To be registered for this program series, please click the RSVP button above or email

Part 1/5. This program series is being offered virtually through Zoom.

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Erin Price, LICSW, OSW-C and Sara Field, LICSW, OSW-C

This program is offered in partnership between Smith Center for Healing and the Arts & the Ourisman Breast Center at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital.

Mind Over Matter - Evidence-Based Mind-Body Program Series

This 5-session program uses evidence-based strategies to help decrease feelings of anxiety and depression and increase a sense of well-being. Each week new tools using cognitive and behavioral approaches and mind/body strategies will be introduced and practiced, therefore weekly attendance is expected.

NOTE: *Open to Cancer Patients/Survivors at any stage in their journey and Cancer Caregivers. Participants are encouraged to attend all 5 sessions to get the most out of the program. Before registering, be sure that you can commit to attending at least 4 of the 5 sessions.

Mind Over Matter* will be offered as a program series Weekly on Wednesdays from April 23 – May 21, 2025 from 2:30 – 4:00pm ET via Zoom.

Program Dates:

  • April 23 & 30
  • May 7, 14 &21

Suggested Donation: $25 for the 5- part series

This program is offered for free or at a low cost on a pay-as-you-can basis. Contributions are not required to attend, ensuring accessibility for everyone. If you’re able to donate, we deeply appreciate your support—every contribution directly funds our cancer support programs.

About Erin Price, MSW, LICSW, OSW-C

Erin Price

Erin serves as Smith Center’s Director of Young Adult and Psychosocial Support Programs. She is trained in Integrative Patient Navigation, a Project LEAD graduate, and holds a Masters in Social Work. A seven-year breast cancer survivor, Erin is passionate about providing support and community to other cancer survivors, especially young adults. She works with Smith Center’s DC Young Adult Cancer Community and is also actively involved in the cancer community through Young Survival Coalition, Critical Mass, the Georgetown Breast Cancer Advocates, National Breast Cancer Coalition, and the DC Cancer Action Partnership.

About Sara Field, LICSW, OSW-C

Sara Field

Sara is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker in DC and holds an Oncology Social Work certification. She earned her Masters Degree in Social Work at the Catholic University of America in DC and has worked in oncology for over 6 years. Sara currently serves as the Clinical Social Worker and Patient Experience Supervisor at the Ourisman Breast Center at MedStar Georgetown and previously worked  at the Lombardi Cancer Center and GW Cancer Center. Sara has a strong interest in the intersection of emotional and physical health and a particular passion for supporting parents with cancer and their kids.

To be sent the brief questionnaire required to participate in this program series, please email

with Phebe Duff


This program is being offered virtually over 9 weeks from Tuesday, September 9 through November 4 from 4:00-6:30pm ET. The program also includes a mini virtual retreat on Saturday, October 18th from 9:00am-12:00pm. We ask that participants commit to attending all sessions including the mini-retreat. Limited space available.

We are asking participants to contribute toward their participation in this program, however, we do not want cost to be a barrier to anyone in accessing this program. As such, we are encouraging each person to choose to contribute a one-time amount between $25 to $150 that feels comfortable for you based on your own personal income circumstances. If you have any questions, please contact us, we are happy to discuss any additional issues privately.

Are you at a tipping point, overwhelmed by the stress of our fast-paced lives?

Are you experiencing life events affecting your physical, psychological or emotional wellbeing?

Are you just looking for a way to get your life back into balance?

The good news is that you already have the resources you need to come back to health and wellbeing. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) in Cancer Recovery training can help you reconnect to those inner resources. Even if you’ve never heard of mindfulness or have never meditated, MBSR can teach you these skills.

This interactive, experiential course runs for 9 weeks and includes:

  • Guided instruction in mindfulness meditation practices
  • Gentle stretching and mindful yoga
  • Small and large group discussions
  • Daily home practice assignments
  • A three-hour mini-retreat of uninterrupted practice on Saturday, October 18th

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) was developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn at the University of Massachusetts Center for Mindfulness. MBSR has over 25 years of peer-reviewed research covering a wide variety of physical and mental health issues. It is the most scientifically researched and validated mindfulness program and is used in clinical and non-clinical settings worldwide.

What are the benefits of MBSR?

Mindfulness is the practice of present moment, non-judgmental awareness of one’s life experience. Through the use of mind/body techniques, one begins to relate to the stress and anxiety in life differently in ways that allow for more creative solutions and possibilities.

It can help you:

  • Improve focus and concentration
  • Improve mind-body awareness
  • Reduce reactivity and increase calm
  • Support better behavioral choices and Improve the ability to handle the ups and downs of life
  • Feel kinder to yourself and others
  • Improve relationships
  • Experience more positive emotions
  • Start or restart a meditation practice


Week Date Topic
1 09/09/25 Introduction and Orientation
2 09/16/25 Mindfulness
3 09/23/25 Mindfulness Attitudes
4 09/30/25 Mindy-Body Wisdom and Healing
5 10/07/25 Balance in the Autonomic Nervous System
6 10/14/25 Mindful Coping
RETREAT 10/18/25 Mini-Retreat: A Morning of…. Silence
7 10/21/25 Cultivating Beneficial States of Heart and Mind
8 10/28/25 Deepening and Expanding
9 11/04/25 Moving Into the World


About Phebe Duff

Phebe Duff is a long-time meditator and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) facilitator. She completed the Community Dharma Leader program at Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Woodacre, CA and the Dharmacharya program offered by the Venerable Pannavati at Heartwood Refuge in Hendersonville, NC. Phebe has facilitated MBSR courses for a wide variety of populations since 2005. Since retiring after a 30+ year career in human resources and as a professional musician, Phebe has taught meditation and MBSR for Wellness House of Annapolis and Smith Center for Healing and the Arts. Working with the cancer community and sharing the practices of meditation and mindfulness to support their healing journey has been the best experience of her teaching career.

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, you must register or by emailing

with Julia Rowland, PhD

Cancer caregivers are often central to their loved ones well-being. Despite this, they are often the forgotten “survivors” across the course of care. Come learn about tips to navigate your new role(s), while taking gentle care of yourself.

About Julia Rowland, PhD

Julia Rowland

Julia Rowland, PhD, who joined Smith Center in October 2017, comes to this position as a long-time clinician, researcher and teacher in the area of psychosocial aspects of cancer. She has worked with and conducted competitively funded research among both pediatric and adult cancer survivors and their families, and published broadly in psycho-oncology, including co-editing, along with Dr. Jimmie Holland, the ground-breaking text, Handbook of Psychooncology.  She has also been a frequent speaker on cancer survivorship, or life after cancer, for both professional and lay audiences.

Julia received her PhD in Developmental Psychology from Columbia University and completed a post-doctoral fellowship at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in psychosocial oncology. While at MSKCC, where she held joint appointments in pediatrics and neurology, Julia helped to develop and was the first Director of the Post-Treatment Resource Program, one of the first non-medical survivorship care programs to be offered by a major cancer center in the U.S. In 1990 she moved with her husband and two young children to Washington, DC to become founding Director of the Psycho-Oncology Program at Georgetown University and the Lombardi Cancer Center. There she helped expand services to meet the psychosocial needs of cancer patients and families, launched some of the first quality of life clinical trials, and also introduced a program to enable first year medical students to learn the art of caring for those living through and beyond cancer from survivors themselves and Lombardi faculty. Nine years later, in September of 1999, she was recruited to the National Cancer Institute to become the first, full-time Director of the Office of Cancer Survivorship, a position in which she served for 18 years, championing the growth of survivorship research and care, before stepping down in September 2017 to assume her new role at Smith Center. Although new to the team, Julia is no stranger to Smith Center. She knew Smith Center’s founder, Barbara Smith Coleman, and has volunteered her expertise across the years as a speaker, group leader and staff member for both the 1-day and weeklong residential retreats. Julia brings to her new role a passion to translate what research has taught us about healing in the context of cancer to the broader community, in essence, taking the science of survivorship from the lab bench to the park bench.

To apply for this 1-day retreat, please click this link or contact Olivia at

Reimagining Life: Exploring What’s Meaningful Now

Friday, April 4th from 9:30am to 4pm

with Kiersten Gallagher, Erin Price, Kara Garrett, and Olivia Gonyea

Registration fee: $50

(If cost is a barrier to your participation, please email to discuss reduced fee options).

Reimagining Life: Exploring What’s Meaningful Now is a one-day retreat designed to help cancer patients & survivors reconnect with themselves after cancer and tap into what’s meaningful now. Through mindfulness practices, meditation, radical writing, and connection to other survivors, this retreat offers an opportunity to reflect on your personal experiences, tap into inner strength, and redefine priorities in a supportive and inspiring community.

Join us for this transformative experience, and leave with clarity, renewed hope, and empowering strategies to embrace a future filled with meaning and purpose. A healthy, nourishing lunch is included as part of your registration fee.

 Space is limited!

Retreat Details:
When: Friday, April 4 | 9:30am – 4:00pm (9:30am arrival, retreat begins at 10:00am)
Where: In-person at Smith Center (1632 U Street NW, Washington, DC 20009)

Additional Components:

Pre-retreat Connection Circle (Virtual on Zoom):
Wednesday, April 2 | 3:00 – 5:00pm – Introductions, meditation, and storytelling to build connection.

Post-retreat Connection Circle (Virtual on Zoom):
Friday, April 11 | 3:00 – 4:15pmReflections, meditation, and moving forward with intention.

Please note that all participants that register for this One-Day Retreat are required to attend a 2-hour pre-retreat Connection Circle on Wednesday, April 2 | 3:00 – 5:00pm (on Zoom) AND a post-retreat Closing Circle on Friday, April 11 | 3:00 – 4:15pm (on Zoom). See below for agendas for each day.


Pre-retreat Connection Circle Agenda (Wednesday, April 2 | 3:00 – 5:00pm on ZOOM)

  • Welcome & Meditation
  • Agreements
  • Share Your Story
  • Closing

One Day Retreat Agenda (Friday, April 4 | 9:30am – 4:00pm IN PERSON)

  • Welcome Circle
  • Yoga Nidra & Meditation
  • Lunch and Nutrition Q&A
  • Radical Writing
  • Closing Circle

Post-retreat Connection Circle Agenda (Friday, April 11 | 3:00 – 4:15pm on ZOOM)

  • Welcome & Meditation
  • Agreements
  • Reflections & Moving Forward
  • Closing

Please email Olivia at for further information about the program.

with Carole O’Toole

A small, almost inaudible voice will say what lies ahead. By Sheila Petruccelli

Cancer often initiates an intense transformational process that can raise more questions than answers, leading us to re-examine our beliefs and approach to life. We may feel called to explore opportunities for spiritual growth, feeling a desire to connect with the sacred in a more conscious way and define more deeply life’s meaning in the face of cancer.

Regardless of your personal beliefs or faith system, working with a spiritual companion offers you an opportunity to reflect with another on what is going on for you spiritually, and explore how to integrate your cancer experience with your personal beliefs.

Spiritual Companions:

  • Provide a safe, trusting environment that invites stillness and reflection.
  • Support your spiritual growth and exploration, your unique and personal journey.
  • Listen, deeply and with compassion, honoring your sacred story. This deep listening helps you to connect with your most authentic self and illuminate your unique spiritual path.

    “Your soul already knows the way to wholeness and healing, but often speaks to us in a small, still voice. In our time together, we create a nest for your soul to rest awhile, allowing space for your sacred truth to be revealed.”

    Carole invites you to explore with her how to make meaning of your cancer experience and to look for where the holy is in your life. Currently, limited space is available for new clients. Individual appointments are available via Zoom or by telephone. 

Please Note: We kindly ask for a $20 donation to support the 3 sessions of Spiritual Companioning with Carole.

About Carole O’Toole

Retreats, Integrative Navigation and Spiritual Companioning Consultant

Carole, a survivor of advanced cancer since 1994, is the author of two books on integrative cancer care: “Cancer Community Healing Network”, and “Healing Outside the Margins”. She began her work with Smith Center in 2006, creating our integrative cancer care navigation model, and introducing integrative navigation services to Howard University Cancer Center and the city’s medically underserved community. Carole went on to develop and direct the Center’s Institute for Integrative Oncology Navigation, and co-created and led our professional training program in integrative cancer care navigation, offered to navigators nationwide and now available online through our partnership with the Maryland University of Integrative Health.

Carole has been an integral part of Smith Center’s Cancer Retreat Programs throughout her tenure, staffing the weeklong residential retreats for many years and leading one day retreats at our offices. Carole assumed leadership of the retreat program in 2015, where she developed our 3 day in-person retreats and 6-week virtual retreat programs.

Carole continues her retreat work alongside her coaching individuals on integrative cancer care decision-making and complementary resources. Most recently, Carole became a certified Spiritual Director, offering spiritual companioning services to adults with cancer and their loved ones.

To learn more about Carole and her work in integrative navigation and spiritual companioning, visit her website:

Please email Olivia at for further information about the program.

with Carole O’Toole

A small, almost inaudible voice will say what lies ahead. By Sheila Petruccelli

Cancer often initiates an intense transformational process that can raise more questions than answers, leading us to re-examine our beliefs and approach to life. We may feel called to explore opportunities for spiritual growth, feeling a desire to connect with the sacred in a more conscious way and define more deeply life’s meaning in the face of cancer.

Regardless of your personal beliefs or faith system, working with a spiritual companion offers you an opportunity to reflect with another on what is going on for you spiritually, and explore how to integrate your cancer experience with your personal beliefs.

Spiritual Companions:

  • Provide a safe, trusting environment that invites stillness and reflection.
  • Support your spiritual growth and exploration, your unique and personal journey.
  • Listen, deeply and with compassion, honoring your sacred story. This deep listening helps you to connect with your most authentic self and illuminate your unique spiritual path.

    “Your soul already knows the way to wholeness and healing, but often speaks to us in a small, still voice. In our time together, we create a nest for your soul to rest awhile, allowing space for your sacred truth to be revealed.”

    Carole invites you to explore with her how to make meaning of your cancer experience and to look for where the holy is in your life. Currently, limited space is available for new clients. Individual appointments are available via Zoom or by telephone. 

Please Note: We kindly ask for a $20 donation to support the 3 sessions of Spiritual Companioning with Carole.

About Carole O’Toole

Retreats, Integrative Navigation and Spiritual Companioning Consultant

Carole, a survivor of advanced cancer since 1994, is the author of two books on integrative cancer care: “Cancer Community Healing Network”, and “Healing Outside the Margins”. She began her work with Smith Center in 2006, creating our integrative cancer care navigation model, and introducing integrative navigation services to Howard University Cancer Center and the city’s medically underserved community. Carole went on to develop and direct the Center’s Institute for Integrative Oncology Navigation, and co-created and led our professional training program in integrative cancer care navigation, offered to navigators nationwide and now available online through our partnership with the Maryland University of Integrative Health.

Carole has been an integral part of Smith Center’s Cancer Retreat Programs throughout her tenure, staffing the weeklong residential retreats for many years and leading one day retreats at our offices. Carole assumed leadership of the retreat program in 2015, where she developed our 3 day in-person retreats and 6-week virtual retreat programs.

Carole continues her retreat work alongside her coaching individuals on integrative cancer care decision-making and complementary resources. Most recently, Carole became a certified Spiritual Director, offering spiritual companioning services to adults with cancer and their loved ones.

To learn more about Carole and her work in integrative navigation and spiritual companioning, visit her website:

WEEK 7/25

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. If you have any questions, please email

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Phebe Duff

On February 10th, the Mindful Cancer Journey class will begin a new series working with the book Neuro Dharma by Dr. Rick Hanson. Rick has written a powerful book that synthesizes 2,600 year old meditation practices with current neuroscience to strengthen the neural circuitry of our brains to enhance contentment and inner peace.  We will do a variety of practices, see videos of Rick explaining his work and a variety of other activities. There is no obligation to purchase the book and each class has been designed as a stand-alone program for those who have to miss a class. We hope you will join us!

This series will run from 02/10 – 08/11/25

Suggested Donation: $15/session

This program is offered for free or at a low cost on a pay-as-you-can basis. Contributions are not required to attend, ensuring accessibility for everyone. If you’re able to donate, we deeply appreciate your support—every contribution directly funds our cancer support programs.

About Phebe Duff

Phebe Duff is a long-time meditator and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) facilitator. She completed the Community Dharma Leader program at Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Woodacre, CA and the Dharmacharya program offered by the Venerable Pannavati at Heartwood Refuge in Hendersonville, NC. Phebe has facilitated MBSR courses for a wide variety of populations since 2005. Since retiring after a 30+ year career in human resources and as a professional musician, Phebe has taught meditation and MBSR for Wellness House of Annapolis and Smith Center for Healing and the Arts. Working with the cancer community and sharing the practices of meditation and mindfulness to support their healing journey has been the best experience of her teaching career.

The Energy Balancing team continues to offer distance sessions. If you wish to receive, please email

with the Energy Balancing Team

Energy Balancing

Our Energy Balancing Program addresses the subtle energies of our body. When these energies are out of balance, all our body systems can become askew. One key to bringing us back into balance is deep relaxation. This is just what our volunteers provide – a half-hour of stress reducing relaxation to calm the body and enhance our well-being.

Most likely you are familiar with many of the body’s systems such as the respiratory system, the digestive system, the endocrine system, the skeletal system and so on. But are you aware that we also have subtle energy systems, systems that cannot be seen, cannot be measured, cannot be felt. Perhaps you know of some; the most familiar are the aura (also known as the biofield), the meridians, the chakras.

These subtle energy systems were very familiar to the ancients. They used them regularly to bring the body into energetic balance. When the body’s energies are in balance, we function at a higher vibration and are more relaxed, more joyful, more centered and able to enjoy life more productively. Many of the age-old techniques are now being used to bring calm to the body and to optimize one’s well-being.

Energy Balancing is offered Weekly on Thursdays in 1/2 hour appointments.

By appointment only. 

Time slots:

  • 1:00-1:30pm
  • 2:20-2:50pm

Suggested Donation: $5/session

This program is offered for free or at a low cost on a pay-as-you-can basis. Contributions are not required to attend, ensuring accessibility for everyone. If you’re able to donate, we deeply appreciate your support—every contribution directly funds our cancer support programs.

About the Energy Balancing Team

About Anne Molofsky

Anne has always been interested in promoting health and wellness. She had a forty-year career as a nutritionist, beginning as a research nutritionist in several NIH-funded clinical trials, then working for the federal government in policy and education, and subsequently counselling clients in her private practice. She received her reiki training over 10 years ago and was able to offer reiki sessions to her nutrition clients as part of their treatment. Since 2013 Anne has also volunteered at Walter Reed offering reiki sessions to Wounded Warriors and their families. She became a Reiki Master Teacher in 2017. Anne is thrilled to be joining the wonderful Energy Balancing Team at the Smith Center!

About Margaret Haggerty

It is a privilege to be part of the energy balancing team for Smith Center for Healing and the Arts.
Having had a long and gratifying career as a registered nurse, I bring a wide range of experiences. Before my retirement nine years ago, I had worked for 47 years as a nurse in a variety of capacities. Whether I was taking care of a tiny two-pound NICU infant or doing diabetic teaching for a centenarian, I realized that there was a larger Presence who was always guiding me. And I believe deeply that whatever experience of healing we receive, involves body, mind and spirit. I became a massage therapist and Reiki Master in order to incorporate a more deliberate approach to healing touch. It was a privilege to work with many clients who were dealing with cancer. What a joy it was to offer some hope and gentle touch as they faced many medical and emotional challenges. Now in my later years I am happy to bring the soft, caring touch of energy balancing to help those who come to Smith Center, to relax in order for. their bodies to mend and their spirits to heal.

About Pat Spellman

Pat Spellman

Pat studied English literature and has a special interest in reading and writing poetry. She has been certified as a Reiki master and as a practitioner of reflexology and Feldenkrais movement. She is a long-time member of the Self-Realization Fellowship, which teaches meditation methods and principles for harmonious living. After a career in publications in DC, Pat retired in Baltimore where she continues her active interest in the Smith Center and its clients.

About Sylvia Sturm

Sylvia Sturm

Sylvia Sturm, EEM-CLP, RM/T, heads our Energy Balancing volunteer team. Sylvia is a Certified Eden Energy Medicine Clinical Practitioner and a Reiki Master Teacher. For many years she has managed a Reiki Volunteer group at a seniors’ residence and has served for 6 years as a Reiki volunteer in GWU Hospital. She is delighted to now work with a dedicated and wonderful team to address the balancing of one’s subtle energies in order to allow the body to completely relax. She has an independent practice in Kensington, MD. To learn more about Sylvia and subtle energies, please visit her website


This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. If you have any questions, please email

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Phebe Duff

A community for those who want to explore ways to be present in their lives. This group will examine a different topic each week relevant to members’ lives. We will explore meditation and mindfulness practices that can be applied to life experiences in a supportive way. The group is open to people at any level of experience with meditation and mindfulness. This is a drop-in class, so you can join at any time as topics will differ each week. This is a year-long weekly class that will meet every Wednesday beginning September 18th from 5-6pm EST.

Beginning in January 2025, this class will meet from 5-6pm EST.

Please Note: This class will began at Week 1 on September 18th.

Suggested Donation: $15/session

This program is offered for free or at a low cost on a pay-as-you-can basis. Contributions are not required to attend, ensuring accessibility for everyone. If you’re able to donate, we deeply appreciate your support—every contribution directly funds our cancer support programs.

About Phebe Duff

Phebe Duff is a long-time meditator and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) facilitator. She completed the Community Dharma Leader program at Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Woodacre, CA and the Dharmacharya program offered by the Venerable Pannavati at Heartwood Refuge in Hendersonville, NC. Phebe has facilitated MBSR courses for a wide variety of populations since 2005. Since retiring after a 30+ year career in human resources and as a professional musician, Phebe has taught meditation and MBSR for Wellness House of Annapolis and Smith Center for Healing and the Arts. Working with the cancer community and sharing the practices of meditation and mindfulness to support their healing journey has been the best experience of her teaching career.

WEEK 6/25

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. If you have any questions, please email

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Phebe Duff

On February 10th, the Mindful Cancer Journey class will begin a new series working with the book Neuro Dharma by Dr. Rick Hanson. Rick has written a powerful book that synthesizes 2,600 year old meditation practices with current neuroscience to strengthen the neural circuitry of our brains to enhance contentment and inner peace.  We will do a variety of practices, see videos of Rick explaining his work and a variety of other activities. There is no obligation to purchase the book and each class has been designed as a stand-alone program for those who have to miss a class. We hope you will join us!

This series will run from 02/10 – 08/11/25

Suggested Donation: $15/session

This program is offered for free or at a low cost on a pay-as-you-can basis. Contributions are not required to attend, ensuring accessibility for everyone. If you’re able to donate, we deeply appreciate your support—every contribution directly funds our cancer support programs.

About Phebe Duff

Phebe Duff is a long-time meditator and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) facilitator. She completed the Community Dharma Leader program at Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Woodacre, CA and the Dharmacharya program offered by the Venerable Pannavati at Heartwood Refuge in Hendersonville, NC. Phebe has facilitated MBSR courses for a wide variety of populations since 2005. Since retiring after a 30+ year career in human resources and as a professional musician, Phebe has taught meditation and MBSR for Wellness House of Annapolis and Smith Center for Healing and the Arts. Working with the cancer community and sharing the practices of meditation and mindfulness to support their healing journey has been the best experience of her teaching career.