This program is being offered virtually only now. To receive the Zoom link to join, please register by clicking the RSVP button above or by emailing

with Julia Rowland, PhD

Part 3 of this 4-part series provides information on the importance of Social Support. This includes managing other’s expectations at home, at work, at school; communication with family, friends and colleagues and finding (and using!) the right healing resources.

Participants can choose to register to attend all 4 parts of this survivorship series, or specific sessions.

Survivorship 101 Sessions include:

  • February 6 – Part 1: Introduction to survivorship: definitions, transition to recovery challenges and developing a survivorship care plan.
  • February 20 – Part 2: Managing fear of recurrence, sleeping better and stressing less.
  • March 5 – Part 3: The importance of social support: Managing other’s expectations at home, at work, at school; communication with family, friends and colleagues and Finding (and using!) the right healing resources.
  • March 19 – Part 4: The importance of healthy lifestyle: diet, weight, physical activity, smoking, sun block use, alcohol use.

This program is offered in partnership with the Washington Cancer Institute at Medstar Washington Hospital Center.

About Julia H. Rowland, Ph.D.

Julia Rowland

Julia Rowland, PhD, who joined Smith Center in October 2017, comes to this position as a long-time clinician, researcher and teacher in the area of psychosocial aspects of cancer. She has worked with and conducted competitively funded research among both pediatric and adult cancer survivors and their families, and published broadly in psycho-oncology, including co-editing, along with Dr. Jimmie Holland, the ground-breaking text, Handbook of Psychooncology.  She has also been a frequent speaker on cancer survivorship, or life after cancer, for both professional and lay audiences.

Julia received her PhD in Developmental Psychology from Columbia University and completed a post-doctoral fellowship at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in psychosocial oncology. While at MSKCC, where she held joint appointments in pediatrics and neurology, Julia helped to develop and was the first Director of the Post-Treatment Resource Program, one of the first non-medical survivorship care programs to be offered by a major cancer center in the U.S. In 1990 she moved with her husband and two young children to Washington, DC to become founding Director of the Psycho-Oncology Program at Georgetown University and the Lombardi Cancer Center. There she helped expand services to meet the psychosocial needs of cancer patients and families, launched some of the first quality of life clinical trials, and also introduced a program to enable first year medical students to learn the art of caring for those living through and beyond cancer from survivors themselves and Lombardi faculty. Nine years later, in September of 1999, she was recruited to the National Cancer Institute to become the first, full-time Director of the Office of Cancer Survivorship, a position in which she served for 18 years, championing the growth of survivorship research and care, before stepping down in September 2017 to assume her new role at Smith Center. Although new to the team, Julia is no stranger to Smith Center. She knew Smith Center’s founder, Barbara Smith Coleman, and has volunteered her expertise across the years as a speaker, group leader and staff member for both the 1-day and weeklong residential retreats. Julia brings to her new role a passion to translate what research has taught us about healing in the context of cancer to the broader community, in essence, taking the science of survivorship from the lab bench to the park bench.

As a reminder, this program is being offered in a hybrid format. It will be hosted in-person at Medstar Washington Hospital Center’s Siegel Auditorium and will also be live-streamed virtually for those who cannot attend in-person.

In order to participate, register by clicking the RSVP button above or by emailing

with Erin Price, LICSW, OSW-C & Julia Rowland, PhD

Part 2 of this 4-part series will focus on offering strategies to manage fear of recurrence, tips to improve sleep, and discuss ways to reduce stress.

Participants can choose to register to attend all 4 parts of this survivorship series, or specific sessions.

Survivorship 101 Sessions include:

  • February 6 – Part 1: Introduction to survivorship: definitions, transition to recovery challenges and developing a survivorship care plan.
  • February 20 – Part 2: Managing fear of recurrence, sleeping better and stressing less.
  • March 5 – Part 3: The importance of social support: Managing other’s expectations at home, at work, at school; communication with family, friends and colleagues and Finding (and using!) the right healing resources.
  • March 19 – Part 4: The importance of healthy lifestyle: diet, weight, physical activity, smoking, sun block use, alcohol use.

This program is offered in partnership with the Washington Cancer Institute at Medstar Washington Hospital Center.

About Erin Price, LICSW, OSW-C

Erin Price

Erin serves as Smith Center’s Director of Young Adult and Psychosocial Support Programs. She is trained in Integrative Patient Navigation, a Project LEAD graduate, and holds a Masters in Social Work. A ten-year+ breast cancer survivor, Erin is passionate about providing support and community to other cancer survivors, especially young adults. She works with Smith Center’s DC Young Adult Cancer Community and is also actively involved in the cancer community through the Association of Oncology Social Workers, the Young Survival Coalition, the Georgetown Breast Cancer Advocates, and the National Breast Cancer Coalition.

About Julia H. Rowland, Ph.D.

Julia Rowland

Julia Rowland, PhD, who joined Smith Center in October 2017, comes to this position as a long-time clinician, researcher and teacher in the area of psychosocial aspects of cancer. She has worked with and conducted competitively funded research among both pediatric and adult cancer survivors and their families, and published broadly in psycho-oncology, including co-editing, along with Dr. Jimmie Holland, the ground-breaking text, Handbook of Psychooncology.  She has also been a frequent speaker on cancer survivorship, or life after cancer, for both professional and lay audiences.

Julia received her PhD in Developmental Psychology from Columbia University and completed a post-doctoral fellowship at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in psychosocial oncology. While at MSKCC, where she held joint appointments in pediatrics and neurology, Julia helped to develop and was the first Director of the Post-Treatment Resource Program, one of the first non-medical survivorship care programs to be offered by a major cancer center in the U.S. In 1990 she moved with her husband and two young children to Washington, DC to become founding Director of the Psycho-Oncology Program at Georgetown University and the Lombardi Cancer Center. There she helped expand services to meet the psychosocial needs of cancer patients and families, launched some of the first quality of life clinical trials, and also introduced a program to enable first year medical students to learn the art of caring for those living through and beyond cancer from survivors themselves and Lombardi faculty. Nine years later, in September of 1999, she was recruited to the National Cancer Institute to become the first, full-time Director of the Office of Cancer Survivorship, a position in which she served for 18 years, championing the growth of survivorship research and care, before stepping down in September 2017 to assume her new role at Smith Center. Although new to the team, Julia is no stranger to Smith Center. She knew Smith Center’s founder, Barbara Smith Coleman, and has volunteered her expertise across the years as a speaker, group leader and staff member for both the 1-day and weeklong residential retreats. Julia brings to her new role a passion to translate what research has taught us about healing in the context of cancer to the broader community, in essence, taking the science of survivorship from the lab bench to the park bench.

This program is being offered in a hybrid format. It will be hosted in-person at Medstar Washington Hospital Center’s Siegel Auditorium and will also be live-streamed virtually for those who cannot attend in-person.

In order to participate, register by clicking the RSVP button above or by emailing

Please indicate in the notes if you plan to attend virtually or in-person.

with Julia Rowland, PhD

Part 1 of this 4-part series will focus on offering an introduction to survivorship. We will review important definitions, discuss transition to recovery challenges and the importance of developing a survivorship care plan.

Participants can choose to register to attend all 4 parts of this survivorship series, or specific sessions.

Survivorship 101 Sessions include:

  • February 6 – Part 1: Introduction to survivorship: definitions, transition to recovery challenges and developing a survivorship care plan.
  • February 20 – Part 2: Managing fear of recurrence, sleeping better and stressing less.
  • March 5 – Part 3: The importance of social support: Managing other’s expectations at home, at work, at school; communication with family, friends and colleagues and Finding (and using!) the right healing resources.
  • March 19 – Part 4: The importance of healthy lifestyle: diet, weight, physical activity, smoking, sun block use, alcohol use.

This program is offered in partnership with the Washington Cancer Institute at Medstar Washington Hospital Center.

About Julia H. Rowland, Ph.D.

Julia Rowland

Julia Rowland, PhD, who joined Smith Center in October 2017, comes to this position as a long-time clinician, researcher and teacher in the area of psychosocial aspects of cancer. She has worked with and conducted competitively funded research among both pediatric and adult cancer survivors and their families, and published broadly in psycho-oncology, including co-editing, along with Dr. Jimmie Holland, the ground-breaking text, Handbook of Psychooncology.  She has also been a frequent speaker on cancer survivorship, or life after cancer, for both professional and lay audiences.

Julia received her PhD in Developmental Psychology from Columbia University and completed a post-doctoral fellowship at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in psychosocial oncology. While at MSKCC, where she held joint appointments in pediatrics and neurology, Julia helped to develop and was the first Director of the Post-Treatment Resource Program, one of the first non-medical survivorship care programs to be offered by a major cancer center in the U.S. In 1990 she moved with her husband and two young children to Washington, DC to become founding Director of the Psycho-Oncology Program at Georgetown University and the Lombardi Cancer Center. There she helped expand services to meet the psychosocial needs of cancer patients and families, launched some of the first quality of life clinical trials, and also introduced a program to enable first year medical students to learn the art of caring for those living through and beyond cancer from survivors themselves and Lombardi faculty. Nine years later, in September of 1999, she was recruited to the National Cancer Institute to become the first, full-time Director of the Office of Cancer Survivorship, a position in which she served for 18 years, championing the growth of survivorship research and care, before stepping down in September 2017 to assume her new role at Smith Center. Although new to the team, Julia is no stranger to Smith Center. She knew Smith Center’s founder, Barbara Smith Coleman, and has volunteered her expertise across the years as a speaker, group leader and staff member for both the 1-day and weeklong residential retreats. Julia brings to her new role a passion to translate what research has taught us about healing in the context of cancer to the broader community, in essence, taking the science of survivorship from the lab bench to the park bench.

In order to participate, register by clicking the RSVP button above or by emailing

with Julia Rowland, Ph.D

Hearing the words, ‘there is no evidence of disease,’ may not be fully reassuring when cancer treatment ends. Worry that you may still have cancer (or develop it again!) can be overwhelming. Fear of cancer recurrence is the most common long-term effect of living with a history of cancer. If this is true for you, you are not alone. Come learn about the triggers of fear, and simple tools you can use to tame your own worry demon and reclaim your plans for the future. This program is offered in partnership with the Washington Cancer Institute at Medstar Washington Hospital Center.

About Julia H. Rowland, Ph.D.

Julia Rowland

Julia Rowland, PhD, who joined Smith Center in October 2017, comes to this position as a long-time clinician, researcher and teacher in the area of psychosocial aspects of cancer. She has worked with and conducted competitively funded research among both pediatric and adult cancer survivors and their families, and published broadly in psycho-oncology, including co-editing, along with Dr. Jimmie Holland, the ground-breaking text, Handbook of Psychooncology.  She has also been a frequent speaker on cancer survivorship, or life after cancer, for both professional and lay audiences.

Julia received her PhD in Developmental Psychology from Columbia University and completed a post-doctoral fellowship at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in psychosocial oncology. While at MSKCC, where she held joint appointments in pediatrics and neurology, Julia helped to develop and was the first Director of the Post-Treatment Resource Program, one of the first non-medical survivorship care programs to be offered by a major cancer center in the U.S. In 1990 she moved with her husband and two young children to Washington, DC to become founding Director of the Psycho-Oncology Program at Georgetown University and the Lombardi Cancer Center. There she helped expand services to meet the psychosocial needs of cancer patients and families, launched some of the first quality of life clinical trials, and also introduced a program to enable first year medical students to learn the art of caring for those living through and beyond cancer from survivors themselves and Lombardi faculty. Nine years later, in September of 1999, she was recruited to the National Cancer Institute to become the first, full-time Director of the Office of Cancer Survivorship, a position in which she served for 18 years, championing the growth of survivorship research and care, before stepping down in September 2017 to assume her new role at Smith Center. Although new to the team, Julia is no stranger to Smith Center. She knew Smith Center’s founder, Barbara Smith Coleman, and has volunteered her expertise across the years as a speaker, group leader and staff member for both the 1-day and weeklong residential retreats. Julia brings to her new role a passion to translate what research has taught us about healing in the context of cancer to the broader community, in essence, taking the science of survivorship from the lab bench to the park bench.

This program is being offered in-person at Medstar Washington Hospital Center and will also be live streamed virtually for those who cannot attend in-person.

In order to participate, register by clicking the RSVP button above or by emailing

with Erin Price, LICSW, OSW-C

Receiving a cancer diagnosis, going through treatment, and managing side effects all while continuing to live your life can often make you feel crazy. Many cancer survivors feel like their family and friends don’t understand and that they aren’t sure how to make sense of their identity after cancer. This workshop provides information on the prevalence of mental and emotional health issues among cancer survivors, normalizes the experience, and offers tools and resources for coping. This program is offered in partnership with the Washington Cancer Institute at Medstar Washington Hospital Center.

About Erin Price, LICSW, OSW-C

Erin Price

Erin serves as Smith Center’s Director of Young Adult and Psychosocial Support Programs. She is trained in Integrative Patient Navigation, a Project LEAD graduate, and holds a Masters in Social Work. A ten-year+ breast cancer survivor, Erin is passionate about providing support and community to other cancer survivors, especially young adults. She works with Smith Center’s DC Young Adult Cancer Community and is also actively involved in the cancer community through the Association of Oncology Social Workers, the Young Survival Coalition, the Georgetown Breast Cancer Advocates, and the National Breast Cancer Coalition.

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, register by clicking the RSVP button above or by emailing

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Julia Rowland, PhD

Cancer caregivers are ‘hidden’ survivors in the cancer experience. Many wonder if the help they provide is useful, even though research tells us that caregivers are vital to the wellbeing of their care recipient. Come learn how caregivers make a difference, discuss the common challenges that caregivers confront, and learn tools and techniques to take good care of yourself.

This program is offered in partnership with the Washington Cancer Institute at Medstar Washington Hospital Center.

About Julia Rowland

Julia Rowland

Julia Rowland, PhD, who joined Smith Center in October 2017, comes to this position as a long-time clinician, researcher and teacher in the area of psychosocial aspects of cancer. She has worked with and conducted competitively funded research among both pediatric and adult cancer survivors and their families, and published broadly in psycho-oncology, including co-editing, along with Dr. Jimmie Holland, the ground-breaking text, Handbook of Psychooncology.  She has also been a frequent speaker on cancer survivorship, or life after cancer, for both professional and lay audiences.

Julia received her PhD in Developmental Psychology from Columbia University and completed a post-doctoral fellowship at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in psychosocial oncology. While at MSKCC, where she held joint appointments in pediatrics and neurology, Julia helped to develop and was the first Director of the Post-Treatment Resource Program, one of the first non-medical survivorship care programs to be offered by a major cancer center in the U.S. In 1990 she moved with her husband and two young children to Washington, DC to become founding Director of the Psycho-Oncology Program at Georgetown University and the Lombardi Cancer Center. There she helped expand services to meet the psychosocial needs of cancer patients and families, launched some of the first quality of life clinical trials, and also introduced a program to enable first year medical students to learn the art of caring for those living through and beyond cancer from survivors themselves and Lombardi faculty. Nine years later, in September of 1999, she was recruited to the National Cancer Institute to become the first, full-time Director of the Office of Cancer Survivorship, a position in which she served for 18 years, championing the growth of survivorship research and care, before stepping down in September 2017 to assume her new role at Smith Center. Although new to the team, Julia is no stranger to Smith Center. She knew Smith Center’s founder, Barbara Smith Coleman, and has volunteered her expertise across the years as a speaker, group leader and staff member for both the 1-day and weeklong residential retreats. Julia brings to her new role a passion to translate what research has taught us about healing in the context of cancer to the broader community, in essence, taking the science of survivorship from the lab bench to the park bench.

This program is being offered in-person. In order to participate, register by clicking the RSVP button above or by emailing


with Moira Bucciarelli, MTS, BCC &

Spiritual Life Review is a reflective, structured, and highly personal process where we recall pivotal and positive moments in our past when we felt cared for or supported by our sacred source, self, or others. By doing a spiritual life review we harness our past to gain hope for our present.

In the first half of the workshop, we will recall these moments and then see what kinds of insights and memories emerge. In the second half we will take one memory or insight and explore it through art-making with a variety of media—collage, watercolor, words, or pastels. Join us and leave renewed with hope and connection!

Suggested Donation: $20

About Moira Bucciarelli, MTS, BCC

Moira Bucciarelli - Staff Chaplain - Johns Hopkins Hospital | LinkedIn

Moira Bucciarelli, MTS, BCC is a board-certified chaplain who serves in the outpatient oncology context. A second-career chaplain, Moira takes a strengths-based approach and highlights experiences of compassion, joy, and interconnection in the midst of setbacks or suffering. She companions those who benefit from sacred listening in times of questioning and loss or of celebration and triumph. When not at work, Moira likes to row crew on the Patapsco.

About Pamela Goetz, BA, OPN-CG

With 17 years’ experience in cancer care focused on outreach, education, screening, navigation and integrative health program development, Pam serves as an advocate to empower patients and caregivers to achieve a good quality of life during and after treatment. In her current role at Sibley Memorial Hospital, Johns Hopkins Medicine, she assesses survivors’ needs and gaps in services, leading to the development of new programs. In 2013, she established integrative health classes to support patients in managing the emotional impact of a diagnosis, the side effects of treatment, and decreasing isolation through community-building. Pam served as a navigator on the brain tumor team, providing individual navigation to patients and their caregivers; addressing barriers, coordinating care, and offering support. She serves on the Cancer Committee and is responsible for meeting accreditation standards around
survivorship, screening and prevention. Pam previously worked at the National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship (NCCS), where she oversaw a CDC grant to expand the Cancer Survivors Toolbox ® , represented NCCS on the Journey Forward ® , a tool to create survivorship care plans, and delivered continuing education training to oncology health care professionals. She is a graduate of the Integrative Navigation Training with the Smith Center for Healing and the Arts. Pam has served in leadership roles for AONN+ and as an advisor to the CSC/DC and OneVillage. As the daughter of an ovarian and breast cancer survivor, Pam finds personal meaning as an advocate for people coping with a cancer diagnosis and finding their healing process.

**Registration for this program is now full. If you would like to be added to the waitlist to be notified if a space becomes available, please email**

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, register by clicking the RSVP button above or by emailing

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Lennie Naughton and Erin Price, LICSW, OSW-C

Whether related to cancer, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, or another experience or diagnosis, fatigue can often feel challenging and difficult to handle. This 6-week group will offer space to be with others who live with fatigue and will provide you with strategies and coping tools to help manage it–and help make room for more of what matters to you. This virtual educational group provides opportunities for interactive discussions and practicing strategies to help manage fatigue. Participants are encouraged to attend all 6 sessions and should be prepared to participate as much as possible in each session.

This group is open to adults of all ages who experience fatigue. Fatigue often feels like “running on empty,” and can include having reduced energy, focus, and motivation, or feeling weak or easily exhausted by everyday tasks.

Please note: this group does not treat insomnia. If you are experiencing exhaustion due to lack of sleep, please be aware that this group may not be the best fit as it does not provide or replace treatment for insomnia or other sleep disorders.

This group meets weekly for 6 weeks on Tuesdays from September 26 – October 31 from 3:00-4:30pm ET. 

About Lennie Naughton

Lennie Naughton is a social work intern pursuing their MSW with Simmons University. With over 10 years of direct service experience with youth and adults, Lennie provides individual therapy and group facilitation at Smith Center. Their experience also includes development and delivery of youth programming, and over five years of case management providing crisis counseling and connecting clients to reproductive health care access. Lennie is dedicated to supporting and advocating with underserved communities in healthcare systems, including people with disabilities as well as transgender and other LGBTQ+ community members. In Lennie’s free time, they can be found spending time with loved ones (including their cat named Cannoli).

About Erin Price, MSW, LICSW, OSW-C

Erin Price

Erin serves as Smith Center’s Director of Young Adult and Psychosocial Support Programs. She is trained in Integrative Patient Navigation, a Project LEAD graduate, and holds a Masters in Social Work. A seven-year breast cancer survivor, Erin is passionate about providing support and community to other cancer survivors, especially young adults. She works with Smith Center’s DC Young Adult Cancer Community and is also actively involved in the cancer community through Young Survival Coalition, Critical Mass, the Georgetown Breast Cancer Advocates, National Breast Cancer Coalition, and the DC Cancer Action Partnership.

This program is being offered in a virtual-only format.

In order to participate, register by clicking the RSVP button above or by emailing

with Erin Price, LICSW, OSW-C & Julia Rowland, PhD

Part 4 of this 4 part series provides information on the importance of Social Support. This includes managing other’s expectations at home, at work, at school; communication with family, friends and colleagues and finding (and using!) the right healing resources.

Participants can choose to register to attend all 4 parts of this survivorship series, or specific sessions.

Survivorship 101 Sessions include:

  • September 12 – Part 1: Introduction to survivorship: definitions, transition to recovery challenges and developing a survivorship care plan.
  • September 26 – Part 2: Managing fear of recurrence, sleeping better and stressing less.
  • October 10 – Part 3: The importance of healthy lifestyle: diet, weight, physical activity, smoking, sun block use, alcohol use.
  • October 24 – Part 4: The importance of social support: Managing other’s expectations at home, at work, at school; communication with family, friends and colleagues and Finding (and using!) the right healing resources.

This program is offered in partnership with the Washington Cancer Institute at Medstar Washington Hospital Center.

About Julia H. Rowland, Ph.D.

Julia Rowland

Julia Rowland, PhD, who joined Smith Center in October 2017, comes to this position as a long-time clinician, researcher and teacher in the area of psychosocial aspects of cancer. She has worked with and conducted competitively funded research among both pediatric and adult cancer survivors and their families, and published broadly in psycho-oncology, including co-editing, along with Dr. Jimmie Holland, the ground-breaking text, Handbook of Psychooncology.  She has also been a frequent speaker on cancer survivorship, or life after cancer, for both professional and lay audiences.

Julia received her PhD in Developmental Psychology from Columbia University and completed a post-doctoral fellowship at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in psychosocial oncology. While at MSKCC, where she held joint appointments in pediatrics and neurology, Julia helped to develop and was the first Director of the Post-Treatment Resource Program, one of the first non-medical survivorship care programs to be offered by a major cancer center in the U.S. In 1990 she moved with her husband and two young children to Washington, DC to become founding Director of the Psycho-Oncology Program at Georgetown University and the Lombardi Cancer Center. There she helped expand services to meet the psychosocial needs of cancer patients and families, launched some of the first quality of life clinical trials, and also introduced a program to enable first year medical students to learn the art of caring for those living through and beyond cancer from survivors themselves and Lombardi faculty. Nine years later, in September of 1999, she was recruited to the National Cancer Institute to become the first, full-time Director of the Office of Cancer Survivorship, a position in which she served for 18 years, championing the growth of survivorship research and care, before stepping down in September 2017 to assume her new role at Smith Center. Although new to the team, Julia is no stranger to Smith Center. She knew Smith Center’s founder, Barbara Smith Coleman, and has volunteered her expertise across the years as a speaker, group leader and staff member for both the 1-day and weeklong residential retreats. Julia brings to her new role a passion to translate what research has taught us about healing in the context of cancer to the broader community, in essence, taking the science of survivorship from the lab bench to the park bench.

About Erin Price, LICSW, OSW-C

Erin Price

Erin serves as Smith Center’s Director of Young Adult and Psychosocial Support Programs. She is trained in Integrative Patient Navigation, a Project LEAD graduate, and holds a Masters in Social Work. A ten-year+ breast cancer survivor, Erin is passionate about providing support and community to other cancer survivors, especially young adults. She works with Smith Center’s DC Young Adult Cancer Community and is also actively involved in the cancer community through the Association of Oncology Social Workers, the Young Survival Coalition, the Georgetown Breast Cancer Advocates, and the National Breast Cancer Coalition.

This program is now being offered in a virtual-only format.

In order to participate, register by clicking the RSVP button above or by emailing

with Julia Rowland, PhD

Part 3 of this 4-part series discusses the importance of healthy lifestyle in preventing cancer recurrence and risk reduction. We will talk about the various aspects of healthy lifestyle that have evidence related to cancer prevention: diet, weight management, physical activity, smoking, sun block use, and alcohol use.

Participants can choose to register to attend all 4 parts of this survivorship series, or specific sessions.

Survivorship 101 Sessions include:

  • September 12 – Part 1: Introduction to survivorship: definitions, transition to recovery challenges and developing a survivorship care plan.
  • September 26 – Part 2: Managing fear of recurrence, sleeping better and stressing less.
  • October 10 – Part 3: The importance of healthy lifestyle: diet, weight, physical activity, smoking, sun block use, alcohol use.
  • October 24 – Part 4: The importance of social support: Managing other’s expectations at home, at work, at school; communication with family, friends and colleagues and Finding (and using!) the right healing resources.

This program is offered in partnership with the Washington Cancer Institute at Medstar Washington Hospital Center.

About Julia H. Rowland, Ph.D.

Julia Rowland

Julia Rowland, PhD, who joined Smith Center in October 2017, comes to this position as a long-time clinician, researcher and teacher in the area of psychosocial aspects of cancer. She has worked with and conducted competitively funded research among both pediatric and adult cancer survivors and their families, and published broadly in psycho-oncology, including co-editing, along with Dr. Jimmie Holland, the ground-breaking text, Handbook of Psychooncology.  She has also been a frequent speaker on cancer survivorship, or life after cancer, for both professional and lay audiences.

Julia received her PhD in Developmental Psychology from Columbia University and completed a post-doctoral fellowship at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in psychosocial oncology. While at MSKCC, where she held joint appointments in pediatrics and neurology, Julia helped to develop and was the first Director of the Post-Treatment Resource Program, one of the first non-medical survivorship care programs to be offered by a major cancer center in the U.S. In 1990 she moved with her husband and two young children to Washington, DC to become founding Director of the Psycho-Oncology Program at Georgetown University and the Lombardi Cancer Center. There she helped expand services to meet the psychosocial needs of cancer patients and families, launched some of the first quality of life clinical trials, and also introduced a program to enable first year medical students to learn the art of caring for those living through and beyond cancer from survivors themselves and Lombardi faculty. Nine years later, in September of 1999, she was recruited to the National Cancer Institute to become the first, full-time Director of the Office of Cancer Survivorship, a position in which she served for 18 years, championing the growth of survivorship research and care, before stepping down in September 2017 to assume her new role at Smith Center. Although new to the team, Julia is no stranger to Smith Center. She knew Smith Center’s founder, Barbara Smith Coleman, and has volunteered her expertise across the years as a speaker, group leader and staff member for both the 1-day and weeklong residential retreats. Julia brings to her new role a passion to translate what research has taught us about healing in the context of cancer to the broader community, in essence, taking the science of survivorship from the lab bench to the park bench.