This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, you must email to register.

In Partnership with Hope Connections, 2Unstoppable, and Life with Cancer

Join DC Metro Young Adult Cancer community partners: 2Unstoppable, Hope Connections, Life with Cancer and Smith Center for inspiration and support to help you stay active after diagnosis, during treatment, and long into survivorship.

About 2Unstoppable

2Unstoppable is a non-profit organization founded by two women with a personal history of Breast Cancer and who realized the many benefits of staying active during and after treatment. We now want to help other women on their cancer journeys experience a better quality of life and improved outcomes through exercise.

About Hope Connections

Our mission: To help people with cancer and their loved ones deal with the emotional and physical impact of cancer through participation in professionally facilitated programs of emotional support, education, wellness, and hope.


About Life with Cancer

Life with Cancer, a program of the Inova Schar Cancer Institute, has become Northern Virginia’s leading cancer education and support organization. We offer a variety of programs and services for patients, survivors, and their family members to help individuals cope with cancer, its treatments, and survivorship in the best possible way.

About Us

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, you must register here or by emailing

with Erin Price, LICSW

Jackbox Party Pack 3

Looking for more opportunities to connect socially with other young adult cancer survivors? Join us for our February social.

This month we will be playing Jackbox Party Pack games. Games include Quiplash, Trivia Murder Party, and Guesspionage.

Play using your phone, tablet, or computer.

YA Social Hour will be hosted monthly on Fridays from 6:00-7:00pm. Each month will have a new “theme” – please see below for the currently scheduled social hours.

  • February 26 – Jackbox Party

DC Young Adult Cancer Community:

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, you must register here or by emailing

with Jenn McRobbie

Going through cancer as a young adult is already tough, but do you sometimes feel like your family and friends just don’t understand what you’re dealing with? Are you feeling extra stress in your relationships as a result of your cancer experience? Join us for a presentation and discussion on how to better communicate and manage expectations with friends and family.

About Jenn McRobbie

Jenn McRobbie

Jenn McRobbie is a lifestyle and fitness coach, speaker and author. In 2013, Jenn was serving as a volunteer supporting cancer survivors as they worked to regain their fitness when she was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 38.  Jenn turned her intensely personal and vulnerable experience into a springboard for sharing a message of resilience and positivity. Her book, published in March 2015, is an Amazon best-selling book entitled, Why is She Acting So Weird? A Guide to Cultivating Closeness When a Friend is in Crisis. It is her treatise on empowering friends to rise and lift each other during crisis. Since the publishing of her book, Jenn has traveled the United States and Canada conducting workshops and speaking about her experiences in order to help survivors find common ground with their friends and family as they maneuver through a diagnosis together. In addition to being an advocate for cancer survivors and their friends and family, Jenn loves fitness. She believes that there is an intrinsic connection between physical wellness and mental wellbeing. Using a combination of fitness techniques, mindfulness, and her own experiences coming back after major surgeries, Jenn encourages people to focus on functional movement and corrective exercise. Her favorite past time is teaching classes at her local Orangetheory Fitness Studio.

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, you must register here or by emailing

with Dr. Antonio N. Puente

This educational talk will cover the following topics:

  • What is clinical neuropsychology and how can it be useful to you and your family.
  • What is chemo-brain and how can we treat it.

Dr. Puente will present his knowledge for the first 40-minutes and reserve the last 20-minutes for question-and-answer.

About Dr. Antonio N. Puente

Dr. Antonio N. Puente is a clinical neuropsychologist and assistant professor at The George Washington University School of Medicine & Health Sciences. He received his doctoral degree from the University of Georgia following the completion of his internship at the Duke University School of Medicine. He then completed his postdoctoral fellowship in clinical neuropsychology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. In his current practice, Dr. Puente conducts neuropsychological evaluations of patients with psychiatric and neurological disorders (e.g., Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, brain tumors, TBI, ADHD) to characterize their cognitive, behavioral, and emotional functioning for diagnosis and treatment optimization. He also provides psychotherapy, and he developed a specialty in treating adult ADHD with cognitive behavioral therapy on internship in the Duke University ADHD Clinic. In addition to his clinical work, Dr. Puente has developed a program of research focused on understanding the neural basis of cognition and refinement of neuropsychological methods for improved accuracy in the prediction of behavior.

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, you must register here or by emailing

with Erin Price, LICSW

YA Trivia Night
Looking for more opportunities to connect socially with other young adult cancer survivors? Join us for our monthly social. This month we will be hosting virtual trivia night – come test your luck and meet other young adults.

YA Social Hour will be hosted monthly on Fridays from 6:00-7:00pm. Each month will have a new “theme” – please see below for the currently scheduled social hours.

  • December 18 – Trivia Night

DC Young Adult Cancer Community:

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, you must register here or by emailing

with Kiersten Gallagher & Smith Center Staff

Happy Holidays to Our Extended Family

In an effort to keep our Smith Center family connected over the holidays, we have set up two times that we can hop on Zoom and be with one another. We hope that you will utilize this time to check in with each other. Wishing you peace and love during this holiday season.
Holiday Chats Dates: 
  • Monday, November 23, 12-1pm
  • Monday, December 28, 12-1pm

About Kiersten Gallagher

Kiersten has served as the Cancer Support Program Director for Smith Center since 2014. Before coming to Smith Center, she had the privilege to serve individuals and families living with cancer at Wellness House of Annapolis. Kiersten aims to offer programs to reduce stress and help participants to see the world we live in from different perspectives. She thoroughly enjoys teaching yoga and creativity classes at SmithCenter and encourages gentle movement and creativity in the healing process. Kiersten is a certified yoga instructor through Yoga Alliance and also has her YCAT (Yoga Therapy in Cancer and Chronic Illness) Professional Certification through the Integral Yoga Academy. She has completed Patient Navigation training through Smith Center’s Institute for Integrative Oncology Navigation and has also completed the Commonweal Healing Circles: Advanced Cancer Support Training. Kiersten is also certified in CLIMB®(Children’s Lives Include Moments of Bravery) a program that aims to build upon the strengths of children and increase his/her ability to cope with stress associated with a parent’s illness. She believes in a holistic approach to healing, human relationships and is grateful for each and every day. Kiersten has also completed the Compassion Cultivation Training – CCT™ an 8-week program, developed at Stanford University, with insights and techniques from psychology, neuroscience, and contemplative practice. In her spare time, you may find Kiersten laughing with friends, cycling, taking art classes, practicing yoga and spending time with her husband Shane, son Liam, and dogs Hooper and Pablo.

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, you must register here or by emailing

with Kiersten Gallagher & Smith Center Staff

Happy Holidays to Our Extended Family

In an effort to keep our Smith Center family connected over the holidays, we have set up two times that we can hop on Zoom and be with one another. We hope that you will utilize this time to check in with each other. Wishing you peace and love during this holiday season.
Holiday Chats Dates: 
  • Monday, November 23, 12-1pm
  • Monday, December 28, 12-1pm

About Kiersten Gallagher

Kiersten has served as the Cancer Support Program Director for Smith Center since 2014. Before coming to Smith Center, she had the privilege to serve individuals and families living with cancer at Wellness House of Annapolis. Kiersten aims to offer programs to reduce stress and help participants to see the world we live in from different perspectives. She thoroughly enjoys teaching yoga and creativity classes at SmithCenter and encourages gentle movement and creativity in the healing process. Kiersten is a certified yoga instructor through Yoga Alliance and also has her YCAT (Yoga Therapy in Cancer and Chronic Illness) Professional Certification through the Integral Yoga Academy. She has completed Patient Navigation training through Smith Center’s Institute for Integrative Oncology Navigation and has also completed the Commonweal Healing Circles: Advanced Cancer Support Training. Kiersten is also certified in CLIMB®(Children’s Lives Include Moments of Bravery) a program that aims to build upon the strengths of children and increase his/her ability to cope with stress associated with a parent’s illness. She believes in a holistic approach to healing, human relationships and is grateful for each and every day. Kiersten has also completed the Compassion Cultivation Training – CCT™ an 8-week program, developed at Stanford University, with insights and techniques from psychology, neuroscience, and contemplative practice. In her spare time, you may find Kiersten laughing with friends, cycling, taking art classes, practicing yoga and spending time with her husband Shane, son Liam, and dogs Hooper and Pablo.

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, you must register here or by emailing

with Erin Price, LICSW

Looking for more opportunities to connect socially with other young adult cancer survivors? Join us for our monthly social. This month we will be hosting virtual Pictionary – come test your luck and meet other young adults.

YA Social Hour will be hosted monthly on Fridays from 6:00-7:00pm. Each month will have a new “theme” – please see below for the currently scheduled social hours.

  • November 20 – Pictionary Night
  • December 18 – Trivia Night

DC Young Adult Cancer Community:

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, you must register here or by emailing

with Nancy Novack and Sangeeta Agarawal, RN, MS

Helpsy Health


Nancy's List

Financial stress is the last thing a cancer patient wants or needs in his or her life, whether in treatment or post-treatment. It gets in the way of deep healing. Financial distress can be very powerful.
To help patients who are struggling with this issue, we have identified resources that will provide financial assistance to you and your loved ones. We want you to know what is available to you so that you can find relief and focus on your healing.

About Nancy Novack

Nancy Novack

On the evening of my first meeting with my oncologist, he said to me, “This is a challenging diagnosis. The prognosis is bleak. But I do believe I can help you. I am with you.” Those four words sustained me whenever I was in fear. They directed my understanding of the power of relationship in my healing process. I was able to open my heart and receive the love and generosity of family and friends and oftentimes strangers who were there to hold my hand and my heart.
When people ask, and they often do, “What happened? How did you make it when so many others do not survive stage 4 ovarian cancer?” I don’t have any answers to that mystery. I do know, for certain, that the opening of my heart, the receiving of the blessings and the love, the sense of abundance of good will coming my way changed my being — during my cancer and forever more.

I am the luckiest lady in the world. I truly enjoy defying medical statistics and being the poster child for Stanford’s Cancer Center.

I made a vow to make a difference for people living with cancer, for those who love and care for them, and for the children who have a cancer diagnosis or love someone who has. My simple and profound wish is that no one will ever go through cancer alone. I started Nancy’s List to help my community cope with the epidemic of cancer.

For me, cancer changed everything. It generated my growth. It taught me the essence of gratitude. I adore the generosity of strangers. It defined my calling and refined my purpose as a psychologist. It gave me the opportunity to offer hope to those who have lost theirs. I found my courage and resilience.

Read Nancy’s full story here:

About Sangeeta Agarawal

Sangeeta Agarawal, RN, MS

Ms. Agarawal is passionate about empowering people to live life to the fullest by making integrative medicine accessible to people where they are. She started her career as a software engineer in Silicon Valley, working for companies including IBM, Motorola/Google. She then developed the world’s first mobile video technology at a startup later acquired by Skype, this invention continues to change the world even today. She then changed her career into integrative medicine by studying, practicing and conducting research in both eastern and western medicine. She spent the next decade as a researcher, oncology nurse and integrative medicine practitioner at institutions including the Mayo Clinic, Stanford Cancer Center, and UCSF Cancer Center.

Her groundbreaking research work on the development of algorithms for clinical impact of integrative medicine was recognized by UCSF and NSF, and she received support from them to start Helpsy, the world’s first Artificial intelligence nurse for holistic symptom management and navigation (San). San can automatically create a personalized care plans and provide dynamic support to patients through integrative technologies, empowering patients and clinicians alike. Helpsy has served tens of thousands of patients from all over the world and the data generated provides insights that have never been captured or understood before.

She is passionate about empowering people in health care to understand and be at the forefront of the technology revolution. She is a nationally recognized speaker and author. She leads innovation initiatives at both SIO and ONS, and serves on the board of NCI PDQ for integrative medicine. She serves on the board of innovation centers and health care startups. She believes women deserve an equal place and is involved in several leadership initiatives to move the needle.

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, you must register here or by emailing

with Erin Price, LICSW

Bingo Night
Looking for more opportunities to connect socially with other young adult cancer survivors? Join us for our monthly social. This month we will be hosting virtual BINGO – come test your luck and meet other young adults.

YA Social Hour will be hosted monthly on Fridays from 6:00-7:00pm. Each month will have a new “theme” – please see below for the currently scheduled social hours.

  • October 23 – BINGO Night
  • November 20
  • December 18

DC Young Adult Cancer Community: