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An Invitation to Healing

A 6-week online, small group experience in Self-Care

The staff of Smith Center for Healing and the Arts invite you to participate in a new program they have designed and are calling: An Invitation to Healing. The program is designed for cancer patients/survivors at any point in their cancer journey, who wish to explore what it means to heal, and experience practices that have been shown to promote physical, social, emotional and spiritual well-being.

An Invitation to Healing is a 6-week, small group online program that creates a unique space for conversations about the meaning of healing, pathways to health, and defining personal well-being.

Participants will be able to experience evidence-based healing practices.

Practices will include moving more, eating well, managing stress, sleeping better, sharing support, and using written and visual arts to express oneself.


The program is offered virtually twice a week for six weeks: one 2-hour educational session on Tuesdays, and a second 2-hour session on Thursdays that includes 30 minutes of yoga/tai chi/qigong and 2 hours of group therapy each week (see attached program content and schedule).

Click here to review the Program Schedule.

Click here for more details on the Who/What/Where/When of the program.

Program calendar

Program Details

  • Group is limited to 7 participants

  • The cost of the 6-week program is $600. We have limited partial scholarship funding available on a first come, first served basis. So, if you are interested, we encourage you to apply early.

To maximize sharing, learning and the power of group support, participants are expected to attend the full program.

Click here to submit an application to attend An Invitation to Healing.

About An Invitation to Healing Staff

About Carla Stillwagon – Logistics & Tech Support

Carla serves as the Cancer Support Program & Retreat Coordinator at Smith Center. During her time at the center, Carla has been inspired to further develop her commitment to the arts and their invaluable role in healing and community. She has completed Compassion Cultivation Training™, an 8-week program, developed at Stanford University, with insights and techniques from psychology, neuroscience, and contemplative practice, as well as a professional training in Mind-Body Medicine with The Center for Mind-Body Medicine in Washington, DC.

About Carole O’Toole – Session Leader

Carole O'Toole

Smith Center’s Spiritual Companion, Carole O’Toole, was called to companion others following her cancer experience that led her to explore how illness offers opportunities for spiritual growth. Since 2006 Carole has served in many roles at Smith Center, including Director of Residential Retreats, Director of the Institute of Integrative Oncology Navigation, Director of Smith Center’s Integrative Navigation Training Program, and as a member of and mentor for our integrative navigation team. Carole has completed her training in Spiritual Direction from The Haden Institute, with a particular focus on grief and loss and the spiritual challenges of living with cancer.

About Cathryn Pethick, AA, AYS, C-IAYT – Movement Facilitator

Chef Cathryn Pethick

Cathryn Pethick, AA, AYS, C-IAYT is a certified yoga therapist and teacher, Ayurveda specialist, and professional chef- whole foods cooking and nutrition instructor. She shares those skills with private clients through her own Well-Being, founded in 2012, and is on staff with Maryland University of Integrative Health’s Masters in Nutrition degree program. At Smith Center, Cathryn teaches cooking and nutrition classes, gentle yoga, and contributes to Smith Center’s wonderful  integrative cancer support retreats as chef and yoga therapist. She has decades of experience in diverse culinary settings, practicing/teaching yoga from a therapeutic perspective, meditation, and the study of Ayurveda, diverse spiritual  and philosophical traditions, and Oriental healing/martial arts. Cathryn shares the intention of nourishing well-being for us individually and as a collective with yoga, meditation and food-as-medicine, by cultivating the healing power of balance, optimal nutrition that supports our vitality, and compassionate presence that nurtures us all.

About Deborah Steele, ATRCreativity Facilitator

Deb Steele, M.Ed., ATR, is a registered art therapist who has worked with cancer patients and their caregivers since receiving her Master’s degree in art therapy at the University of New Mexico. 

She herself is a survivor of two different breast cancers at ages 37 and 65.

Deb developed and managed the Patient and Family Support Services Program at Dartmouth-Hitchcock’s Norris Cancer Center for 15 years before her retirement. Deb also worked with oncologists and palliative care staff to identify and initiate complementary therapies that would benefit the well-being of patients and their family members/caregivers. She has led many cancer-related support groups and retreats. Deb is currently leading creativity groups for survivors of domestic abuse and therapeutic art groups for women in Lebanon, NH.

About Jennifer Bires, MSW, LICSW, OSW-CGroup Leader

Jennifer Bires

Jennifer Bires is the Executive Director of Life with Cancer and Patient Experience for the Inova Schar Cancer Institute. She previously served as the Executive Director at Smith Center for Healing and the Arts in Washington, DC after almost a decade of experience as an oncology social worker in the DC area. Jennifer has a passion for improving access to psychosocial services for those impacted by cancer. She specializes in working with Young Adults who have been diagnosed with cancer, end of life concerns and issues and sexual health. She was awarded the 2017 Oncology Social Worker of the Year award from the Association of Oncology Social Workers.

About Julia Rowland, PhD – Program Outreach & Support

Julia Rowland

Julia Rowland, PhD, who joined Smith Center in October 2017, comes to this position as a long-time clinician, researcher and teacher in the area of psychosocial aspects of cancer. She has worked with and conducted competitively funded research among both pediatric and adult cancer survivors and their families, and published broadly in psycho-oncology, including co-editing, along with Dr. Jimmie Holland, the ground-breaking text, Handbook of Psychooncology.  She has also been a frequent speaker on cancer survivorship, or life after cancer, for both professional and lay audiences.

Julia received her PhD in Developmental Psychology from Columbia University and completed a post-doctoral fellowship at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in psychosocial oncology. While at MSKCC, where she held joint appointments in pediatrics and neurology, Julia helped to develop and was the first Director of the Post-Treatment Resource Program, one of the first non-medical survivorship care programs to be offered by a major cancer center in the U.S. In 1990 she moved with her husband and two young children to Washington, DC to become founding Director of the Psycho-Oncology Program at Georgetown University and the Lombardi Cancer Center. There she helped expand services to meet the psychosocial needs of cancer patients and families, launched some of the first quality of life clinical trials, and also introduced a program to enable first year medical students to learn the art of caring for those living through and beyond cancer from survivors themselves and Lombardi faculty. Nine years later, in September of 1999, she was recruited to the National Cancer Institute to become the first, full-time Director of the Office of Cancer Survivorship, a position in which she served for 18 years, championing the growth of survivorship research and care, before stepping down in September 2017 to assume her new role at Smith Center. Although new to the team, Julia is no stranger to Smith Center. She knew Smith Center’s founder, Barbara Smith Coleman, and has volunteered her expertise across the years as a speaker, group leader and staff member for both the 1-day and weeklong residential retreats. Julia brings to her new role a passion to translate what research has taught us about healing in the context of cancer to the broader community, in essence, taking the science of survivorship from the lab bench to the park bench.

About Laura Pole, RN, MSN, ChefNutrition & Music Facilitator

Laura Pole

Laura, Director of Smith Center’s Nourishment Education Programs, has served as the head retreat chef and nurse consultant since 1997. She is an Oncology Clinical Nurse Specialist and Integrative Oncology Navigator with over 40 years experience in caring for people with serious illness. She is also a Certified Health Supportive Chef, professional musician and Nia body-mind fitness instructor. Her popular cooking classes are centered on culinary translation: that is, helping  participants translate a diet prescription to a plate of nourishing delicious food. Laura is the founder of “Eating for a Lifetime,” a consulting business dedicated to teaching individuals and professionals about health supportive eating and food preparation. In addition to Laura’s work with nourishment, she is the co-coordinator of Smith Center’s Patient Navigation Training in Integrative Cancer Care. Laura also serves as coordinator of the “Media Watch Cancer News That You Can Use” listserv.

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, register by clicking the RSVP button above or by emailing

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Laura Pole, RN, MSN, Chef

Healing in the Kitchen with Laura

Healing in the Kitchen with Laura

Are you ready to get creative with Chef Laura and riff with a twist on a few Thanksgiving favorites? What about all those leftovers that are longing for a transformation between the storage container and your plate?


Join us on November 6 for a fun class that’ll give you new menu ideas for your Thanksgiving Day and the day after and the day after that!


What might be on the menu? It depends on what leftovers Chef Laura finds. Hint: You’re likely see winter squashes, kale, and cranberries transformed before your very eyes!

Suggested Donation: $10

About Laura Pole, RN, MSN, Chef

Laura Pole

Laura, Director of Smith Center’s Nourishment Education Programs, has served as the head retreat chef and nurse consultant since 1997. She is an Oncology Clinical Nurse Specialist and Integrative Oncology Navigator with over 40 years experience in caring for people with serious illness. She is also a Certified Health Supportive Chef, professional musician and Nia body-mind fitness instructor. Her popular cooking classes are centered on culinary translation: that is, helping  participants translate a diet prescription to a plate of nourishing delicious food. Laura is the founder of “Eating for a Lifetime,” a consulting business dedicated to teaching individuals and professionals about health supportive eating and food preparation. In addition to Laura’s work with nourishment, she is the co-coordinator of Smith Center’s Patient Navigation Training in Integrative Cancer Care. Laura also serves as coordinator of the “Media Watch Cancer News That You Can Use” listserv.

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, register by clicking the RSVP button above or by emailing

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Kathleen O’Toole

Writing Through the Seasons

Spirit and Shadow in Autumn

Between the fall equinox and Samhain (Halloween), we’ll tune into the changing colors and light of autumn, the migratory birds and shifts in our imagination and dreams that this season brings. Autumn can be a time of melancholy and letting go, or whimsy and ghost stories.

Bring a notebook, sketchbook and any autumn memories that are special to you.

Kathleen O’Toole is a poet whose work with haiku and other short poetic forms is deeply rooted in attention to the natural world. These three workshops will guide participants through poetry forms and writing practices that invite us to explore the ways season changes bring special opportunities for healing and creativity. The ancient Celts celebrated cross-quarter days as moments of magic and openings to spirit and ritual; we’ll mark our own seasonal awareness.

Writing Through the Seasons will be offered as a program series, spread over the seasons, beginning in Fall 2021.

Program Dates: 

  • Saturday, October 9th, 10:00-11:30am ET
  • Saturday, February 5th, 10:00-11:30am ET
  • Saturday, May 14th, 10:00-11:30am ET

Suggested Donation: $10/session or $25/series

About Kathleen O’Toole

Kathleen O'Toole

Takoma Park Poet Laureate Kathleen O’Toole is the author of 4 books of poetry (find her at She has taught writing at Johns Hopkins University and the Maryland Institute College of Art. As evident in her longer work, she often seeks inspiration and consolation in nature. For more than thirty years she has been writing haiku as a spiritual practice of attention, and to deepen her experience of the natural world.

This program series has been postponed. Please check back for future dates.

with Bobbie Marchand

Tools for Living Authentically with Cancer

In the midst of Cancer’s wake, what if you could:

  • Cultivate practices of self-care that align with your highest values that are nurturing and healing
  • Manage the feelings and energies of anxiety/fear/sadness/confusion/frustration that inevitably arise
  • Discover empowering ways to communicate with your circles of support and Medical Team
  • Know yourself in a deeper, more connected way that prepares you for the journey ahead and within


As a two-time Survivor and the Daughter of a four-time Survivor, Cancer has been a part of my life for decades. It is my hope in this series to share with you, ways we have coped, dealt and healed along the way. Every journey is deeply personal, these tools are universal; for everyone, to take and shape to fit your own unique circumstances. Registrants should bring with them:

  • A new, fresh journal that’s only for this work
  • Pen and pencil
  • Wear clothes that are comfortable

Tools for Living Authentically with Cancer will be offered as a 2-part program series to cancer patients/survivors at any point in their journey.

Program Series Dates:

  • Saturday, October 30th, 10:00-11:15am ET
  • Saturday, November 6th, 10:00-11:15am ET

Participants are expected to attend both sessions in the 2-part series.

Suggested Donation: $25/series

About Bobbie Marchand

In addition to being a two-time Breast Cancer Survivor (BRCA1+), she is a dedicated Mom, accomplished Yoga Instructor, avid Cook and Wellness Advocate. As a former Professional Dancer, Bobbie has always leaned into life through the lens of Movement and the Healing Arts; helping her make sense of the un-sensical, finding a sense of purpose in the many twists and turns experienced along the way. She is passionate about uncovering the ways in which Cancer can inform, rather than define our lives as patients; how such a disease has the potential to clear a path to live more fully, humbly and in deeper connection to ourselves and what we truly value in life.

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, register by clicking the RSVP button above or by emailing

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Alexis Reale

Therapeutic Creative Dance

Therapeutic Creative Dance

Dance/movement therapy offers individuals the opportunity to strengthen the mind/body connection, engage in nonverbal communication, and to improve our overall health and wellbeing.


Defined by the American Dance Therapy Association as the “psychotherapeutic use of movement to promote emotional, social, cognitive and physical integration of the individual,” dance/movement therapy recognizes that we can create changes in the body to reflect lasting changes in the mind.


Join us for collective creative expression through dance, writing, art-making and verbal integration. Class includes both individual exploration as well as partner exercises to foster meaning-making through self-exploration and connection with others. Class typically involves a check in, an individual improvisation warm up, individual movement exploration around a theme, partner work, journaling/art making, and a final discussion.


The class is open to individuals with all levels of experience and ability around movement. You do not need to have dance experience, only a willingness to move, and class can be done standing, seated, lying down or wherever is best for your comfort.

Therapeutic Creative Dance will be hosted Weekly on Fridays from 12:30-1:30pm ET.

No dance experience is required! Class can be done standing, seated, lying down or wherever is best for your comfort.

Suggested Donation: $10/session or $25/month

About Alexis Reale

Alexis Reale

Alexis is entering her third and final year of her Master’s degree program in Dance/Movement Therapy and Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Lesley University. Alexis is currently an intern at the Cancer Support Community of the Greater Lehigh Valley where she leads dance/movement therapy groups and 1:1 sessions with clients. Alexis previously interned at Dominion Hospital in Falls Church, Virginia, and continues to be under the supervision of dance/movement therapist Jody Wager. Alexis leads dance/movement therapy groups for adults, individuals living with chronic pain, and for older adults in assisted living communities. A lifelong dancer, Alexis believes that anyone can dance, and is delighted to be able to bring the healing power of movement to the Smith Center.

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, register by clicking the RSVP button above or by emailing

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Alexis Reale

Therapeutic Creative Dance

Therapeutic Creative Dance

Dance/movement therapy offers individuals the opportunity to strengthen the mind/body connection, engage in nonverbal communication, and to improve our overall health and wellbeing.


Defined by the American Dance Therapy Association as the “psychotherapeutic use of movement to promote emotional, social, cognitive and physical integration of the individual,” dance/movement therapy recognizes that we can create changes in the body to reflect lasting changes in the mind.


Join us for collective creative expression through dance, writing, art-making and verbal integration. Class includes both individual exploration as well as partner exercises to foster meaning-making through self-exploration and connection with others. Class typically involves a check in, an individual improvisation warm up, individual movement exploration around a theme, partner work, journaling/art making, and a final discussion.


The class is open to individuals with all levels of experience and ability around movement. You do not need to have dance experience, only a willingness to move, and class can be done standing, seated, lying down or wherever is best for your comfort.

Therapeutic Creative Dance will be hosted Weekly on Fridays from 12:30-1:30pm ET.

No dance experience is required! Class can be done standing, seated, lying down or wherever is best for your comfort.

Suggested Donation: $10/session or $25/month

About Alexis Reale

Alexis Reale

Alexis is entering her third and final year of her Master’s degree program in Dance/Movement Therapy and Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Lesley University. Alexis is currently an intern at the Cancer Support Community of the Greater Lehigh Valley where she leads dance/movement therapy groups and 1:1 sessions with clients. Alexis previously interned at Dominion Hospital in Falls Church, Virginia, and continues to be under the supervision of dance/movement therapist Jody Wager. Alexis leads dance/movement therapy groups for adults, individuals living with chronic pain, and for older adults in assisted living communities. A lifelong dancer, Alexis believes that anyone can dance, and is delighted to be able to bring the healing power of movement to the Smith Center.

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, register by clicking the RSVP button above or by emailing

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Alexis Reale

Therapeutic Creative Dance

Therapeutic Creative Dance

Dance/movement therapy offers individuals the opportunity to strengthen the mind/body connection, engage in nonverbal communication, and to improve our overall health and wellbeing.


Defined by the American Dance Therapy Association as the “psychotherapeutic use of movement to promote emotional, social, cognitive and physical integration of the individual,” dance/movement therapy recognizes that we can create changes in the body to reflect lasting changes in the mind.


Join us for collective creative expression through dance, writing, art-making and verbal integration. Class includes both individual exploration as well as partner exercises to foster meaning-making through self-exploration and connection with others. Class typically involves a check in, an individual improvisation warm up, individual movement exploration around a theme, partner work, journaling/art making, and a final discussion.


The class is open to individuals with all levels of experience and ability around movement. You do not need to have dance experience, only a willingness to move, and class can be done standing, seated, lying down or wherever is best for your comfort.

Therapeutic Creative Dance will be hosted Weekly on Fridays from 12:30-1:30pm ET.

No dance experience is required! Class can be done standing, seated, lying down or wherever is best for your comfort.

Suggested Donation: $10/session or $25/month

About Alexis Reale

Alexis Reale

Alexis is entering her third and final year of her Master’s degree program in Dance/Movement Therapy and Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Lesley University. Alexis is currently an intern at the Cancer Support Community of the Greater Lehigh Valley where she leads dance/movement therapy groups and 1:1 sessions with clients. Alexis previously interned at Dominion Hospital in Falls Church, Virginia, and continues to be under the supervision of dance/movement therapist Jody Wager. Alexis leads dance/movement therapy groups for adults, individuals living with chronic pain, and for older adults in assisted living communities. A lifelong dancer, Alexis believes that anyone can dance, and is delighted to be able to bring the healing power of movement to the Smith Center.

If you missed Part 1 of the workshop series, please email for registration.

with Jamie Katz


Awe Photo by Jamie Katz
Awe in New Zealand by Jamie Katz
Awe is defined by Merriam Webster’s dictionary as “an emotion variously combining dread, veneration, and wonder that is inspired by authority or by the sacred or sublime”. Awe can be broken down into two unique parts: perceived vastness and mental accommodation. Awe has the potential to create positive changes in the way a person experiences the world by making her feel a connection to something greater than herself.
In this workshop, we will watch awe-evoking videos and write about personal awe-inspiring experiences. Since awe is an emotion that can bond groups of people together, reflecting and sharing your experiences is highly encouraged. In the second part of this series, we will reframe our understanding of awe and learn to incorporate these powerful, emotional experiences into our everyday lives.

Experiencing Awe Workshop will be offered in two parts: 

  • Part 1: Thursday, October 14th, 7:00-8:15pm ET
  • Part 2: Thursday, October 28th, 7:00-8:15pm ET

Suggested Donation: $10/session or $15/program (both sessions)

Participants are encouraged to attend both parts to get the most out of the workshop. Please let us know in advance if you are unable to attend both parts.

About Jamie Katz

Jamie Katz
Jamie Katz is an aspiring social psychologist whose past research has focused on the effects of experiencing awe. She is a DC area native who currently works at American University, and she graduated from the University of Richmond in Virginia. Jamie will pursue a graduate degree in psychology so that she can continue to research healing practices and interventions through a deeper understanding of the brain’s processes of experiencing emotions and social connections.

This program series is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, register by clicking the RSVP button above or by emailing

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

with Jamie Katz

Experiencing Awe Photo by Jamie Katz
Awe in New Zealand by Jamie Katz

Experiencing Awe: 2-part Workshop

Awe is defined by Merriam Webster’s dictionary as “an emotion variously combining dread, veneration, and wonder that is inspired by authority or by the sacred or sublime”. Awe can be broken down into two unique parts: perceived vastness and mental accommodation. Awe has the potential to create positive changes in the way a person experiences the world by making her feel a connection to something greater than herself.
In this workshop, we will watch awe-evoking videos and write about personal awe-inspiring experiences. Since awe is an emotion that can bond groups of people together, reflecting and sharing your experiences is highly encouraged. In the second part of this series, we will reframe our understanding of awe and learn to incorporate these powerful, emotional experiences into our everyday lives.

Experiencing Awe Workshop will be offered in two parts: 

  • Part 1: Thursday, October 14th, 7:00-8:15pm ET
  • Part 2: Thursday, October 28th, 7:00-8:15pm ET

Suggested Donation: $10/session or $15/program (both sessions)

Participants are encouraged to attend both parts to get the most out of the workshop. Please let us know in advance if you are unable to attend both parts.

About Jamie Katz

Jamie Katz
Jamie Katz is an aspiring social psychologist whose past research has focused on the effects of experiencing awe. She is a DC area native who currently works at American University, and she graduated from the University of Richmond in Virginia. Jamie will pursue a graduate degree in psychology so that she can continue to research healing practices and interventions through a deeper understanding of the brain’s processes of experiencing emotions and social connections.

This program is being offered virtually through Zoom. In order to participate and receive the Zoom link, register by clicking the RSVP button above or by emailing

You will receive the Zoom information no later than the morning of your program.

In Partnership with Life with Cancer and Hope Connections

Hot Topics for Young Adults: I Swear You Aren’t Crazy: Impacts of a Young Adult Cancer Diagnosis on Your Mental Health

Receiving a cancer diagnosis at any age is a shock to the system. But for a young adult, it is even more unexpected, traumatic, and often finds us stumbling in the dark. Explore the impact that a cancer diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship has on a young adult. We will also review the unique barriers to the young adult cancer population, what’s “normal,” and when to ask for help. Learn some basic coping strategies for dealing with life when it feels like you are struggling just to tread water every day. Facilitated by Oncology Certified Social Worker, Courtney Weaver, LSCW. Courtney is an oncology clinical therapist with Inova’s Life with Cancer program.

About Hope Connections

Hope Connections for Cancer Support

Our mission: To help people with cancer and their loved ones deal with the emotional and physical impact of cancer through participation in professionally facilitated programs of emotional support, education, wellness, and hope.


About Life with Cancer

Inova Life with Cancer

Life with Cancer, a program of the Inova Schar Cancer Institute, has become Northern Virginia’s leading cancer education and support organization. We offer a variety of programs and services for patients, survivors, and their family members to help individuals cope with cancer, its treatments, and survivorship in the best possible way.

About Us