In order to participate, register by clicking the RSVP button above or by emailing

with artist & sculptor Liz Lescault

Painting in Community

Floral Creations in Watercolor

January’s session will focus on brushwork. So please bring a variety of brushes including old ones that have seen better days. We will explore creating leaves, petals, stems and flower heads with various brushstroke techniques.Let’s get together and paint.In each session an image, photograph or painting will be displayed which participants can choose as an inspiration for exploring new techniques. Or, participants may choose to bring their own inspirations such as photographs or paintings to the session.  Participants may paint whatever they wish during the session.Participants will be introduced to both basic and advanced techniques with a slide show of watercolor paintings that illustrate those techniques.

Bring yourself and your favorite painting supplies.  We will paint, listen to soothing music and share our creations. There will be opportunities to ask questions with 10 minutes left at the end of the session for sharing and talking about our experience during the session.

**Limited to 12 participants

The Painting in Community will continue meeting again monthly in 2025, with the first session being Monday, January 13th from 5:30 – 7pm EST.

Suggested Donation: $15/session

Some Suggested Materials*:

Below are some suggested supplies from Cheap Joes (my favorite place to purchase art supplies – prices are generally 40% off store prices and are of high quality). High quality watercolor supplies are needed to achieve many watercolor effects.

Your favorite watercolor supplies may work just as well.

About Liz Lescault

Liz Lescault

Liz Lescault, a visual artist and sculptor, has practiced and taught art for over 40 years. Liz is also a Coordinator of the DC InterPlay Metro Region, a certified InterPlay leader and a member of the DC InterPlay Board. She leads Open Gathering days for InterPlay DC and organizes and leads workshops regionally and nationally online and in person. Liz has been leading Art Lab both for Smith Center for the Healing Arts, for the Phillips Collection and for InterPlay internationally.

Formerly, Liz, was a hotline crisis counselor, for various suicide prevention lifelines and The Trevor Project providing help for LGBTQ youth in crisis and the Prince Georges County Homeless Hotline.

Liz has also led InterPlay for elders with chronic illness and cognitive disabilities at Iona Senior Center in Washington DC.

Liz melds her art, teaching, guidance and personal philosophy with InterPlay wisdom, tools and forms.

B.S., Psychology, Drew University, Madison, NJ

M.Ed., University of Massachusetts at Amherst, British Techniques of Open Education

Studied watercolor at WICE, an international educational and cultural association in Paris, France

This session has been cancelled. The next session will be on Monday, January 27th from 5:30-7:00pm EST. Register here.

with artist & sculptor Liz Lescault

Painting in Community

Floral Creations in Watercolor

December’s session will focus on brushwork. So please bring a variety of brushes including old ones that have seen better days. We will explore creating leaves, petals, stems and flower heads with various brushstroke techniques.

Let’s get together and paint.

In each session an image, photograph or painting will be displayed which participants can choose as an inspiration for exploring new techniques. Or, participants may choose to bring their own inspirations such as photographs or paintings to the session.  Participants may paint whatever they wish during the session.

Participants will be introduced to both basic and advanced techniques with a slide show of watercolor paintings that illustrate those techniques.

Bring yourself and your favorite painting supplies.  We will paint, listen to soothing music and share our creations. There will be opportunities to ask questions with 10 minutes left at the end of the session for sharing and talking about our experience during the session.

**Limited to 12 participants

This program will be offered monthly on the following Mondays:

  • December 16 from 5:30 – 7pm EST

The Painting in Community will continue meeting again monthly in 2025, with the first session being Monday, January 27th from 5:30 – 7pm EST.

Suggested Donation: $15/session

Some Suggested Materials*:

Below are some suggested supplies from Cheap Joes (my favorite place to purchase art supplies – prices are generally 40% off store prices and are of high quality). High quality watercolor supplies are needed to achieve many watercolor effects.

Your favorite watercolor supplies may work just as well.

About Liz Lescault

Liz Lescault

Liz Lescault, a visual artist and sculptor, has practiced and taught art for over 40 years. Liz is also a Coordinator of the DC InterPlay Metro Region, a certified InterPlay leader and a member of the DC InterPlay Board. She leads Open Gathering days for InterPlay DC and organizes and leads workshops regionally and nationally online and in person. Liz has been leading Art Lab both for Smith Center for the Healing Arts, for the Phillips Collection and for InterPlay internationally.

Formerly, Liz, was a hotline crisis counselor, for various suicide prevention lifelines and The Trevor Project providing help for LGBTQ youth in crisis and the Prince Georges County Homeless Hotline.

Liz has also led InterPlay for elders with chronic illness and cognitive disabilities at Iona Senior Center in Washington DC.

Liz melds her art, teaching, guidance and personal philosophy with InterPlay wisdom, tools and forms.

B.S., Psychology, Drew University, Madison, NJ

M.Ed., University of Massachusetts at Amherst, British Techniques of Open Education

Studied watercolor at WICE, an international educational and cultural association in Paris, France

10AM-12PM SESSION – This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, register by clicking the RSVP button above or by emailing

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Noelle Imparato

This workshop provides a safe and powerful learning container using community building and a “mindfulness painting” practice to foster healing, spiritual awakening, and personal transformation.

You are invited to work from the heart and express your drama in forms and colors. As you paint, you process your emotions and liberate yourself from the psychological and physical disease they may cause. This is a workshop for processing feelings through painting and group sharing. It is not a good space for finishing existing projects and using other mediums.

By intentionally focusing on the emotional process rather than the artistic product, participants are able to unleash their creative powers and produce striking works, while by sharing their creative process they gain the insight and wisdom often hidden in works created in a state of letting go.

For more information about Painting for Life and what you can expect during a session, please explore this manual:


Participants are encouraged to drop-in for any session and attend as many sessions as they would like.

Session Schedule:

The Painting For Life workshop on Zoom consists of a 1-hour painting session framed by a 30 minute opening circle (which can often be 45 minutes) and a 30 minute closing circle.

Opening Circle – In the opening circle we build a safe and powerful We-Space
community characterized by “presencing,” sharing with honesty and integrity, deep listening, and resonating in harmony with each other. Noelle will start this opening circle by giving a quick prompting and end it with a 3-minute meditation before sending people off to paint for exactly 1 hour.

1-hour Painting Session – Participants paint at home, using cheap materials such as paper, tempera paints, watercolors, acrylics, or pastels, Crayolas, and even color pens. When the hour is over, people take a picture of their painting and text it to Noelle before coming back to the Zoom room.

Closing Circle – Noelle then shares each painting on the screen as people explore their process while the group may offer feedback and further insights get sparked. We end this closing circle with a group hugs as we shout “May all beings be happy!” thus fusing personal and collective healing together.

Suggested Donation: $15/session

About Noelle Imparato

Armed with a PhD and her lifelong experience, Noelle Imparato created Painting For Life, a process art painting workshop envisioned as a tool for healing, awakening, and personal transformation. After 20 years of running it from her home studio in Los Angeles, France, Spain, and Baltimore, she moved to Zoom due to the pandemic. It allowed her community to grow more international with participants from Canada, Europe, and India. Noelle’s life experience includes training and working in architecture and film, a Ph.D. in mythological studies with an emphasis in depth psychology, a 30-year mindfulness meditation practice, and a multitude of retreats especially at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur CA. She is currently writing “Painting For Life,” a 2-volume book about her personal experience with the healing power of art, and the method she
developed with her workshop.

In order to participate and to receive to Zoom invitation, register by clicking the RSVP button above or by emailing

with guest artist Liz Carren

In this workshop, we will delve into the themes of flow, transformations, and letting things go. Through artistic exercises, discussions, and reflections, we aim to cultivate relaxation and promote healing.


If you have ANY art supplies at home they will probably work! What we basically need is:

  • Some fluid paint (my choice is, and I suggest, watercolors)
  • A couple markers – One big and small (I suggest for Large- something like a big magic marker or sharpie and For Small – I like the Micron pens – something around 05 …or an extra fine point sharpie PERMANENT marker)
  • A white Gel pen is nice
  • Paper to paint on (an inexpensive watercolor pad but all you need is a few sheets)
  • A brush(s) for painting with– one small, one medium and one large – or just one big and one medium
  • Jars for water if using watercolors (I just save small jars form the kitchen)
  • Something to mix some paint on- plastic lids from your kitchen or a paint pallet if you have one)
  • A handful of paper towels
  • And of course, a PLACE /Spot for you do your art in!

Suggested donation: $20

Our programs are open to the community, and tailored to meet the needs of people affected by cancer. Classes and workshops are free or low cost on a pay-as-you-can basis, ensuring that our programs are accessible to everyone.

About Liz Carren

Welcome – Discover my world where art meets healing, sustainability, and creativity. My focus is The Intersection and interaction of Art, Medicine, and Healing. The mind is a potent tool. 
Positive thinking is essential for healing, and the transformative power of art and creativity can incorporate it all! Outlets for release and self-understanding are crucial at critical life points, as well as the everyday. That’s where the arts can come to the rescue!

Artwork can inspire and create hope. A path for treatment can address the fears of the unknown, loneliness, isolation, and the need for hope on a deeper level; incorporating arts and mindfulness into the treatment plans can be a missing link to health and happiness again.  In 2019,  I embarked on a journey that would forever change my life’s trajectory. What started as a persistent stomachache was soon diagnosed as Stage 3 cancer, shaking my foundation of existence. Amidst the turmoil and uncertainty, art emerged as a beacon of light, guiding me through the darkest of times.

Driven by this transformative experience, my focus has shifted towards harnessing the power of art to heal and inspire. Through drawing sessions, I found solace, release, a channeling my fears, tensions, and a clarity laid upon a canvas, paper or iPad. What began as a means of coping evolved into a profound journey of self-discovery and renewal.

10AM-12PM SESSION – This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, register by clicking the RSVP button above or by emailing

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Noelle Imparato

This workshop provides a safe and powerful learning container using community building and a “mindfulness painting” practice to foster healing, spiritual awakening, and personal transformation.

You are invited to work from the heart and express your drama in forms and colors. As you paint, you process your emotions and liberate yourself from the psychological and physical disease they may cause. This is a workshop for processing feelings through painting and group sharing. It is not a good space for finishing existing projects and using other mediums.

By intentionally focusing on the emotional process rather than the artistic product, participants are able to unleash their creative powers and produce striking works, while by sharing their creative process they gain the insight and wisdom often hidden in works created in a state of letting go.

For more information about Painting for Life and what you can expect during a session, please explore this manual:


Participants are encouraged to drop-in for any session and attend as many sessions as they would like.

Session Schedule:

The Painting For Life workshop on Zoom consists of a 1-hour painting session framed by a 30 minute opening circle (which can often be 45 minutes) and a 30 minute closing circle.

Opening Circle – In the opening circle we build a safe and powerful We-Space
community characterized by “presencing,” sharing with honesty and integrity, deep listening, and resonating in harmony with each other. Noelle will start this opening circle by giving a quick prompting and end it with a 3-minute meditation before sending people off to paint for exactly 1 hour.

1-hour Painting Session – Participants paint at home, using cheap materials such as paper, tempera paints, watercolors, acrylics, or pastels, Crayolas, and even color pens. When the hour is over, people take a picture of their painting and text it to Noelle before coming back to the Zoom room.

Closing Circle – Noelle then shares each painting on the screen as people explore their process while the group may offer feedback and further insights get sparked. We end this closing circle with a group hugs as we shout “May all beings be happy!” thus fusing personal and collective healing together.

Suggested Donation: $15/session

About Noelle Imparato

Armed with a PhD and her lifelong experience, Noelle Imparato created Painting For Life, a process art painting workshop envisioned as a tool for healing, awakening, and personal transformation. After 20 years of running it from her home studio in Los Angeles, France, Spain, and Baltimore, she moved to Zoom due to the pandemic. It allowed her community to grow more international with participants from Canada, Europe, and India. Noelle’s life experience includes training and working in architecture and film, a Ph.D. in mythological studies with an emphasis in depth psychology, a 30-year mindfulness meditation practice, and a multitude of retreats especially at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur CA. She is currently writing “Painting For Life,” a 2-volume book about her personal experience with the healing power of art, and the method she
developed with her workshop.

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, register by clicking the RSVP button above or by emailing

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Kiersten Gallagher

Outside the Lines: A Creative Art Studio

Creative expression has often been used in the healing process and it is at the core of Smith Center’s philosophy, but fear of judgment and “not being an artist” can often prevent us from tapping into its healing power. Join us for Outside the Lines: Social Hour, where we will catch up as we reclaim art-making as a healing tool. Participants are welcome to work on their own creative projects as we socialize.

Outside the Lines is held Bi-Monthly on Wednesdays from 10:30am – 12:00pm ET. The Social Hour sessions will only run from 10:30 – 11:30am. 

Suggested donation: $10 per class

Our programs are open to the community, and tailored to meet the needs of people affected by cancer. Classes and workshops are free or low cost on a pay-as-you-can basis, ensuring that our programs are accessible to everyone.

About Kiersten Gallagher

Kiersten Gallagher

As the Cancer Support Program Director, Kiersten fully believes that through the arts we can expand our perspectives and explore new fulfilling ways of being. She invites you to make our space your own refuge, to circumvent your daily routine to spark creativity, to take time for introspection, and draw outside the lines.

In order to participate and to receive to Zoom invitation, register by clicking the RSVP button above or by emailing

with guest artist Deborah Coffey

Outside the Lines

Mindfulness Through Art combines mindfulness practices and art-making into an exploration that allows for reflection and insightful expression through art. Mindfulness in the present moment gently illuminates what calls for attention. Compassion eases suffering. Art impersonates and records that process in which elements are creatively hidden and revealed. Deborah will guide us through a slow looking exercise where impressions are gathered and
evolve into a poetic narrative for interpretation in the art.

Supply List:

  • Light colored or white
  • Heavy paper or Bristol Board
  • Graphite pencils
  • Colored pencils
  • Crayons
  • Acrylic paint (if you have it)
  • White tempera paint or white watercolor paint
  • Paint brushes
  • Q-tips or paper towels
  • Water
  • Glue stick
  • A small piece of gold foil from a candy wrapper

Suggested donation: $20

Our programs are open to the community, and tailored to meet the needs of people affected by cancer. Classes and workshops are free or low cost on a pay-as-you-can basis, ensuring that our programs are accessible to everyone.

About Deborah Coffey

Deborah Coffey, BFA MFA, is an artist, certified art educator and mindfulness and Mindful Self-Compassion instructor. She has taught art and mindfulness courses domestically and internationally for many years while also exhibiting her artwork. Deborah especially enjoys facilitating programs for adults and teens that combine mindfulness and art.

10AM-12PM SESSION – This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, register by clicking the RSVP button above or by emailing

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Noelle Imparato

This workshop provides a safe and powerful learning container using community building and a “mindfulness painting” practice to foster healing, spiritual awakening, and personal transformation.

You are invited to work from the heart and express your drama in forms and colors. As you paint, you process your emotions and liberate yourself from the psychological and physical disease they may cause. This is a workshop for processing feelings through painting and group sharing. It is not a good space for finishing existing projects and using other mediums.

By intentionally focusing on the emotional process rather than the artistic product, participants are able to unleash their creative powers and produce striking works, while by sharing their creative process they gain the insight and wisdom often hidden in works created in a state of letting go.

For more information about Painting for Life and what you can expect during a session, please explore this manual:


Participants are encouraged to drop-in for any session and attend as many sessions as they would like.

Session Schedule:

The Painting For Life workshop on Zoom consists of a 1-hour painting session framed by a 30 minute opening circle (which can often be 45 minutes) and a 30 minute closing circle.

Opening Circle – In the opening circle we build a safe and powerful We-Space
community characterized by “presencing,” sharing with honesty and integrity, deep listening, and resonating in harmony with each other. Noelle will start this opening circle by giving a quick prompting and end it with a 3-minute meditation before sending people off to paint for exactly 1 hour.

1-hour Painting Session – Participants paint at home, using cheap materials such as paper, tempera paints, watercolors, acrylics, or pastels, Crayolas, and even color pens. When the hour is over, people take a picture of their painting and text it to Noelle before coming back to the Zoom room.

Closing Circle – Noelle then shares each painting on the screen as people explore their process while the group may offer feedback and further insights get sparked. We end this closing circle with a group hugs as we shout “May all beings be happy!” thus fusing personal and collective healing together.

Suggested Donation: $15/session

About Noelle Imparato

Armed with a PhD and her lifelong experience, Noelle Imparato created Painting For Life, a process art painting workshop envisioned as a tool for healing, awakening, and personal transformation. After 20 years of running it from her home studio in Los Angeles, France, Spain, and Baltimore, she moved to Zoom due to the pandemic. It allowed her community to grow more international with participants from Canada, Europe, and India. Noelle’s life experience includes training and working in architecture and film, a Ph.D. in mythological studies with an emphasis in depth psychology, a 30-year mindfulness meditation practice, and a multitude of retreats especially at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur CA. She is currently writing “Painting For Life,” a 2-volume book about her personal experience with the healing power of art, and the method she
developed with her workshop.

To register for this program, please click the RSVP button above or email

with artist & sculptor Liz Lescault

Painting in Community

Still Life and Floral Creations in Watercolor

Let’s get together and paint.

In each session a watercolor painting will be displayed which participants can choose to copy for the purpose of exploring new techniques. Or, participants may choose to bring their own inspirations such as photographs or paintings to the session.

Participants will be introduced to both basic and advanced techniques relating to the watercolor on display.

Bring yourself and your favorite painting supplies.  We will paint, listen to soothing music and share our creations. There will be opportunities to ask questions with 10 minutes left at the end of the session for sharing our progress.

**Limited to 8 participants

This program will be offered monthly on the following Mondays:

  • November 18 from 5:30 – 7pm EST
  • December 16 from 5:30 – 7pm EST

Suggested Donation: $15/session

Some Suggested Materials*:

Below are some suggested supplies from Cheap Joes (my favorite place to purchase art supplies – prices are generally 40% off store prices and are of high quality). High quality watercolor supplies are needed to achieve many watercolor effects.

Your favorite watercolor supplies may work just as well.

About Liz Lescault

Liz Lescault

Liz Lescault, a visual artist and sculptor, has practiced and taught art for over 40 years. Liz is also a Coordinator of the DC InterPlay Metro Region, a certified InterPlay leader and a member of the DC InterPlay Board. She leads Open Gathering days for InterPlay DC and organizes and leads workshops regionally and nationally online and in person. Liz has been leading Art Lab both for Smith Center for the Healing Arts, for the Phillips Collection and for InterPlay internationally.

Formerly, Liz, was a hotline crisis counselor, for various suicide prevention lifelines and The Trevor Project providing help for LGBTQ youth in crisis and the Prince Georges County Homeless Hotline.

Liz has also led InterPlay for elders with chronic illness and cognitive disabilities at Iona Senior Center in Washington DC.

Liz melds her art, teaching, guidance and personal philosophy with InterPlay wisdom, tools and forms.

B.S., Psychology, Drew University, Madison, NJ

M.Ed., University of Massachusetts at Amherst, British Techniques of Open Education

Studied watercolor at WICE, an international educational and cultural association in Paris, France

10AM-12PM SESSION – This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, register by clicking the RSVP button above or by emailing

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Noelle Imparato

This workshop provides a safe and powerful learning container using community building and a “mindfulness painting” practice to foster healing, spiritual awakening, and personal transformation.

You are invited to work from the heart and express your drama in forms and colors. As you paint, you process your emotions and liberate yourself from the psychological and physical disease they may cause. This is a workshop for processing feelings through painting and group sharing. It is not a good space for finishing existing projects and using other mediums.

By intentionally focusing on the emotional process rather than the artistic product, participants are able to unleash their creative powers and produce striking works, while by sharing their creative process they gain the insight and wisdom often hidden in works created in a state of letting go.

For more information about Painting for Life and what you can expect during a session, please explore this manual:


Participants are encouraged to drop-in for any session and attend as many sessions as they would like.

Session Schedule:

The Painting For Life workshop on Zoom consists of a 1-hour painting session framed by a 30 minute opening circle (which can often be 45 minutes) and a 30 minute closing circle.

Opening Circle – In the opening circle we build a safe and powerful We-Space
community characterized by “presencing,” sharing with honesty and integrity, deep listening, and resonating in harmony with each other. Noelle will start this opening circle by giving a quick prompting and end it with a 3-minute meditation before sending people off to paint for exactly 1 hour.

1-hour Painting Session – Participants paint at home, using cheap materials such as paper, tempera paints, watercolors, acrylics, or pastels, Crayolas, and even color pens. When the hour is over, people take a picture of their painting and text it to Noelle before coming back to the Zoom room.

Closing Circle – Noelle then shares each painting on the screen as people explore their process while the group may offer feedback and further insights get sparked. We end this closing circle with a group hugs as we shout “May all beings be happy!” thus fusing personal and collective healing together.

Suggested Donation: $15

About Noelle Imparato

Armed with a PhD and her lifelong experience, Noelle Imparato created Painting For Life, a process art painting workshop envisioned as a tool for healing, awakening, and personal transformation. After 20 years of running it from her home studio in Los Angeles, France, Spain, and Baltimore, she moved to Zoom due to the pandemic. It allowed her community to grow more international with participants from Canada, Europe, and India. Noelle’s life experience includes training and working in architecture and film, a Ph.D. in mythological studies with an emphasis in depth psychology, a 30-year mindfulness meditation practice, and a multitude of retreats especially at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur CA. She is currently writing “Painting For Life,” a 2-volume book about her personal experience with the healing power of art, and the method she
developed with her workshop.