekly attendance is expected.

Mind Over Matter* will be offered as a program series Weekly on Wednesdays from Oct 12th – Nov 9th, 2022, from 3:00 – 4:30pm ET via Zoom.

*Open to Cancer Patients/Survivors at any stage in their journey and Cancer Caregivers. Participants are encouraged to attend all 5 sessions to get the most out of the program. Before registering, be sure that you can commit to attending at least 4 of the 5 sessions. 

This program is offered in partnership with Smith Center for Healing and the Arts, the Ourisman Breast Center at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital, and Life With Cancer.

Program Dates:

  • October 12, 19 & 26
  • November 2 & 9

About Erin Price, MSW, LICSW, OSW-C

Erin Price

Erin serves as Smith Center’s Director of Young Adult and Psychosocial Support Programs. She is trained in Integrative Patient Navigation, a Project LEAD graduate, and holds a Masters in Social Work. A seven-year breast cancer survivor, Erin is passionate about providing support and community to other cancer survivors, especially young adults. She works with Smith Center’s DC Young Adult Cancer Community and is also actively involved in the cancer community through Young Survival Coalition, Critical Mass, the Georgetown Breast Cancer Advocates, National Breast Cancer Coalition, and the DC Cancer Action Partnership.

About Sara Field, MSW, LICSW, OSW-C

Sara Field

Sara is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker in DC and holds an Oncology Social Work certification. She earned her Masters Degree in Social Work at the Catholic University of America in DC and has worked in oncology for over 6 years. Sara currently serves as the Clinical Social Worker and Patient Experience Supervisor at the Ourisman Breast Center at MedStar Georgetown and previously worked  at the Lombardi Cancer Center and GW Cancer Center. Sara has a strong interest in the intersection of emotional and physical health and a particular passion for supporting parents with cancer and their kids.

About Kiersten Gallagher

Kiersten Gallagher

Kiersten has served as the Cancer Support Program Director for Smith Center since 2014. Before coming to Smith Center, she had the privilege to serve individuals and families living with cancer at Wellness House of Annapolis. Kiersten aims to offer programs to reduce stress and help participants to see the world we live in from different perspectives. She thoroughly enjoys teaching yoga and creativity classes at Smith Center and encourages gentle movement and creativity in the healing process. Kiersten is a certified yoga instructor through Yoga Alliance and also has her YCAT (Yoga Therapy in Cancer and Chronic Illness) Professional Certification through the Integral Yoga Academy. She has completed Patient Navigation training through Smith Center’s Institute for Integrative Oncology Navigation and has also completed the Commonweal Healing Circles: Advanced Cancer Support Training. Kiersten is also certified in CLIMB®(Children’s Lives Include Moments of Bravery) a program that aims to build upon the strengths of children and increase his/her ability to cope with stress associated with a parent’s illness. She believes in a holistic approach to healing, human relationships and is grateful for each and every day. Kiersten has also completed the Compassion Cultivation Training – CCT™ an 8-week program, developed at Stanford University, with insights and techniques from psychology, neuroscience, and contemplative practice. In her spare time, you may find Kiersten laughing with friends, cycling, taking art classes, practicing yoga and spending time with her husband Shane, son Liam, and dogs Beans and Pablo.