This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, register by clicking the RSVP button above or by emailing

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Project Knitwell and Friends

Knitting Circle on the Couch

Join us weekly to enjoy knitting in a safe and welcoming environment. Knitting can provide a respite from one’s immediate situation, serve as a way to productively pass the time, and have a positive effect on reducing stress symptoms.


Knitting is:

  • relatively easy to learn,
  • requires no artistic talent or prior experience,
  • portable,
  • and results in a useful product.

Sometimes referred to as the “new yoga” — plain and simple — knitting is good for you.


Trained volunteers will provide knitting instruction and quality materials in an effort to foster wellness, comfort, and community. Beginner and experienced knitters are welcome. Starter kits are available, as is a small selection of yarn and knitting supplies.


Stone Soup Films and Project Knitwell created a beautiful 3-minute video highlighting the health benefits of knitting. Watch the video here!

Our Knitting Circle meets Weekly on Wednesdays from 3:00 – 4:30pm ET.

Our programs are open to the community and tailored to meet the needs of people affected by cancer. Classes and workshops are free or low cost on a pay-as-you-can basis, ensuring that our programs are accessible to everyone.

Looking for more intimate knitting instruction? Check out Project Knitwell’s new program, Knitwell in the Cloud, for ongoing, one-on-one knitting instruction via Zoom.

About Project Knitwell

Project Knitwell

Project Knitwell offers knitting as a tool to promote wellness and help people cope with stressful situations at more than a dozen hospital and community settings.

All of Project Knitwell’s programming is provided by volunteers, and services and supplies are provided free of charge to the people we serve.

Project Knitwell volunteers provide knitting instruction and quality materials in an effort to foster wellness, comfort, and community among those we serve.

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, register by clicking the RSVP button above or by emailing

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Kiersten Gallagher

Outside the Lines: A Creative Art Studio

Creative expression has often been used in the healing process and it is at the core of Smith Center’s philosophy, but fear of judgment and “not being an artist” can often prevent us from tapping into its healing power. Join us for Outside the Lines: Social Hour, where we will catch up as we reclaim art-making as a healing tool. Participants are welcome to work on their own creative projects as we socialize.

Outside the Lines is held Bi-Monthly on Wednesdays from 10:30am – 12:00pm ET. The Social Hour sessions will only run from 10:30 – 11:30am. 

Suggested donation: $10 per class

Our programs are open to the community, and tailored to meet the needs of people affected by cancer. Classes and workshops are free or low cost on a pay-as-you-can basis, ensuring that our programs are accessible to everyone.

About Kiersten Gallagher

Kiersten Gallagher

As the Cancer Support Program Director, Kiersten fully believes that through the arts we can expand our perspectives and explore new fulfilling ways of being. She invites you to make our space your own refuge, to circumvent your daily routine to spark creativity, to take time for introspection, and draw outside the lines.

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, register by clicking the RSVP button above or by emailing

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Lauren Powell, RDN, LDN, GW Cancer Center

GW Cancer Center

GW Cancer Center Nutrition Club

Nutrition Club is a chance for patients, survivors, caregivers and providers to get together to discuss nutrition topics and learn more about how nutrition can play a role in cancer prevention, treatment, and survivorship. It is hosted and offered in partnership with GW Cancer Center.

Nutrition Club will be hosted Monthly on the 1st Monday from 12-1pm ET.

About Lauren Powell, RDN, LDN

Lauren Powell

Lauren Powell (RDN, LDN) is a registered dietitian working in the DC area. She has served in many settings including food services, long-term care, rehab facilities, post-surgical, and intensive care units. While working at George Washington University Hospital she found her passion for Oncology Nutrition. She now works as the Dietitian for the GW Cancer Center helping to support the nutrition needs of those undergoing treatment and survivors.

About 2Unstoppable

2Unstoppable is a non-profit whose mission is to encourage and support exercise among women who have had a cancer diagnosis. Free online fitness buddy matching, oncology fitness resources, and community events at Please visit for a list of upcoming events.

Part 4/4. This program series is being offered virtually through Zoom. If you would like to join the series, please email

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with John Casey

Sustainable Journaling

In Sustainable Journaling, simple strategies help you create a daily journaling practice that can be sustained over time.


We will concentrate more on the practice of journaling than on the content and intention behind it. As a result, we can approach journaling less as a means to an end and more as an end in itself. You will be supported in creating a sustainable and fulfilling practice. You can either maintain the practice on its own or incorporate other journaling strategies.


Topics discussed will include:

  • Easy strategies for starting and maintaining a journal
  • The advantages of creating a daily habit of journaling
  • The benefits of both the practice and the product
  • Overcoming obstacles to creating a daily practice
  • Privacy concerns
  • How to start your journal at any point in the past
  • Continuing your practice if/when you miss a day
  • Creating a structured yet adaptable practice, while considering your lifestyle and preferences


Each session incorporates presentations as well as opportunities for group sharing that addresses different learning and engagement styles. Additionally, homework assignments easily accommodate participants with busy schedules.

Sustainable Journaling will be offered as a four-part workshop on the following dates: 

  • Sundays, October 1, 8, 15, 22, 10-11:15 AM ET

Participants are encouraged to attend all four workshop sessions to get the most out of the Sustainable Journaling process. By registering above, you will be registered for all four sessions. Please let us know in advance if you will not be able to attend all four sessions.

Participants who joined in our previous series are welcome back as space is available. Please email Kiersten at to inquire about space.

Suggested Donation: $25 (4-part series)

About John Casey

John Casey

John Casey works as a barber in Brooklyn, NY. This trade affords him the opportunity to meet and talk with many different people on a daily basis. Learning that many of his customers shared his interest in keeping a journal but didn’t know how to start or to maintain one, he decided to create a workshop that would allow him to share what he’d learned about this rewarding practice.
In his free time, John loves being in his car and is grateful for any opportunity he gets to drive through to the Hudson Valley where he grew up. He has a BFA in Painting and enjoys drawing, painting and visiting art museums. His favorite conversation topics are music, film and anything pertaining to behavioral psychology.

Part 3/4. This program series is being offered virtually through Zoom. If you would like to join the series, please email

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with John Casey

Sustainable Journaling

In Sustainable Journaling, simple strategies help you create a daily journaling practice that can be sustained over time.


We will concentrate more on the practice of journaling than on the content and intention behind it. As a result, we can approach journaling less as a means to an end and more as an end in itself. You will be supported in creating a sustainable and fulfilling practice. You can either maintain the practice on its own or incorporate other journaling strategies.


Topics discussed will include:

  • Easy strategies for starting and maintaining a journal
  • The advantages of creating a daily habit of journaling
  • The benefits of both the practice and the product
  • Overcoming obstacles to creating a daily practice
  • Privacy concerns
  • How to start your journal at any point in the past
  • Continuing your practice if/when you miss a day
  • Creating a structured yet adaptable practice, while considering your lifestyle and preferences


Each session incorporates presentations as well as opportunities for group sharing that addresses different learning and engagement styles. Additionally, homework assignments easily accommodate participants with busy schedules.

Sustainable Journaling will be offered as a four-part workshop on the following dates: 

  • Sundays, October 1, 8, 15, 22, 10-11:15 AM ET

Participants are encouraged to attend all four workshop sessions to get the most out of the Sustainable Journaling process. By registering above, you will be registered for all four sessions. Please let us know in advance if you will not be able to attend all four sessions.

Participants who joined in our previous series are welcome back as space is available. Please email Kiersten at to inquire about space.

Suggested Donation: $25 (4-part series)

About John Casey

John Casey

John Casey works as a barber in Brooklyn, NY. This trade affords him the opportunity to meet and talk with many different people on a daily basis. Learning that many of his customers shared his interest in keeping a journal but didn’t know how to start or to maintain one, he decided to create a workshop that would allow him to share what he’d learned about this rewarding practice.
In his free time, John loves being in his car and is grateful for any opportunity he gets to drive through to the Hudson Valley where he grew up. He has a BFA in Painting and enjoys drawing, painting and visiting art museums. His favorite conversation topics are music, film and anything pertaining to behavioral psychology.

Part 2/4. This program series is being offered virtually through Zoom. If you would like to join the series, please email

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with John Casey

Sustainable Journaling

In Sustainable Journaling, simple strategies help you create a daily journaling practice that can be sustained over time.


We will concentrate more on the practice of journaling than on the content and intention behind it. As a result, we can approach journaling less as a means to an end and more as an end in itself. You will be supported in creating a sustainable and fulfilling practice. You can either maintain the practice on its own or incorporate other journaling strategies.


Topics discussed will include:

  • Easy strategies for starting and maintaining a journal
  • The advantages of creating a daily habit of journaling
  • The benefits of both the practice and the product
  • Overcoming obstacles to creating a daily practice
  • Privacy concerns
  • How to start your journal at any point in the past
  • Continuing your practice if/when you miss a day
  • Creating a structured yet adaptable practice, while considering your lifestyle and preferences


Each session incorporates presentations as well as opportunities for group sharing that addresses different learning and engagement styles. Additionally, homework assignments easily accommodate participants with busy schedules.

Sustainable Journaling will be offered as a four-part workshop on the following dates: 

  • Sundays, October 1, 8, 15, 22, 10-11:15 AM ET

Participants are encouraged to attend all four workshop sessions to get the most out of the Sustainable Journaling process. By registering above, you will be registered for all four sessions. Please let us know in advance if you will not be able to attend all four sessions.

Participants who joined in our previous series are welcome back as space is available. Please email Kiersten at to inquire about space.

Suggested Donation: $25 (4-part series)

About John Casey

John Casey

John Casey works as a barber in Brooklyn, NY. This trade affords him the opportunity to meet and talk with many different people on a daily basis. Learning that many of his customers shared his interest in keeping a journal but didn’t know how to start or to maintain one, he decided to create a workshop that would allow him to share what he’d learned about this rewarding practice.
In his free time, John loves being in his car and is grateful for any opportunity he gets to drive through to the Hudson Valley where he grew up. He has a BFA in Painting and enjoys drawing, painting and visiting art museums. His favorite conversation topics are music, film and anything pertaining to behavioral psychology.

Part 1/4. This program series is being offered virtually through Zoom. If you would like to join the series, click the RSVP button above or  email

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with John Casey

Sustainable Journaling

In Sustainable Journaling, simple strategies help you create a daily journaling practice that can be sustained over time.


We will concentrate more on the practice of journaling than on the content and intention behind it. As a result, we can approach journaling less as a means to an end and more as an end in itself. You will be supported in creating a sustainable and fulfilling practice. You can either maintain the practice on its own or incorporate other journaling strategies.


Topics discussed will include:

  • Easy strategies for starting and maintaining a journal
  • The advantages of creating a daily habit of journaling
  • The benefits of both the practice and the product
  • Overcoming obstacles to creating a daily practice
  • Privacy concerns
  • How to start your journal at any point in the past
  • Continuing your practice if/when you miss a day
  • Creating a structured yet adaptable practice, while considering your lifestyle and preferences


Each session incorporates presentations as well as opportunities for group sharing that addresses different learning and engagement styles. Additionally, homework assignments easily accommodate participants with busy schedules.

Sustainable Journaling will be offered as a four-part workshop on the following dates: 

  • Sundays, October 1, 8, 15, 22, 10-11:15 AM ET

Participants are encouraged to attend all four workshop sessions to get the most out of the Sustainable Journaling process. By registering above, you will be registered for all four sessions. Please let us know in advance if you will not be able to attend all four sessions.

Participants who joined in our previous series are welcome back as space is available. Please email Kiersten at to inquire about space.

Suggested Donation: $25 (4-part series)

About John Casey

John Casey

John Casey works as a barber in Brooklyn, NY. This trade affords him the opportunity to meet and talk with many different people on a daily basis. Learning that many of his customers shared his interest in keeping a journal but didn’t know how to start or to maintain one, he decided to create a workshop that would allow him to share what he’d learned about this rewarding practice.
In his free time, John loves being in his car and is grateful for any opportunity he gets to drive through to the Hudson Valley where he grew up. He has a BFA in Painting and enjoys drawing, painting and visiting art museums. His favorite conversation topics are music, film and anything pertaining to behavioral psychology.

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, register by clicking the RSVP button above or by emailing

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Simone Banks Mackey (They/Them/Theirs)


Using modern and ancient techniques of developing symbols allows your imagination to wonder and form a personal affirmation sigil. A Sigil, in a greater sense, is a symbol that represents a meaning. Where they differ is how/why we create them. This process is not only therapeutic but extremely individualized. Each sigil contains specific messaging that is meant to empower you. Using meditation, herbal teas, movement, food, music, and/or scents, we intentionally create an environment that empowers us to imbue our intentions into our sigil fully. A process that can result in the simplest of shapes to the most elaborate of forms.

After your affirmation sigil is created it is charged with your energy and can be used whenever you need to affirm your power. Whether that be on your hallway mirror, daily bag, passenger dashboard, clothes/shoes, or even yourself its intention will hold.

The theme of the month will be shared at the beginning of each session.


Suggested Materials: 

  • Writing utensils (pens, markers, paint, etc.)
  • Canvas (paper, book, hat, guitar, etc.)
  • Water (for drinking)
  • Set your “empowerment mood” (clothing, food, scents, lighting, etc.)

Suggested Donation: $10

About Simone Banks Mackey

Since childhood, Simone Banks Mackey (They/Them/Theirs) has always been an eccentric being that had an insatiable passion for life and helping others. After attending undergraduate school to study multiple Studio Arts disciplines and nonprofit management they decided to continue community-centered work. Teaching preschool offered Simone the opportunity to creatively expose children to multiple forms of art. However, they realized the magnitude of how structural stability within the home affects both parents’ mental/emotional/physical wellbeing and the children’s cognitive development. Simone then decided to work with grassroots organization that provided families with tools to be self-sufficient. It was during this time Eccentric Whims was born. While creating and hosting programming to artistically teach parents and children, Simone realized how they could combine their passion for art with community uplifting. Eccentric Whims catapults love and healing into the world by using a multitude of traditional and nontraditional art forms to foster creative thinking and promote healing/wellness while building community. Through carefully crafted community events surrounding any range and of non/traditional art forms such as mixed media collages, decor/crafts, visual media, and movement Simone creates safe spaces for people to express themselves and/or learn. Art is universal and through Art, we can communicate, commune, and create a greater society.

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, register by clicking the RSVP button above or by emailing

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Simone Banks Mackey (They/Them/Theirs)


Using modern and ancient techniques of developing symbols allows your imagination to wonder and form a personal affirmation sigil. A Sigil, in a greater sense, is a symbol that represents a meaning. Where they differ is how/why we create them. This process is not only therapeutic but extremely individualized. Each sigil contains specific messaging that is meant to empower you. Using meditation, herbal teas, movement, food, music, and/or scents, we intentionally create an environment that empowers us to imbue our intentions into our sigil fully. A process that can result in the simplest of shapes to the most elaborate of forms.

After your affirmation sigil is created it is charged with your energy and can be used whenever you need to affirm your power. Whether that be on your hallway mirror, daily bag, passenger dashboard, clothes/shoes, or even yourself its intention will hold.

The theme of the month will be shared at the beginning of each session.


Suggested Materials: 

  • Writing utensils (pens, markers, paint, etc.)
  • Canvas (paper, book, hat, guitar, etc.)
  • Water (for drinking)
  • Set your “empowerment mood” (clothing, food, scents, lighting, etc.)

Suggested Donation: $10

About Simone Banks Mackey

Since childhood, Simone Banks Mackey (They/Them/Theirs) has always been an eccentric being that had an insatiable passion for life and helping others. After attending undergraduate school to study multiple Studio Arts disciplines and nonprofit management they decided to continue community-centered work. Teaching preschool offered Simone the opportunity to creatively expose children to multiple forms of art. However, they realized the magnitude of how structural stability within the home affects both parents’ mental/emotional/physical wellbeing and the children’s cognitive development. Simone then decided to work with grassroots organization that provided families with tools to be self-sufficient. It was during this time Eccentric Whims was born. While creating and hosting programming to artistically teach parents and children, Simone realized how they could combine their passion for art with community uplifting. Eccentric Whims catapults love and healing into the world by using a multitude of traditional and nontraditional art forms to foster creative thinking and promote healing/wellness while building community. Through carefully crafted community events surrounding any range and of non/traditional art forms such as mixed media collages, decor/crafts, visual media, and movement Simone creates safe spaces for people to express themselves and/or learn. Art is universal and through Art, we can communicate, commune, and create a greater society.

This program has been cancelled and will be rescheduled for another time. Please feel free to check in about the new date by emailing

with Tina Scott Lassiter

*collage art cannot be reproduced without permission from Tina Scott Lassiter
Our body is the one thing we know better than anyone else does. We’ve been intimately engaged with it for our entire life after all, so who else can make that claim! As we mature, outside influences, health issues, and even our family lineage play a role in shaping the narratives we construct about our bodies and lives. The problem with that is, we sometimes allow those influences to negatively affect the love we should have for our total body — physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, and social.
This workshop is designed to get in touch with the body narratives that have influenced our life progression, consider the story we wish to tell moving forward, and appreciate the body we have. After establishing a safe space for enlightenment and sharing, you will gain an understanding of how the physical, mental, spiritual, emotional and social bodies can be separate yet make up the whole. Using the senses, live conversation about sensuality, along with a fun sensual experience, guided and art imagery, creative and written exercises, and some easy movement, you will uncover and reflect on your personal body narratives. You will also be guided through an uplifting exercise on loving the body you’re gifted with, with all it’s flaws and OMG moments, as well as receive tips for body love self-care. While story sharing is encouraged during group discussions, our stories are our own; you are free to make choices about what and how much is comfortable for you to share.
No matter our age, it’s time to really wonder about who we are, have been; who we wish to be, where we see ourselves going or maybe even discover something we never even thought of. To celebrate our years of life, the wisdom we’ve acquired along the way, the body we have right now. To uncover the stories our bodies have to tell us, the ones we know and perhaps ones unknown. To honor our beautifully exquisite body existence as together we explore how the senses, sensuality, and total body love can bring forth our body narrative so we can begin to write a new or continued story for the path ahead.
Previous artistic training or specific writing skills are not necessary for this session. This program is open to people who identify as women only.
Suggested Donation: $15

About Tina Scott Lassiter

Tina Scott Lassiter, M.B.A., is a holistic health professional, collagist, photographer, author/writer, speaker/moderator, and co-host of The Body Love Construct podcast. Certified in several mind-body disciplines and the healing arts, she facilitates workshops for groups and individuals that focus on emotional, social, and spiritual development and health. Her collage images originally addressed self-esteem and personal body awareness; they later materialized as statement art, dictated by current events and social issues. Both her essays and art have appeared in anthologies and on/in a number of online and printed national publications.