This program has been postponed. Please check our Program Calendar for future program dates.

with Tiffany Carmouché

Spend an evening with artist Tiffany Carmouché. Explore painting possibilities as you reflect on written and sensory inspiration. Create art during the guided journey of hope and beauty. Dance with your muse as you create your masterpiece! As we add color to the blank canvas and have fun we can reflect, play and be present in the moment.

Suggested Donation: $10

About Tiffany Carmouché

Tiffany Carmouché

Best Selling Author, Motivational Speaker, and Fine Arts Sculptor, Tiffany Carmouché, empowers people to break out of their comfort zone and shed limiting beliefs as they step into their power and live fully expressed, helping people speak with confidence, write with impact, and create without inhibition. For over 15 years with her art, her captivating words and the life she lives, she has touched and inspired people worldwide.

Ms. Carmouché uses a variety of the arts to help people heal and have fun, as they ignite creativity, they expand brain plasticity and are empowered to embrace self-expression, innovation and author their lives.

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, you must register here or by emailing

with Kelli M. Bethel, DPT, PT, C-IAYT, E-RYT 500

In this talk, we will explore what is yoga therapy and how it may benefit those undergoing cancer treatments, survivors, and their caregivers. We will discuss the MUIH student clinic and the opportunities to receive free yoga therapy through telehealth beginning in the summer of 2021 with our senior students.

Click here to download an information document on yoga therapy.

About Kelli M. Bethel, DPT, PT, C-IAYT, E-RYT 500

Dr. Kelli M. Bethel, DPT, PT, C-IAYT, E-RYT 500, is a practicing physical therapist with over 28 years of experience, a certified yoga therapist, and a registered, experienced 500-hour yoga instructor. Dr. Bethel is the Yoga Therapy Clinical Manager at the Maryland University of Integrative Health. She has extensive experience as a physical therapist and yoga therapist, treating clients in the area of neurology and oncology. Dr. Bethel is involved in developing and implementing educational programs for providers, yoga therapists, and yoga teachers. Dr. Bethel has been working in the field of yoga therapy and integrative medicine since 2007.

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, you must register here or by emailing

with Denise Feldman

Have you ever created a time capsule? Or sent a postcard to a friend, or even to yourself? In this workshop we’ll reimagine a simple cardboard box into a memory-keeping time capsule and create handmade postcards to keep inside—ready to capture a peek into our thoughts, feelings, experiences, hopes and memories from this unique and challenging time in our lives. Join local mixed media artist and cancer survivor, Denise Feldman, for this virtual ‘healing through creativity’ workshop.

Denise sets a warm, inviting atmosphere and no previous art or mixed media experience is needed—all are welcome! NOTE: Prompts and themes are provided so participants may complete their postcard writing following the workshop.

Suggested Materials:

  • Shoe box, photo storage box or other container (for collage and/or painting)
  • Poster board, card stock or cardboard 
  • Magazines, children’s artwork, old photos/letters
  • Glue stick, ModPodge or other liquid glue/adhesive
  • Ruler
  • Scissors

About Denise Feldman

Denise Feldman is a local mixed media artist who discovered the power of creativity as a healing practice after her treatment for breast cancer in 2014. As a creative ‘dabbler’ who loves working with various materials and surfaces, Denise shares her mixed media processes and soulful perspective with the hope of inspiring others to tell their stories ‘on and off the page’ and clear space for life’s chapters yet to come.

“My philosophy is simply that telling our stories helps us heal by giving us the space to process our own experiences and connect with each other. Getting our stories out from our hearts and our heads helps make room for the next chapter to happen…the one just waiting there in the wings.” ~Denise

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, you must register here or by emailing

Este programa se ofrece virtualmente en Zoom. Para participar y recibir la información de Zoom, debe registrarse aquí o email

with LaColectiva

Vasalisa en mi

Join us Monday, March 8th at 1pm for a workshop hosted by LaColectiva, women’s artist collective located in Bucaramanga, Colombia. This workshop will explore themes found in the book Women who Run with the Wolves: Myths & Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype

Participants will be invited to create a doll based on their own wildness

Reconnect with your feminine intuition! 

Let it go, renew your thoughts, rejuvenate your soul, and discover the power of your psyche. 

Only in taking these steps can we explore our intuition and let it guide us in our spiritual search for ourselves.

Materials you’ll need: 

Paper, pencil or markers, scissors, pink yarn (or any colors you have), needle & thread

Información programática en Español


LaColectiva un grupo de artistas de la ciudad de Bucaramanga, que viene trabajando sobre el quehacer artístico en Santander y reflexionando acerca del género y sus implicaciones socioculturales; a partir de estas preocupaciones se da inicio a una búsqueda de identidad a través de expresiones artísticas que, entrando en consonancia con las experiencias propias, planteen análisis, cuestionamientos y discusiones a los roles asignados y relacionados con lo femenino, para generar conocimientos y contribuir a las transformaciones sociales de la región.


This program is being offered virtually via Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, you must register here or by emailing

with Ana Leilani Ka’ahanui of Capital Nature

Reston Bioblitz (Photo: Ana Ka’ahanui)
Reston Bioblitz (Photo: Ana Ka’ahanui)

Need a little dose of green to destress and reconnect with yourself? Restorative nature-based practices are available to you, even if you are stuck at home. Certified forest therapy guide, Ana Ka’ahanui will guide you through the experience of shinrin-yoku, the Japanese term for “forest bathing.” Shinrin-yoku is a nature therapy practice that has its roots in ancient Shinto traditions and modern medicine, to support wellbeing. Contemplative but more active than meditation, shirin-yoku has been demonstrated to reduce blood pressure, boost immunity, and enhance mood and creativity.


Ana will lead this session virtually from a beautiful nature spot in the DC metro area, inviting you to engage your senses in a restorative and relaxing immersion experience from home. You are invited to join from inside your house or apartment, yard, or balcony, wherever you can view a spot of green for the session.

Suggested Donation: $10

Capital Nature

Capital Nature is a nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing nature into the lives of Washington Metro area residents and visitors. We are a fiscal 501c3 project of Green Spaces for DC.

We believe people are healthier, and our communities more resilient when nature is part of our lives. We envision a Washington DC region where a culture of nature engagement and stewardship thrives—where daily contact with the natural world supports human wellbeing  and ecological health across our communities.

Capital Nature provides information on the region’s many available, but not always known, nature events: from forest walks to citizen science adventures to educational workshops and stewardship projects. We collaborate with partners and friends to create new opportunities for nature engagement, and invite all to share their stories of experience with the natural world.

Through Capital Nature’s Biophilic Practice Group, we develop nature-based designs and strategies for wellbeing and community health.

About Ana Leilani Ka’ahanui

Ana Leilani Ka'ahanui

Ana Leilani Ka’ahanui is Co-Founder and Director of Tours & Experiential Programs for Capital Nature, a regional nonprofit that promotes nature engagement in the Washington DC metro area. She is a certified forest bathing guide through the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy and is passionate about sharing the practice, which is needed now more than ever. Ana is also a Virginia Master Naturalist and committed to connecting people to nature through citizen science and other biodiversity initiatives such as the global City Nature Challenge.

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, you must register here or by emailing

with Chef Kara Garrett

Rosemary Orange Scones

Chef Kara is delighted to return and kick off 2021 with you! She will lead us in making vegan Rosemary-Orange Scones together while sharing some baking tips to make your baked goods healthier. You are welcome to watch & learn if you prefer not to bake along. Scones are quick and easy to make and are delicious with many flavor profiles, savory and sweet.

Please arrive at class with all ingredients and supplies out and ready to use. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about substitutions or equipment needed.

Shopping List: 

  • Whole wheat pastry flour (can use all purpose flour or gluten-free APF)
  • Baking Powder
  • Ground Cinnamon
  • Salt
  • Fresh Rosemary (or thyme/oregano/any herb on hand)
  • 1 orange
  • 1 lemon
  • 1/2 cup dried fruit (currants, raisins, cranberries, apricots)
  • Milk of choice (oat or almond work well)
  • Maple syrup (or honey)
  • Coconut oil (butter can be used for non-vegan)

Supplies Needed: 

  • 2 mixing bowls
  • Small ramekin or bowl that will fit in fridge
  • Measuring cups
  • Measuring spoons
  • Microplane/zester
  • Mesh strainer (optional but helpful)
  • Whisk
  • Pastry cutter or 2 forks
  • Spatula or wooden spoon
  • Baking sheet
  • Parchment paper (optional but makes cleanup easier)
  • Cookie cutters (optional)

Suggested Donation: $10

About Chef Kara Garrett


Kara is a health-supportive chef based in Washington, DC. Following her breast cancer diagnosis in 2013, she embraced the challenge of finding a balance between her foodie lifestyle and eating well with cancer. She has adopted a flexible diet plan that focuses on plant-based, sustainable whole foods, but does not restrict indulgences of things she loves. She is passionate about working with others to encourage healthier food choices that energize the body and the soul.

Kara graduated in August 2017 from the Chef Training Program at Natural Gourmet Institute in NYC and spent one month as the sous chef at The Ananda Ashram Yoga Society of New York in Monroe, NY. She is currently enrolled in the Developing Healthy Communities: Nutrition, Behavior, and Physical Activity graduate program at Tufts University Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy.

Please email to schedule an Individual Knitting Instruction appointment.

with Project Knitwell

Knitwell in the Cloud

During these stressful times, we need the wellness benefits of knitting now more than ever.

Project Knitwill invites you to join Knitwell in the Cloud, a new program offering private, one-on-one knitting lessons via Zoom. It’s a safe, effective way to knit and learn.

Who is this for?  Beginner knitters and those who already know how to knit but need help with a project.

How long are the sessions? 45-60 minutes. You will have up to 4 lessons with your instructor.

What equipment do I need to participate? A smartphone or tablet (iPad, etc.)  and the free Zoom app downloaded on the device you will use.

Do I need to get my own supplies?  No — Project Knitwell will provide you with what you need.

Knitwell in the Cloud is an ongoing program with rolling registration. Please email  or call 703-249-9112 and mention that you heard about the program through Smith Center.

If you’re looking to meet up with other knitters, consider connecting with K2tog. K2tog events are not formal lessons, but rather are casual get-togethers where everyone brings their knitting projects and chats about different knitting-related topics. Anyone can register by emailing, even if they have never participated in a previous PK program.

About Project Knitwell

Project Knitwell

Project Knitwell offers knitting as a tool to promote wellness and help people cope with stressful situations at more than a dozen hospital and community settings.

All of Project Knitwell’s programming is provided by volunteers, and services and supplies are provided free of charge to the people we serve.

About the Project Knitwell Volunteers

About Ilene Gast

Ilene Gast

I have been knitting since childhood, learning when I received a knitting kit as a gift.  Knitting allows me to combine color and texture, transforming long strings of yarn into aesthetically pleasing, functional items.  I knit all manner of objects, but my favorites are wild colored socks and unusually shaped shawls.

Although finishing a knitted object is satisfying, it is secondary to the process of knitting. The rhythm of knitting is relaxing; it never fails to relieve stress.  At the end of graduate school, I not only completed a degree, but also created a series of “dissertation sweaters.”  Knitting also lets me take leave of myself.  When I am knitting for someone else, which is often, I can virtually spend time with that person.  Or, if I use yarn acquired in a special place, I am transported back in time and space.  Add portability to these benefits—I can take it with me!

However, most of all, I enjoy sharing the art and craft of knitting with others. I am fortunate to have discovered Project Knitwell, an organization dedicated to bringing the benefits of knitting to people in stressful situations.  I am doubly grateful to be part of the Schar ISC Artist in Residence program.

Please email to schedule an Individual Knitting Instruction appointment.

with Project Knitwell

Knitwell in the Cloud

During these stressful times, we need the wellness benefits of knitting now more than ever.

Project Knitwill invites you to join Knitwell in the Cloud, a new program offering private, one-on-one knitting lessons via Zoom. It’s a safe, effective way to knit and learn.

Who is this for?  Beginner knitters and those who already know how to knit but need help with a project.

How long are the sessions? 45-60 minutes. You will have up to 4 lessons with your instructor.

What equipment do I need to participate? A smartphone or tablet (iPad, etc.)  and the free Zoom app downloaded on the device you will use.

Do I need to get my own supplies?  No — Project Knitwell will provide you with what you need.

Knitwell in the Cloud is an ongoing program with rolling registration. Please email  or call 703-249-9112 and mention that you heard about the program through Smith Center.

If you’re looking to meet up with other knitters, consider connecting with K2tog. K2tog events are not formal lessons, but rather are casual get-togethers where everyone brings their knitting projects and chats about different knitting-related topics. Anyone can register by emailing, even if they have never participated in a previous PK program.

About Project Knitwell

Project Knitwell

Project Knitwell offers knitting as a tool to promote wellness and help people cope with stressful situations at more than a dozen hospital and community settings.

All of Project Knitwell’s programming is provided by volunteers, and services and supplies are provided free of charge to the people we serve.

About the Project Knitwell Volunteers

About Ilene Gast

Ilene Gast

I have been knitting since childhood, learning when I received a knitting kit as a gift.  Knitting allows me to combine color and texture, transforming long strings of yarn into aesthetically pleasing, functional items.  I knit all manner of objects, but my favorites are wild colored socks and unusually shaped shawls.

Although finishing a knitted object is satisfying, it is secondary to the process of knitting. The rhythm of knitting is relaxing; it never fails to relieve stress.  At the end of graduate school, I not only completed a degree, but also created a series of “dissertation sweaters.”  Knitting also lets me take leave of myself.  When I am knitting for someone else, which is often, I can virtually spend time with that person.  Or, if I use yarn acquired in a special place, I am transported back in time and space.  Add portability to these benefits—I can take it with me!

However, most of all, I enjoy sharing the art and craft of knitting with others. I am fortunate to have discovered Project Knitwell, an organization dedicated to bringing the benefits of knitting to people in stressful situations.  I am doubly grateful to be part of the Schar ISC Artist in Residence program.

Please email to schedule an Individual Knitting Instruction appointment.

with Project Knitwell

Knitwell in the Cloud

During these stressful times, we need the wellness benefits of knitting now more than ever.

Project Knitwill invites you to join Knitwell in the Cloud, a new program offering private, one-on-one knitting lessons via Zoom. It’s a safe, effective way to knit and learn.

Who is this for?  Beginner knitters and those who already know how to knit but need help with a project.

How long are the sessions? 45-60 minutes. You will have up to 4 lessons with your instructor.

What equipment do I need to participate? A smartphone or tablet (iPad, etc.)  and the free Zoom app downloaded on the device you will use.

Do I need to get my own supplies?  No — Project Knitwell will provide you with what you need.

Knitwell in the Cloud is an ongoing program with rolling registration. Please email  or call 703-249-9112 and mention that you heard about the program through Smith Center.

If you’re looking to meet up with other knitters, consider connecting with K2tog. K2tog events are not formal lessons, but rather are casual get-togethers where everyone brings their knitting projects and chats about different knitting-related topics. Anyone can register by emailing, even if they have never participated in a previous PK program.

About Project Knitwell

Project Knitwell

Project Knitwell offers knitting as a tool to promote wellness and help people cope with stressful situations at more than a dozen hospital and community settings.

All of Project Knitwell’s programming is provided by volunteers, and services and supplies are provided free of charge to the people we serve.

About the Project Knitwell Volunteers

About Ilene Gast

Ilene Gast

I have been knitting since childhood, learning when I received a knitting kit as a gift.  Knitting allows me to combine color and texture, transforming long strings of yarn into aesthetically pleasing, functional items.  I knit all manner of objects, but my favorites are wild colored socks and unusually shaped shawls.

Although finishing a knitted object is satisfying, it is secondary to the process of knitting. The rhythm of knitting is relaxing; it never fails to relieve stress.  At the end of graduate school, I not only completed a degree, but also created a series of “dissertation sweaters.”  Knitting also lets me take leave of myself.  When I am knitting for someone else, which is often, I can virtually spend time with that person.  Or, if I use yarn acquired in a special place, I am transported back in time and space.  Add portability to these benefits—I can take it with me!

However, most of all, I enjoy sharing the art and craft of knitting with others. I am fortunate to have discovered Project Knitwell, an organization dedicated to bringing the benefits of knitting to people in stressful situations.  I am doubly grateful to be part of the Schar ISC Artist in Residence program.

Please email to schedule an Individual Knitting Instruction appointment.

with Project Knitwell

Knitwell in the Cloud

During these stressful times, we need the wellness benefits of knitting now more than ever.

Project Knitwill invites you to join Knitwell in the Cloud, a new program offering private, one-on-one knitting lessons via Zoom. It’s a safe, effective way to knit and learn.

Who is this for?  Beginner knitters and those who already know how to knit but need help with a project.

How long are the sessions? 45-60 minutes. You will have up to 4 lessons with your instructor.

What equipment do I need to participate? A smartphone or tablet (iPad, etc.)  and the free Zoom app downloaded on the device you will use.

Do I need to get my own supplies?  No — Project Knitwell will provide you with what you need.

Knitwell in the Cloud is an ongoing program with rolling registration. Please email  or call 703-249-9112 and mention that you heard about the program through Smith Center.

If you’re looking to meet up with other knitters, consider connecting with K2tog. K2tog events are not formal lessons, but rather are casual get-togethers where everyone brings their knitting projects and chats about different knitting-related topics. Anyone can register by emailing, even if they have never participated in a previous PK program.

About Project Knitwell

Project Knitwell

Project Knitwell offers knitting as a tool to promote wellness and help people cope with stressful situations at more than a dozen hospital and community settings.

All of Project Knitwell’s programming is provided by volunteers, and services and supplies are provided free of charge to the people we serve.

About the Project Knitwell Volunteers

About Ilene Gast

Ilene Gast

I have been knitting since childhood, learning when I received a knitting kit as a gift.  Knitting allows me to combine color and texture, transforming long strings of yarn into aesthetically pleasing, functional items.  I knit all manner of objects, but my favorites are wild colored socks and unusually shaped shawls.

Although finishing a knitted object is satisfying, it is secondary to the process of knitting. The rhythm of knitting is relaxing; it never fails to relieve stress.  At the end of graduate school, I not only completed a degree, but also created a series of “dissertation sweaters.”  Knitting also lets me take leave of myself.  When I am knitting for someone else, which is often, I can virtually spend time with that person.  Or, if I use yarn acquired in a special place, I am transported back in time and space.  Add portability to these benefits—I can take it with me!

However, most of all, I enjoy sharing the art and craft of knitting with others. I am fortunate to have discovered Project Knitwell, an organization dedicated to bringing the benefits of knitting to people in stressful situations.  I am doubly grateful to be part of the Schar ISC Artist in Residence program.