Painting for Life
By intentionally focusing on the emotional process rather than the artistic product, participants are able to unleash their creative powers and produce striking works that have the power to heal and awaken.
If you have a problem accessing our program calendar, please email We will be happy to talk about our program offerings and assist you with registration.
By intentionally focusing on the emotional process rather than the artistic product, participants are able to unleash their creative powers and produce striking works that have the power to heal and awaken.
Regardless of your personal beliefs or faith system, working with a spiritual companion offers you an opportunity to reflect with another on what is going on for you spiritually, and explore how to integrate your cancer experience with your personal beliefs.
This group will examine a different topic each week relevant to members' lives. We will explore meditation and mindfulness practices that can be applied to life experiences in a supportive way.
Este grupo en castellano va dirigido al colectivo LGTBIQA+ con cáncer de próstata con el objetivo de dar apoyo y compartir experiencias a lo largo del proceso.
Welcome to "Pop-Up Book Club," a community of book lovers diving into current and relevant book material.